Jihadis exploiting democracy, within non-moslem jurisdictions.[Moslems just can't help themselves, they have to.]
So long as non-moslem jurisdictions
continue to accede to, and appease moslem demands for a 'cultural' 'accommodation' of the moslem community, the Slow Jihad will continue, apace.
After all, if the non-moslem jurisdiction is itself, slowly empowering moslems, and acceding to its own slow ISLAMISATION, why should the moslem community complain???
But eventually all good things must come to an end!
A 'Tipping point' will eventually be reached, where many persons within the non-moslem jurisdiction will begin to recognise what is happening;
The slow [Jihad] ISLAMISATION of the non-moslem jurisdiction has progressed to the point, where the moslem community has achieved a measure of empowerment, and some real political influence, upon 'public policy' within the wider non-moslem jurisdiction.
and propitious to themselves, moslems begin to agitate for special concessions in law, which are available to, and apply to, only moslems.
And many persons within non-moslem jurisdictions now begin to recognise, that what moslems desire and aspire to, is a legal duality within the wider non-moslem jurisdiction.
Non-moslems begin to realise that what moslems really want, and what moslems are insisting upon [as a right], is (a) legal apartheid, where some laws apply to, and favour only moslems.
Non-moslems begin to realise that what moslems seek is a law sanctioned discrimination, against non-moslems, an injustice [placed upon, suffered by non-moslems, to the cost of non-moslems, and their culture].
The 'Tipping point' has been reached for moslems.
When the moslem community sees that there is a new widespread opposition to making special concessions in law [exclusively for the benefit of moslems], the moslem community will start using words like, 'discrimination', 'intolerance', 'bigotry', 'racism', 'oppressing moslems'.
When the 'Slow Jihad' becomes ineffectual, the moslem community will abandon the 'Slow Jihad'.
And a new 'Hot Jihad' will ensue, due to the 'oppression' of moslems by non-moslems [defending their cultural mores].
Live in peace till strong enough to wage jihad, says UK Deoband scholar to Muslims
London, Sept.8 [2007]
A Deobandi scholar believes Muslims should *preach* peace till they are strong enough to undertake a jihad, or a holy war.
Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, *only until* they gain enough power to engage in battle.http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article2409833.eceDecember 31, 2007
Pakistani cleric: "We want Islamic law for all Pakistan and then the world. We would like to do this by preaching. But if not then we would use force."http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/019399.phpDEFINITIONS;
Slow Jihad = = Is where an informal truce with non-moslem jurisdictions is maintained, by moslems living within those non-moslem jurisdictions.
This truce will be maintained, so long as non-moslems continue to accede to empowering moslem influence, within the non-moslem jurisdiction.
Tipping point = = This is the point where moslems within non-moslem jurisdictions abandon Slow Jihad, for Aggressive Jihad, and/or Hot Jihad.
The 'Tipping point' is the point at which 'moderate' moslems 'revert to type' and become good moslems.
It is the point at which moslems abandon the pretence of their tolerance of the authority of the non-moslem jurisdiction.
It is the point at which moslems reveal themselves to be, what they are, what they have always been,
...good moslems.
Once the 'Tipping point' has been reached, moslems engage in;
Aggressive Jihad = = Where moslem communities engage in 'justified' open criticism of, and aggression towards, non-moslems, for their 'oppression' of, and 'discrimination' against moslems.
Hot Jihad = = Open violence against non-moslems, hot fighting in Allah's cause.
Hot Jihad = = where moslems revert to, and reveal, what and who, moslems have always been;
Good moslems.There are no 'moderate' moslems.
Because, ...there is no moderate ISLAM.