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Majority of aussies worried about muslims (Read 10287 times)
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Re: Majority of aussies worried about muslims
Reply #30 - Mar 3rd, 2011 at 6:06am
abu_rashid wrote on Mar 2nd, 2011 at 11:50pm:
The simple fact is that Muslims are being subject to much the same sentiments that most other migrant groups have been in the past. There's nothing really new about it. And bearing in mind that Australia is engaged in a war on Islam, and has been for at least the past 20 years (beginning with the initial invasion of Iraq), its no surprise that such bigotry would be flaring about now.

The muslim immigration experience is NOTHING like any of the previous experiences of europeans or asians; muslim have no intention of ever fitting in. Muslims are the first lot of immigrants who expect everyone else to adapt without making any effort themselves, no other group has done this or would even dream of doing this.

Maybe mainstrean Australia isn't as weak-minded as you people believe and are not willing to cow-tow to your demands, even thought our gutless pollies are.

I for the most part don't give a sh1t whether you fit in or not, but stop whinging about how we don't appreaciate your presence.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Majority of aussies worried about muslims
Reply #31 - Mar 3rd, 2011 at 6:53am
The muslim immigration experience is NOTHING like any of the previous experiences of europeans or asians; muslim have no intention of ever fitting in.

It's the same. The same aspects all exist, the only difference is they're the new kid on the block.

This daft claim is often repeated about Muslims not "integrating" (Whatever that means anyway), yet if we look at previous migrant communities, we find some of them still very much concentrated in certain areas, even after they've been here twice as long, or more, as most Muslim communities have been here. And if one looks at Jews for instance, they are completely ghettoised. One can goto entire suburbs which are just full of Jews, and few of them live amongst the general population, yet not a single word would dare be breathed about it, as it's not kosher to do so.

Muslims are new, and they are easy targets because of the current political climate, that's about it.

Muslims are the first lot of immigrants who expect everyone else to adapt without making any effort themselves, no other group has done this or would even dream of doing this.

This is just nonsense. The early Muslims who came "fitted in" so well, most are no longer even Muslims or distinguishable from the general population, they ended up intermarrying with the general population and largely disappeared. In the 1960's quite a few Albanians and others came, and again they're pretty much indistinguishable. The Lebanese and Turks and others are much more recent arrivals, and there's nothing at all to suggest they are acting any differently to any other group, perhaps apart from the fact that since Australia is no longer so 'white', there's less need for them to feel they have to pretend to be 'white', which is really what you mean isn't it?

Maybe mainstrean Australia isn't as weak-minded as you people believe and are not willing to cow-tow to your demands, even thought our gutless pollies are.

Since I am not an immigrant, nobody's cow-towing to my demands.

I for the most part don't give a sh1t whether you fit in or not, but stop whinging about how we don't appreaciate your presence.

I have no need to fit in, as I didn't arrive here, as you apparently did. And actually I'm saying the complete opposite, I'm saying Australians appreciate the presence of Muslims just as much as they appreciated the arrival of any other group. Are you agreeing with me?
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salad in
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Re: Majority of aussies worried about muslims
Reply #32 - Mar 3rd, 2011 at 7:44pm
stryder wrote on Mar 2nd, 2011 at 10:56pm:
** I am a New Age Muslim and even I can't stand muslims.  

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Good to know, salad.

Quite frankly Islam and muslims needs some reform to shed itself from its barbarity and medieval thinking thats still entenched in mainstream Islam itself,

Maybe it might happen one day.

That's not so 'good to know'. New Age Muslims hate everyone, even themselves. In our version of Islam the men wear the burqa and stay at home. We must dress modestly. If a woman catches a glimpse of our hair it can turn them into slobbering sex maniacs. Our book, the holy nar'uq, says that we aren't to take other people particularly mainstream muslims as friends.
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The ALP, the progressive party, the party of ideas, the workers' friend, is the only Australian political party to roast four young Australians in roof cavities. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Australian Politics

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Re: Majority of aussies worried about muslims
Reply #33 - Mar 10th, 2011 at 2:24pm
Here's a feel good story that you won't see in the headlines too often:

New apartment projects build on the success of migrants

WITHIN a radius of a few hundred metres of the imposing al-Zahra mosque and school in Sydney's ethnically diverse southwest, a frenetic pace of building activity is under way as trendy apartment blocks rise from old industrial estates.

The mosque is located in Arncliffe, 10km south of the city centre, a place settled mainly by Lebanese Muslims since the 1970s that was once feared to be an ethnic enclave of crime and unemployment.

Directly across the road from the mosque, the earthworks are under way for a 182-unit complex as cement mixers come and go from the dusty site. Down the road, three cranes work steadily to put together a huge apartment complex as though it were a Meccano set. In the next suburb, one of Sydney's biggest shopping complexes is being built.

The latest wave of Muslim migrants are getting jobs and starting successful businesses. They are buying houses, often using Islamic credit, and they are having big families. And all of this explains why shopping centres and neighbourhoods are being rapidly rebuilt as this ethnic baby boom drives growth.

Muslim neighbourhoods are being transformed by rising affluence, a result that supports the claim by Immigration Minister Chris Bowen that multiculturalism in Australia is working.

The Muslim heartlands in our major cities are thriving places -- surprisingly so. Unlike in Britain and Europe, the migrants allowed into Australia have skills that enable them to make the most of our strong economy, says Oliver Marc Hartwich from the Centre for Independent Studies.

Mr Hartwich says immigration has been more successful than in Europe because Australia has demanded more of immigrants in terms of skills, language ability and willingness to integrate.

Migrants from the Middle East are the latest wave and some may appear less willing to integrate, but they are earning good money and spending it.

David Tanana, 18, who is studying construction at TAFE, says people in his community are working mainly in trades and they are doing very well.

Asked what changed in his area while he was growing up, he says: "People are working more. They are more successful now, they have got more money. You can see the cars, the houses."

Mr Tanana's own family experience tells the story. A decade ago his family moved from a small house into a two-storey home with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. His brother works in a bank, his sister in a call centre.

Mr Tanana works part time in the industrial bakery owned by his extended family. The business turns out 7000 to 10,000 packets of Lebanese bread every day.

He plans to go into franchise building. At school, in Years 11 and 12, he completed courses in construction, occupation health and safety, and first aid.

His aunt, Hala Beydoun, has worked at the bakery for 20 years, and has seen families in the area do well. Many now own houses and they typically have four or five children, she says.

Eman Omran, who sells apartments in the complex next to the mosque, says people from trendy inner suburbs are looking to buy because it is affordable and has good transport connections. The complex, which will feature a pool and a gym, has also attracted a lot of Asian investors.

These changes do not mean that problems don't exist as people from diverse backgrounds rub up against each other. There clearly are some minorities who have little interest in mainstream Australian culture and values, and little interest in integrating.

Tensions remain in Arncliffe after youths last year vandalised the local cenotaph before Anzac Day. Police said they were looking for youths of Middle Eastern appearance, but no one was arrested.

David Clark, the general manager of Arncliffe RSL, says "an uneasy truce" between the Muslim youths and established residents remains. But a council worker who looks after the park disagrees, saying there is rarely any trouble and all of the young people in the park go there to play soccer.


I can see why people would be afraid of them, they are becoming successful, just like the Italians, Greeks and Vietnamese before them.
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andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: Majority of aussies worried about muslims
Reply #34 - Mar 10th, 2011 at 6:46pm
I can see why people would be afraid of them, they are becoming successful, just like the Italians, Greeks and Vietnamese before them

Actually that's always been the reason Anglo-Aussies have despised immigrants. They consider them to be "opportunity-usurpers". According to the Hanson-wannabes, immigrants should not prosper until all white Australians have prospered first. After all us whiteys have been here for hundreds of years, and if some newcomer wants to come and prosper, then he should get into line and wait till we're all done being prosperous first. They're all a pack of queue-jumpers these immigrants, as the Hanson-wannabe mentality goes.

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At my desk.
Re: Majority of aussies worried about muslims
Reply #35 - Mar 15th, 2011 at 9:37pm

Abu, do you think this is a fair way to address people's concerns without over-reacting?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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