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islam and jews (Read 26584 times)
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islam and jews
Mar 7th, 2011 at 5:38pm
i never really understood the hatred muslims and jews have for each other, surley the has to be more reason then israel.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #1 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 6:01pm
Prior to the creation of the modern state of Israel (in 1948), Jews and Muslims (and Arabs prior to Islam) lived together for 1000's of years.

Tell me bob, if a people, let's say Muslims, booted most Aussies from their homes, and turned Australia into a state exclusively for Muslims, do you think the average Aussie might hate Muslims a bit? Many Aussies already hate Muslims merely for being different to them, imagine if we booted them out of their homes.
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Re: islam and jews
Reply #2 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:02pm
That was not convincing at all Abu, try a bit harder. This is some answers for you and the answers are many!

It is actually a biblical event. It has to do with Ishamel and Isaac. Also, it is believed that Esau and Jacob are involved. When Isaac, father of Jacob and Esau was ready to sleep, He blessed the minor(Jacob) and not Esau, so the blessing was, that all his brothers would bow and serve him(Israel/Jacob). Esau then run away and started the arab people or something like that which later became Muslim mainly. If you read in Genesis chapters 27 and on. So up to this day, they fight. Plus, the Jews fight because they want the land that the Muslims are occupying where the Dome of the Rock is, because that's where the Jews need to re-build the temple of the Lord
The reason why they hate Jews is because: 1. they kill them. example Gaza. they've killed over 250 people, and the majority are civilians. 2. apparently the Jews want to over take their country.

Some believe that the Jews have been keeping a sense of hatred towards the Muslims when Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen as the offical last Prophet for humankind till eternity. They believe this problem among the Jews and the Arabs did not happen before Islam came. Both tribes lived happily and respected each other before Muhammad announced his prophethood. As Muhammad came from the Arab lineage, this led to anger and frustration amongst the Jews as they were hoping that their promised Messiah would be among the Jews itself. They did not accept that their Messiah was not from their own kind. They believe the Jews kept hating Muslims and tried to destroy them.
One reason why Arabs hate Jews is because they believe that Jews have been oppressing the Palestinians and other Arabs, and that includes children, the elderly, and women, destroying homes and that this cannot be tolerated in the interests of world peace.
Some also believe that when Islam was civilised and glorified centuries ago, the Jews were treated fairly and that their rights were respected and recognised. Muslims thought of them as their friend and let the Jews lived with them on the same land, using the same natural resources without any barrier. All were equal in the eyes of the Muslims. Only Jews who hate and wanted to destroy Islam were the ones who cannot be tolerated by the Muslims. Muslims or the Arabs do not hate all Jews. This is one of the misconceptions that should be corrected.

However the main reason these days is Prior to the Balfour Declaration at the end of World War II, the area now known as Israel/Palestine was governed by Britain, and Jews and Arabs both lived there in peace, mostly as subsistence farmers. The Allied decision to create "a Jewish State" to house the displaced Jews of Europe (in part so they would not have to absorb the refugees themselves) rapidly increased the numbers of Jews in Israel. Israel's Arab neighbors immediately declared war on Israel. Since then, fanatics on both sides have perpetuated the myth that Jews and Arabs cannot live in peace, that one community or the other must be driven out. Generations have grown up seeing loved ones slaughtered and both sides have embraced vengeance.
And yet there are groups of Palestinians and Arabs struggling for peace, convinced that conflict is not inevitable. Let us pray they will eventually prevail.

This is the part where Abu Dissects and minipulates everything in the post. But according to him it has only to do with the Jews being giving land after a mass Genecide of the Jewish people. Understandable considering the amount Holy site's and land they had to give up but seriously the Jews were almost entirley wiped out by Hitler and zero compassion was given to them by the Muslim people of the area. After what the Jewish people went through they will never again let it happen.

See to conclude they have been fighting for the best oart fo two centuries.

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Australian Politics

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #3 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:23pm
abu_rashid wrote on Mar 7th, 2011 at 6:01pm:
Prior to the creation of the modern state of Israel (in 1948), Jews and Muslims (and Arabs prior to Islam) lived together for 1000's of years.

Tell me bob, if a people, let's say Muslims, booted most Aussies from their homes, and turned Australia into a state exclusively for Muslims, do you think the average Aussie might hate Muslims a bit? Many Aussies already hate Muslims merely for being different to them, imagine if we booted them out of their homes.

i understand were your coming from abu rashid, i dont necessary agree with israel, bbut what i mean is the sterotypes that jews control the world, theyre evil, all they want is money, they cant be trusted, and the stereo type that all muslims are terrorist now i no thats not true. i ve done abit research on the innternet and it seems this has been going on for ever

by the way in no way am i trying to attack youre religion
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Re: islam and jews
Reply #4 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:44pm
I have a final solution for the Jewish question.

We should give them an equal amount of coastline & land in Australia to live on.
We have 12,000 miles of coastline - we can spare 100 miles of it
& the Jews can live happily there.
Of course they wouldn't be allowed to bring their nuclear or other weapons with them.
That way they will be a long way away from any Arabs & we will all know peace.

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #5 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:57pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:44pm:
I have a final solution for the Jewish question.

We should give them an equal amount of coastline & land in Australia to live on.
We have 12,000 miles of coastline - we can spare 100 miles of it
& the Jews can live happily there.
Of course they wouldn't be allowed to bring their nuclear or other weapons with them.
That way they will be a long way away from any Arabs & we will all know peace.

smack that, they breed like rabbits - promise them 100km of land and they'll feel entitled take the lot...

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Lamenting the shift in the Australian psyche, away from the egalitarian ideal of the fair-go - and the rise of short-sighted pollies, who worship the 'Growth Fairy' and seek to divide and conquer!
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Re: islam and jews
Reply #6 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 8:25pm
Equitist wrote on Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:57pm:
Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:44pm:
I have a final solution for the Jewish question.

We should give them an equal amount of coastline & land in Australia to live on.
We have 12,000 miles of coastline - we can spare 100 miles of it
& the Jews can live happily there.
Of course they wouldn't be allowed to bring their nuclear or other weapons with them.
That way they will be a long way away from any Arabs & we will all know peace.

smack that, they breed like rabbits - promise them 100km of land and they'll feel entitled take the lot...

Come on - you need to have faith in mankind.
The alternative is a nuclear war one day -
do you want that?
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #7 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:10pm

bbut what i mean is the sterotypes that jews control the world, theyre evil, all they want is money, they cant be trusted

That's related to this topic?

I don't think anyone can deny that there's a very disproportionate amount of Jews in very high places in many countries around the world. We need look no further than our own government, and the immense influence that Zionist lobby groups have within it, especially in light of the recent events like the deposing of Rudd and the rise of Gillard (a public  Zionist sympathiser). And our government doesn't even come close to the U.S and their subservience to groups like AIPAC.

i ve done abit research on the innternet and it seems this has been going on for ever

This is one of the most commonly peddled myths. Supposedly (according to late night TV evangelists anyway), this is an age old battle between the "Sons of Israel & the Sons of Ishmael". This is just nonsense. The conflict did not begin until the early 20th. century when European Jews began writing books detailing their plan to expel the Arabs from their land and turn it into a Jewish state. When Britain invaded and occupied it during WWI that became a reality, and the conflict was born. This conflict is very recent, and it was specifically engineered by the British.

As the British Prime Minister from the begining of the Zionist colonisation project stated:

“There are people who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources. They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradle of human civilizations and religions. These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another… if per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state, it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects." (Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman)

This is not an ongoing problem or an accident or a natural culmination of people's aspirations, it's a very cold, calculated state of affairs, that was deliberately brought about, in order for Britain, and later the U.S, to fulfill their foreign policy goals in the region.

Prior to the 20th. century, Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine, as they were in all Arabic countries. We are told the British merely tried to reconcile the differences between two people living in a land, but in fact they brought most of the Jews to the land, there not there before the 1900's.

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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: islam and jews
Reply #8 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:13pm
I have a final solution for the Jewish question.

We should give them an equal amount of coastline & land in Australia to live on.
We have 12,000 miles of coastline - we can spare 100 miles of it
& the Jews can live happily there.

Not sure if you're aware, but this was a real plan floated at the time.

A Jewish colony in the Kimberleys

One afternoon in the second half of 1940, 1 was speaking with John Curtin in Collins Street, Melbourne, when a little old man with a greying beard walked past us. Curtin looked hard at him and said to me: 'Do you know that man?' I replied: 'I don't' and Curtin said: 'Well, his name is Steinberg. He was a minister in Lenin's Government and he signed more death warrants than any other man in Russia.' This all seemed very strange to me. I had never heard of Steinberg; nor had I heard that any of Lenin's ministers had come to Australia. I found out later that another one went to Sydney and died there.

I never raised this question with Curtin again and he never mentioned it either. But I could see that this little man, Dr I N Steinberg, was causing him a lot of worry. In 1938, the Lyons Government had signed an agreement at Evian, in France, under which Australia would accept 15,000 political refugees from Germany and Austria during the succeeding three years. In fact, we admitted 6,475 refugees between 1938 and 1945. Once war' broke out in 1939, there was no chance of any more Jews being allowed out of Germany.

Steinberg came to Australia in mid-1939 to try to plant a Jewish colony in the Kimberleys district of north-west Western Australia. He envisaged another area like the State of Israel, built on what he described as seven million acres of virgin soil. From subsequent events and conversations that I had with leading Jewish people in London, I know that Steinberg tried to interest the Rothschilds and other wealthy Jewish people in his scheme, but they did not agree with his proposition. However, Steinberg was indefatigable. He was a man of great ability and great pertinacity. Within a few days of his arrival in Australia, he discussed the whole project with Mr John Collings Willcock, the Labor Premier of Western Australia. Steinberg had arrived in Perth from London as a representative of the Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization. He claimed later that Willcock was agreeable to the proposition. Willcock said: 'Of course, we must have the guarantee that your people will stay in the Jewish settlement, develop it and not leave for the cities to become a charge on the government.' This was a very wise observation on the part of Premier Willcock, and it was the same question that was worrying Curtin. If a Jewish settlement was to be established in the Kimberleys, how could anybody who came under the auspices of the Freeland League be made to stay in the area if he wanted to leave? Curtin knew full well that it would not be long before a number of people from the settlement would become dissatisfied and want to move to Sydney, Melbourne or one of the other State capitals. He knew that that would create problems between the Freeland League and the Western Australian and Commonwealth governments. He also knew that it would cause a great deal of anti-Semitism to grow in the Australian community.

Despite Curtin's hostility to the idea, Steinberg soon enlisted the support of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, a number of church leaders and some sections of the press. Thinking back on it now, it was all so foolish that people could, out of a great humanitarian regard for human suffering, agree to a proposal that was never feasible at any stage. In the first place, there was never enough money to start the project. Secondly, there was no guarantee that the people who went there could be forced to stay there. And the biggest objection was that no part of Australia should ever be handed over to any one race or religion for the establishment of a completely separate entity from the rest of the nation. We believe, in this country, as all democrats do, that when you live in a pluralistic community, every person has the same rights and privileges as any other person. He also has the same responsibilities and duties as any other person. Nobody has the right to establish what could become a ghetto, or any right to the exclusive possession of land to keep out other people.

The ACTU was very keen on Steinberg's scheme. Mr P J Clarey, acting secretary, wrote to Curtin and said: 'The writer has been instructed by the executive committee of the ACTU to convey to you the ACTU's approval of the proposed Jewish settlement in the Kimberleys. This matter has received the earnest consideration of the ACTU during the past two years, and approval and support of the ACTU to the proposed settlement has previously been intimated to the Hon. R G Menzies and the Hon. A W Fadden during their periods as Prime Minister.' It is interesting to note that this letter was written on October 24, 1941, when we were in the depths of war and only seventeen days after Curtin had become Prime Minister.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #9 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:14pm
Curtin had already made up his mind that there would be no such settlement, but that did not deter the ACTU from continuing to press the government. Then on March 31, 1943, when Edward James Holloway was a senior minister in the Curtin Government, he wrote in his personal capacity to Ernest Bevin, then Minister for Labour in the British Cabinet, saying: 'Dr Steinberg's mission to Australia was to establish a Jewish settlement in the unoccupied north-west. The proposed settlement was to be on the lines of the splendid agricultural settlement in Palestine. The Federal Government were giving favourable consideration to the proposal when the war put all projects, other than war, aside.' I am not so sure that the Menzies or Fadden governments ever gave any favourable consideration to the proposition.

Steinberg left Australia in June, 1943, and two months later he wrote to Curtin from Toronto, Canada, urging him to take a personal initiative in hastening his government's decision on the scheme. In the course of his letter, Steinberg said: 'I hope you will not mind if I permit myself to address you this time in a private, informal way. There are some problems concerning the most intimate needs of people that should be considered not as mere political or economic questions but as problems of our common social and moral conscience. It seems, then, that the best way to discuss them is not on the political field, but if possible, from man to man.' Steinberg said that the happiest part of his experience in Australia had been the expressions of sympathy and support he received from members of the Labor Party.

Curtin replied to Steinberg: 'The Commonwealth Government sympathizes with the serious plight of your people in Europe. It will be appreciated, however, that the whole question of immigration into Australia, particularly having regard to the conditions that will exist at the conclusion of hostilities, is one that requires to be fully explored from all aspects. Plans are at present in progress to set up a committee to study various phases of general problems and until recommendations are made by that body, the government is not in a position to formulate a definite policy.'

I was present, as Minister for Information, at a subsequent Cabinet meeting when Curtin appointed an inter-departmental committee to study immigration problems. The committee later opposed the Kimberleys project, and Curtin wrote to Steinberg: 'After mature consideration of all the circumstances ... the government is unable to see its way to depart from the long-established policy in regard to alien settlement in Australia.' Therefore, he said, the government could not entertain 'the proposal for a group settlement of the exclusive type contemplated by the Freeland League.'

However, the ACTU and church leaders continued to support the scheme, and nothing daunted, Steinberg appeared at the first United Nations conference in San Francisco in May, 1945, and took the opportunity to raise the pressing problem of Jewish homelessness before world opinion. He submitted a memorandum to all the delegations at the conference, and he specifically made contact with the leader of the Australian delegation, Mr Frank Forde, who was then Deputy Prime Minister. Forde assured Steinberg that he would discuss the matter fully and favorably with Prime Minister Curtin when he arrived back in Australia. Two months later, Curtin died and Forde succeeded him as Prime Minister for seven days. Forde then wrote to the Freeland League as Prime Minister: 'With reference to your personal representation to me in San Francisco for reconsideration of the government's decision against allowing a Jewish settlement to be established in the Kimberleys district or in some other undeveloped part of Australia, I desire to inform you that further careful consideration has been given to the matter. It has been decided, however, to adhere to the decision previously conveyed to you.'

Mr Chifley was elected Prime Minister in succession to Mr Forde, and Dr Steinberg continued to pursue his fruitless campaign by writing to Chifley while he was in London in April, 1946. Chifley delayed his reply until he returned to Australia. He then wrote: 'Your representations have received full consideration. The Commonwealth Government, however, is unable to see its way to vary its decision concerning this matter. I may add, that as a post-war contribution to the settlement of the problem of finding homes for Jewish refugees, the Commonwealth has issued landing permits since the cessation of hostilities in Europe, in favour of close relatives of Jewish people already settled in Australia.' As Minister for Immigration, I helped Mr Chifley prepare that letter and, as I have explained in another chapter, we did much, much more for the Jewish people who had survived the terrible trials and tribulations they suffered in Europe, than any other country did proportionately. As it turned out, our scheme was a far better one than that propounded by the Freeland League. I think we should all be happy that the Freeland scheme never got off the ground.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #10 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:15pm
In a book called Australia-The Unpromised Land, which he published in 1948, Steinberg wrote: This is where the matter rested after seven years of persistent efforts and negotiation. As Mr Chifley's letter indicates, Australia is willing to help alleviate the plight of the Jews by permitting a number of them to enter its borders as individual migrants, but she is not as yet ready to implement the broader concept of a Jewish colonization. Unfortunately, the Jewish people cannot wait, and thus the Freeland League has been forced to turn its attention to other lands for Jewish resettlement. But I firmly believe that in the 'Book of Jewish Hopes', the Australian chapter is not closed, and that a plan which has aroused the enthusiasm of so many Australians will yet become a reality.

I have never known of any other land where the Freeland League has successfully implemented a scheme of Jewish colonization. And twenty-six years after Prime Minister Chifley's last letter to Dr Steinberg, Australians have no reason to be unhappy or ashamed about what they did to help relieve Jewish homelessness. Neither Dr Steinberg nor anybody else ever told me what was the underlying reason for the creation of the Freeland League. I concluded, when I became Minister for Immigration, that Dr Steinberg and his backers were convinced of three things: There was no future for the three million Jews in Russia, and the Jews living in other European, Asian and African territories; there was not enough room for all these millions of Jews in Israel; it was better to create a second Jewish theocratic state than to increase the Jewish content of pluralistic societies by emigration, which would result ultimately in the loss of most of the emigres and their descendants to Jewry. The Jewish people constitute both a race and a religion and this is something that most non-Jewish peoples in Western countries, including Russia, have never accepted.

Jewish people, over thousands of years, have been torn by schisms and the creation of new sects. To many Jews, Christianity is just another of such sects. Persecuted, dispersed, confined to ghettos and often the victims of pogroms, the Jewish people have clung tenaciously to their 5,000-years-old belief that they are God's chosen people. Twenty years or more ago, I read that the USSR had denounced them as a 'vestigial anachronism'. But all the Jews arriving in Israel today from Russia, as a result of Russia's recent liberalization policy, are often difficult and un-cooperative and unhappy in their new homeland. It will not be long before some of them will be seeking admission to America, Canada and Australia.

The 1917 revolution was warmly welcomed by Russian Jews. They had bitter memories of Czarism and the pogroms, and naturally they helped Lenin in the October revolution. Almost everybody in the Russian public service refused to serve the Bolshevik regime. In the Russian Foreign Office, for instance, all the posts vacated, right down to the charwomen, were taken by Jewish men and women. Leon Trotsky, Grigori Zinoviev and Lev Kameneff are the names of three highly intellectual Jews who joined Lenin's administration. But the anti-semitic feelings of the Russian people have been so long ingrained that Stalin, having purged many Jews in the 1937 faked trials, had arranged for the infamous trial of seven Jewish doctors on bogus charges of having conspired to murder Russia's leaders before death overtook him in 1953. It was this alone that saved his intended victims from extermination.

Dr Steinberg knew all about the 1937 trials, but died before Stalin had planned to murder seven of his co-religionists. There was a time in the early 1930s when many Jews were allowed to leave Russia. I knew several of these people who, as young boys, were members of the Komsomol, the Russian Communist Youth Movement. In Australia, they all became wealthy men. None of them, however, gave any financial or moral support, as far as I know, to the Steinberg plan. They felt, instinctively, that they were part of the 'Babylonian Captivity', the 'Babylonian Exile', and their loyalty was to Zion, which is Israel, and not the Australian Kimberleys, which could never be an alternative Zion.

As for those Australians who supported the Kimberleys settlement, I do not suppose it ever occurred to them to inquire whether Australia had the right to take this land from the Aboriginals in the north-west and give it to people from Europe or from Asia or from Africa. If any people are homeless in Australia today, it is the Aboriginals. They are the only non-European descended people to whom we owe any debt. Some day, I hope, we will do justice to them.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #11 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:23pm
If a Jewish settlement was to be established in the Kimberleys, how could anybody who came under the auspices of the Freeland League be made to stay in the area if he wanted to leave? Curtin knew full well that it would not be long before a number of people from the settlement would become dissatisfied and want to move to Sydney, Melbourne or one of the other State capitals. He knew that that would create problems between the Freeland League and the Western Australian and Commonwealth governments. He also knew that it would cause a great deal of anti-Semitism to grow in the Australian community.

Interesting that it's a 'given' that if Jews overrun a Western country, then anti-Semitism would skyrocket, yet Arabs are condemned for the same, after they've suffered over 60 long years of the menace that's ravaged their land and turfed them out into refugee camps.

Mason, you used the same old line about Jews suffering in WWII... who was it that made them suffer again? Arabs or Westerners? Why should Arabs/Muslims have to live in refugee camps, to compensate for the West's misdeeds against Jews?

It seems to go something like this:

Jews annoy Europeans -> Europeans gas Jews -> Europeans feel sorry for Jews, and thrust them upon Arabs -> Arabs end up in refugee camps and wanna blow Europeans up for causing all this tyranny.....

You reap what you sow.
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Re: islam and jews
Reply #12 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:24pm
Thanks Abu - interesting story.
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Re: islam and jews
Reply #13 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:56pm
Bobby. wrote on Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:44pm:
I have a final solution for the Jewish question.
We should give them an equal amount of coastline & land in Australia to live on.
We have 12,000 miles of coastline - we can spare 100 miles of it
& the Jews can live happily there.
Of course they wouldn't be allowed to bring their nuclear or other weapons with them.
That way they will be a long way away from any Arabs & we will all know peace.

You may want to re-think that term BTB.  Wink
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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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Australian Politics

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Re: islam and jews
Reply #14 - Mar 8th, 2011 at 8:37am
Well Abu, like you say about change. At the time the Arab world changed and Arabs couldn't deal with it.

Just like you said to me countless times, Australia is changing deal with it. Seems that these people couldn't deal with the change.

You seem to have a hatred for Western civilisations. Concerning seeing as you are western yourself, seems you are taking on an attitude that majority of Arabs choose to let go when they migrate to Australia because they feel freedom for the first time. Yet you sit here free with a chip on your shoulder.
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