Foolosophy wrote on Mar 10
th, 2011 at 10:16am:
....and how exaclty is all this Historical banter relevant to the Israeli war crimes carreid out on occupied Palestinian territory?
Well, if you have any evidence of Israeli war crimes carried out anywhere, you better let someone know in the Hague.
Otherwise it's just banter.
And I'm assuming that 'Occupied Palestinian' land you are referring to is the West Bank.
If this is so, the Israeli's seized that land in the West Bank in 1948 off the Jordanians, who got it off the British, who got it off the Ottomans, who got it off the Romans, who got it off the Greeks, Egyptians, Persians etc.
Perhaps the Jordanians should have learnt to make war better when attacking their neighbor.
In fact you might be better off calling Jordan 'Occupied Palestinian' land as this countries population is actually 60% Palestinian.
And the Arab League actually gave their opinion of the proposed 2 state solution way back in 1948, when they attacked Israel and were repulsed.