Foolosophy wrote on Mar 17
th, 2011 at 9:18pm:
Soren wrote on Mar 17
th, 2011 at 5:54pm:
The occupation of the West Bank by Israel is no more illgitimate than was its occupation by Jordan before 1967.
Building settlements on the occupied WB isn't illegal, just unhelpful. Settlement building would be illegal only if the WB had been part of a sovereign state when it was occupies. It wasn't.
Israel has no claim on any overeign territory and would gladly trade the West bank for peace. But there is no Arab power near and far that could guarantee peace if the west bank is surrendered to the Arabs. (See Gaza).
The conflict is perpetual because both side want the impossible: the recognition of Israel by the Arabs.
The Arab league of nations have already recognised the right for ISrael to exist in the region - BUT to the original 1948 borders
The issue has always been about returning to pre 1967 annexing of Palestinian territory and the cesation of the occupation (ie settlements, illegal barriers, illegal blockades etc)
Israel is the NUMBER ONE violator of UN security council resolutions in the world - but of course any violations are supposed to be white washed form the history books due to the controlled US veto.
The settlement building is illegal under any international legal framework including the UN charters.
Its irrelevant whether Israel and its client state USA ignore its iligitimacy. That doesnt change the reality.
Since when is any country on the planet not going to expand in it's population and require more housing.
Some of these so called 'settlements' have populations over 500,000 people.
They are not settlements, and that term is misleading at best.
And all the UN Charters in the world pushed along by the perfidious Arab League can't change that.
What they couldn't acheive through war, they are trying to acheive through the UN.
The reason Israel is the number one violators of UN Resolutions is because those Resolutions threaten Israels very security.
Where was the UN when Israel was fighting four wars to the knife for it's own existence.
Where was the UN when Hamas was firing rockets into Israel when the IDF withdrew from Gaza in 2005 at the behest of the UN?
Where was the UN when Hezbollah was firing rockets into Israel in 2006, before the IDF were forced to go into Southern Lebanon and opened up a very large can of whoopass?
Where is UNIFIL whilst Hezbollah re-arms under UNFILS nose today?
It's all very nice of the Arab League to agree to Israel returning to the 1948 borders, considering they were absolutely flogged in four wars they initiated trying to destroy Israel.
They left thousands upon thousands of young men dead in their twisted blackened tanks and destroyed aircraft in the desert.
So I would suggest that Israel is not going to be returning anything.
Is the US going to give Delaware or New York back to the Indians?
Are the Ottomans going to get Jordan back?
Speaking of Jordan, did you know 60% of their population is 'Palestinian', including the Kings wife.
Perhaps the 'Palestinians' can go there, that's right they don't want them either.
In fact, the Jordanians slaughtered more 'Palestinians' in 1970, than Israel has ever did since 1948.
Do you imagine for one moment that had the Arab League been successful in ridding the Middle East of Israel they were going to set up a 'Palestine' for all the left wingers to salivate over?
Of course not, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria would have all had their piece of land, and who the hell would have spoken a word about 'Palestinians'.
You speak about 'Palestinian' land, they never had that land before throughout history because it was always part of some other countries empire.
The West Bank wasn't 'Palestinian', it was Jordanian when the Israel seized it and British before that.
The blockade of Gaza has already been shown not to be illegal, and the Israel's have a right to search any ships suspected of smuggling weapons into Gaza for the terrorists to fire off into Israeli towns.
If the UN finds the embargo so wrong and 'illegal', where is their offer to guarantee Israel's security by placing men on the ground and UN ships searching arms smugglers?
The terrorists can lay down their arms tomorrow and there will be peace.
If Israel lays it's arms down tomorrow, their will be no Israel the day after.