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Are we all equal ? (Read 25077 times)
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #120 - Jun 2nd, 2011 at 5:45am
If we were all equal, then communism would be a given, not an idealism.
Of course we are not all equal in ability, it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

However, you don't need to be a prophet or a "believer" to understand that each aspect of life has it's own intrinsic value. One cannot operate properly without the co-operation, the work for one's self, and the competition of the next.

I doubt that anybody here hasn't been touched at one time or another by somedody who is disabled in a physical sense, but who provides so much (spiritual) value for others who are more able bodied.

I'm not too keen on the spoilt brat types like "Light" who endeavours to provide a cult unto himself without providing hardly any real value to the future of other people whatsoever. He can continue to lie and say that he loves everything..I will continue to hate that ridiculous philosophy. It's without value.

I'd say that we are potentially equal in value, but not in ability.
The value that you provide or that you want to provide is a choice.

So far I couldn't be bothered to provide any value to insolent morons such as feminists or sponging racists because I am blessed with the ablitiy to not require it, and I don't think that they deserve it from me in the least.
There is a definite lack of personal value to me, and I treat it that way, as any good democracist should.ii

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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #121 - Jun 3rd, 2011 at 12:44pm

You all know that I differentiate, segregate RACES and CULTURES of the World into their own 'unique' state of being.
But I can do that for I truely understand that they are all equal to begin with and they will still be so to end with.
When a black man approaches me in a Backpacker Hostel where I worked NightShift to tell me that he has impregnated another "white Biatch", I would just smile and say "Something lost is something gained my Friend" by which he dropped dead in front of my Longevity of life. Wink Grin 555 years and still growing. Wink
...typical Australian. Cheesy
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Cliff Richard
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #122 - Jun 3rd, 2011 at 1:20pm
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #123 - Jun 3rd, 2011 at 1:56pm
You are equal to me Cliff Richard.
So raise your sorry-arsed game. Stop ya bludgeing and going for compenstation, etc, etc, etc, etc .
Stop being a derro, drongo, nuff nuff, wanker, yobbo, strine, numpty, skegg, westie, bogun ...typical Aussie LOSER
and raise yourself up to be 'equal' with me.
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #124 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:03am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 12:21am:
Are we equal ?
Are we of the same worth ?
Are we all "born equal" ?

Of course not. Born equal is a ridiculous notion. All we have in common at birth is being human. WHat of those born with a deformity? A severe mental impairment? Those born into ultra pverty?

None of those kids is equal.

Dumb question, clearly not a thought given.
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #125 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:20am
boogieman wrote on Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:03am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 12:21am:
Are we equal ?
Are we of the same worth ?
Are we all "born equal" ?

Of course not. Born equal is a ridiculous notion. All we have in common at birth is being human. WHat of those born with a deformity? A severe mental impairment? Those born into ultra pverty?

None of those kids is equal.

Dumb question, clearly not a thought given.

boogie - that was my sentiments exactly .
apart from it being a dumb question, of course. Smiley
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #126 - Jun 30th, 2011 at 11:07pm
I am quite amazed as a star at your antics on earth, onlooking from afar (NO I am NOT
It_isn't_the _light  
= haha.)

Am I a fool to believe you ask are we all created equal?

A clone is a clone after all, an ape is a clone to us all bar 2%
That horrible majesty ought to be enough to set off the alarm to your lack of intell.

I hope this is right enough I mean no insalt just pepper of the earth.

Even animals are our equals. Even insects. And the poor cold bacteria.
For such is the fate of man = unconcious.
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Christ Light

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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #127 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 7:46pm

Direct Measurement of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure - by Dr. Vladimir Poponin

Below is an email to TWM from Dr. Peter Gariaev, a joint researcher with Dr. Poponin.
More info about Peter Gariaev's work - click here. 

In this contribution I am going to describe some observations and interpretations of a recently discovered anomalous phenomenon which we are calling the DNA Phantom Effect in Vitro or the DNA Phantom for short. We believe this discovery has tremendous significance for the explanation and deeper understandings of the mechanisms underlying subtle energy phenomena including many of the observed alternative healing phenomena [1,2]. This data also supports the heart intelligence concept and model developed by Doc Lew Childre [3,4]. (See also contributions by Rollin McCraty and Glen Rein in this volume).
This new phenomenon -- the DNA phantom effect -- was first observed in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect during experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated and expensive "MALVERN" laser photon correlation spectrometer (LPCS) [5]. These effects were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and Poponin [6].

The new feature that makes this discovery distinctly different from many other previously undertaken attempts to measure and identify subtle energy fields [1] is that the field of the DNA phantom has the ability to be coupled to conventional electromagnetic fields of laser radiation and as a consequence, it can be reliably detected and positively identified using standard optical techniques.

Furthermore, it seems very plausible that the DNA phantom effect is an example of subtle energy manifestation in which direct human influence is not involved. These experimental data provide us not only quantitative data concerning the coupling constant between the DNA phantom field and the electromagnetic field of the laser light but also provides qualitative and quantitative information about the nonlinear dynamics of the phantom DNA fields. Note that both types of data are crucial for the development of a new unified nonlinear quantum field theory which must include the physical theory of consciousness and should be based on a precise quantitative background.

The background leading to the discovery of the DNA phantom and a description of the experimental set up and conditions will be helpful. A block diagram of the laser photon correlation spectrometer used in these experiments is presented in Figure 1. In each set of experimental measurements with DNA samples, several double control measurements are performed. These measurements are performed prior to the DNA being placed in the scattering chamber. When the scattering chamber of the LPCS is void of physical DNA, and neither are there are any phantom DNA fields present, the autocorrelation function of scattered light looks like the one shown in Figure 2a. This typical control plot represents only background random noise counts of the photomultiplier. Note that the intensity of the background noise counts is very small and the distribution of the number of counts per channel is close to random. Figure 2b demonstrates a typical time autocorrelation function when a physical DNA sample is placed in the scattering chamber, and typically has the shape of an oscillatory and slowly exponentially decaying function. When the DNA is removed from the scattering chamber, one anticipates that the autocorrelation function will be the same as before the DNA was placed in the scattering chamber. Surprisingly and counter-intuitively it turns out that the autocorrelation function measured just after the removal of the DNA from the scattering chamber looks distinctly different from the one obtained before the DNA was placed in the chamber. Two examples of the autocorrelation functions measured just after the removal of the physical DNA are shown in Figures 2c and d. After duplicating this many times and checking the equipment in every conceivable way, we were forced to accept the working hypothesis that some new field structure is being excited from the physical vacuum. We termed this the DNA phantom in order to emphasize that its origin is related with the physical DNA. We have not yet observed this effect with other substances in the chamber. After the discovery of this effect we began a more rigorous and continuous study of this phenomena. We have found that, as long as the space in the scattering chamber is not disturbed, we are able to measure this effect for long periods of time. In several cases we have observed it for up to a month. It is important to emphasize that two conditions are necessary in order to observe the DNA phantoms. The first is the presence of the DNA molecule and the second is the exposure of the DNA to weak coherent laser radiation. This last condition has been shown to work with two different frequencies of laser radiation.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #128 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 8:01pm
I think more likely that we all have different skills - doesn't make make one superior or not - just different.
My wife is a genius, she writes the most wonderful books but ask her to do some practical work around the house...........
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The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #129 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 8:32pm
We are not all equal, but does not mean that we do not deserve equal consideration. To be given equal consideration is our right.
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"Love is a cunning weaver of fantasies and fables."
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #130 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 8:49pm
We're all equal...

To 46.
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #131 - Jul 8th, 2011 at 8:13pm
That's nice. I'm equal to 55.
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1523 people like this. The remaining 7,134,765,234 do not 
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #132 - Jul 8th, 2011 at 8:52pm
I'm only equal to eternity Sad
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #133 - Jul 8th, 2011 at 9:57pm
muso wrote on Jul 8th, 2011 at 8:13pm:
That's nice. I'm equal to 55.

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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Australian Politics

Posts: 197
Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #134 - Jul 8th, 2011 at 10:04pm
Nup nuthin' physical

EDIT Jul 9th, 2011 at 10:37pm


1) I didn't even notice
☼Helian☼ wrote

in answer to
not me Smiley.
{I really must stop brewing my own beer recipes}

2) I didn't even get til now that I'm equal to 55 or 46 was a joke. Haha. I kept thinking about it and couldn't get what the heck you meant except you must mean your age. But I still didn't get why.  Undecided

All of which proves ∞I∞ am inferior! So no we are not all equal
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« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2011 at 10:59pm by Superman1 »  
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