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Are we all equal ? (Read 24366 times)
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #15 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 12:34am
There are simply two aspects to this question:

1) We are equal.

2) We have different levels of advancement.

Roll Eyes
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Re: Are we all equal ? THE DIRECTOR'S CUT
Reply #16 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 12:36am
There are simply two aspects to this question:

1) We are equal.
No matter bum or Jesus. The only diff is a bum's prayers will never be answered because he doesn't believe, or have the faculites, etc. (This is GOD's greatest tragedy)

2) We have different levels of advancement.
From Mighty God to  - as yet in the mod world - mightless man.

Have I said a more obvious thing in my life?
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #17 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 5:30am
beloved ones,

i manifest before you once more

in a divine frequency of LIGHT to let you in on something

you may not realize.

i am not guessing dear ones,when i tell you

one is weak,one is tall and strong one is low in moral

and one is beyond reproach..dear ones

we are all equal in the LIGHT and the eyes of the creator

mother father god.

you may be strong,and a figure for all to look upon with awe.

if that one does use his strength and position to inflict pain abuse

theft upon his/her brother sister beings,

things change in the next cycle..that one may be a crippled

being in the next for when this cycle is complete

it is you yourself in a fully conscious state that brings that

judgement upon your next incarnation where your soul does

manifest in a 3rd dimension on the many planets in your

universe and beyond.

this is all complete and perfect in design from the PRIME CREATOR

mother father GOD frequency vibration this is a divine construct.

and is the order of things for your souls' journey experience growth

to know individual perspective and freewill in the lower dimensions.

this is the 3rd dimension and there are many more

above and below

with no exterior or interior

there is no debate in truth upon this thread in reality and truth

we are all equal and experiencing this

the 3rd dimension

in a state of duality..we are multidimensional beings of love and light

with freewill

and so it is



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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #18 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 10:20am
muso wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 11:30pm:
We are all different.

Some are more intelligent than others.

Some are stronger than others. Some are physically strong, while others are emotionally or mentally strong.

Some might not be strong or very intelligent but have great organisational skills. They might have the ability to help the strongest and most intelligent to work together to achieve much more than they would as individuals. Some are great leaders, some have an eye for detail, some are good at technical skills, some are good with people skills, some are healers and some have the innate ability to make us laugh, to produce great literature, to move us with hauntingly beautiful music or to inspire us with their art.  

There may be many fruits in the forest, but are apples and pears  equal? The question is just as relevant.

It's a good thing that we're not all the same. We all have individual talents, and we should be given the opportunity to develop these talents as much as possible...........equally.  (muso 2011)

And then again... Some are psychopathic with a talent for destruction and a murderous lust for power.
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #19 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 12:32pm

yadda - indeed.
Some are born into very good circumstances, they have MANY options, MANY choices.
Many are born into dire situations, those have very few, sometimes no choices available to them.

Often, circumstances do not offer people the probability of  ............. "being an equal"
eg, being born to a crack addicted prostitute, it'ld be a hard road to hoe from the word go.

Yadda wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 3:41pm:
Yadda wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 3:35pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 12:21am:

Are we equal ?
Are we of the same worth ?
Are we all "born equal" ?


Our circumstances, are never really within our control.

Certainly not the circumstances we are born into.

I was living in a children's home, when i started school.

And i can still remember those 'circumstances' quite vividly.

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #20 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 6:17pm
Equitist wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 8:29pm:
This question invokes Orwell...

In an ideal world, we would all be equal - but in practice, some of us are more equal than others!

And in practice, though very poor, some peasant in India is blessed by God, and is a very happy man - in his heart.

Yet in the Gulf some oil sheik has $$ billions [which he never earned].
And though the oil sheik regularly commutes to London on his private jet, to indulge his desires for liquor and $2,000 a night whores, the oil sheik himself knows in his heart, that he is not a happy man.

Yes, life is so unfair,       ....whine, whine, whine.

In my experience, wicked people are always miserable, and the wicked invariably always curse others, for their own misfortunes, i.e. the wicked are always cursing others, for the consequences of their own choices.

Our circumstances in life are always beyond our control, e.g. the poor peasant in India, the tsunami victims, and survivors, in Japan, etc.

But if you are still breathing, you have choices in life, we all do.

If you make poor choices, stop whining about the consequences, and change your choices.

How can you improve your choices?

Ask God to heal you.

Proverbs 3:11
My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:
12  For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Proverbs 9:6
Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
7  He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8  Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
9  Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

"If one wishes to enslave people, constrain their capacity for independent thought - not their hands;
for the chain of dependence is incomparably stronger that the chain of iron."

Orwell also said...

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #21 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 6:19pm
The whole issue of "equality" is so highly contingent on definition and caveats as to make the notion of equality a high minded ideal without substance.
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #22 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 8:38pm
NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 19th, 2011 at 10:20am:
And then again... Some are psychopathic with a talent for destruction and a murderous lust for power.

Fortunately they are rare, and often the results of an unhappy childhood. Everybody, or almost everybody has potential.   
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #23 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 8:43pm
muso wrote on Mar 19th, 2011 at 8:38pm:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 19th, 2011 at 10:20am:
And then again... Some are psychopathic with a talent for destruction and a murderous lust for power.

Fortunately they are rare, and often the results of an unhappy childhood. Everybody, or almost everybody has potential.  

So we're not all equal then? Wink

And potential for what?

Congenital psychiatric disorders are not all that uncommon.
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #24 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 2:08am
I'm not sure if there is some mistranslation in defining "equal", but to most, equal would mean just as the dictionary has stated.

If all creatures are equal in the eyes of God, then does that mean that a sheep should be payed the same salary as a CEO? Of course it doesn't.
It doesn't even mean that we should stop killing and eating sheep does it? Maybe to some animal liberationalists it means exactly that.

Considering that money is merely a human tool, it really has nothing to do with God's grand plan and should not be confused with the defintion of "equal in God's eyes" as stated in the bible or other religious texts.

Paying somebody, or giving accolades for a particular talent, discipline or skill should be thought of in the human terms, where the worth is predominantly associated with other humans, and not God's grand plan.

If a personal requirement exists to be payed in tangible assets in order to procure self-worth, then I'd have to wonder how much of God's message is actually getting through.

In human terms, it seems ridiculous to imagine that we are all equal in all areas. Otherwise, why would we even bother to vote if we are all the same?

I don't think that we've learnt very well how to embrace our differences and to appreciate the talents of others instead of being envious.
Yes there's a lot of prejudices still in existence, but to allow them to be distorted and used as leverage for personal human gain will not be doing any good for the team as a whole.
The human team is always bigger than the human player and nobody will get to be captain, or even make the team without possessing and working hard on certain skills.
The same goes for anybody, that if they don't make the team that they desire, then it's highly probable that they just aren't good enough.
Work harder or cry to God for your equal rights. Most people appreciate a hard worker.i

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Lisa Jones
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #25 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 8:12am
If all creatures are equal in the eyes of God, then does that mean that a sheep should be payed the same salary as a CEO? Of course it doesn't.
It doesn't even mean that we should stop killing and eating sheep does it? Maybe to some animal liberationalists it means exactly that.

Considering that money is merely a human tool, it really has nothing to do with God's grand plan and should not be confused with the defintion of "equal in God's eyes" as stated in the bible or other religious texts.

- Amadd

Seems the Mod of Spirituality is MIA again .. sighs.

Never mind ..

Amadd .. I only had to read this far before I realized that you've never read the Bible .. and as such you were posting utter nonsense.


Amadd .. if you are going to quote from or paraphrase sections of the Bible .. could you at the VERY least know wtf you are talking about FIRST?

It might be an idea to read it hey. Why? Because this sort of BS gets annoying (after a while) esp for those of us who have.
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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Lisa Jones
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #26 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 8:19am
Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 10:21am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 18th, 2011 at 12:21am:
Are we equal ?
Are we of the same worth ?
Are we all "born equal" ?

What do YOU personally think Sprint? Are we all equal?

Men and women for instance? Are they equal?

Whites vs black? Are they equal?

Christians vs non Christians? Are they equal?

After you finish telling us what YOU think .. could you then let us know what the Holy Bible thinks/says?


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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #27 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 10:29am

lisa Quote:
...........I only had to read this far before I realized that you've never read the Bible .. and as such you were posting utter nonsense.


Amadd .. if you are going to quote from or paraphrase sections of the Bible .. could you at the VERY least know wtf you are talking about FIRST?

It might be an idea to read it hey. Why? Because this sort of BS gets annoying (after a while) esp for those of us who have. .

A fool’s mouth lashes out with pride,
   but the lips of the wise protect them.

Proverbs 14:3

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Lisa Jones
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #28 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 10:40am
Sprint .. if you're going to bother quoting the Bible .. could you at least make it relevant to the topic? Or is that asking too much of you?

Oh and could you also quote in context?

Many thanks in advance.
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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Re: Are we all equal ?
Reply #29 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 10:48am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 20th, 2011 at 10:29am:
lisa Quote:
...........I only had to read this far before I realized that you've never read the Bible .. and as such you were posting utter nonsense.


Amadd .. if you are going to quote from or paraphrase sections of the Bible .. could you at the VERY least know wtf you are talking about FIRST?

It might be an idea to read it hey. Why? Because this sort of BS gets annoying (after a while) esp for those of us who have. .

A fool’s mouth lashes out with pride,
  but the lips of the wise protect them.

Proverbs 14:3

That was very profound Sprintcyclist and even though I'm only an agnostic - I understood exactly what you meant.
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