Alien: Had moments of 'Real' acting, like when that actress 'really' freaked out when a penis-like critter emerged from William Hurt's stomach. The actors didn't know what was going to happen and she slipped in the fake blood and recieved an Academy Award for her performance throughout the movie (forget her name). Sigourney Weaver kept acting although she didn't know her co-actress was going to slap her hard in the face. Then there was the original Alien that was ushered into the minds of everyone forever by the use of "less is best" by Ridley Scott ...that lurking precence in the back of everyone's mind.
>>Alien Prelude & Alien Zero coming soon
Apocalypse Now: Best movie to watch 'stoned', alas I haven't smoked in since my youth and thus have never re-watched the movie again, because lets face it - 'you can only watch it stoned'. I love the scene where Robert Duvall's character doesn't even 'flinch' when a bomb goes off next to him "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning."
LOTR: First movie with no 'Token Black Man' in it, which really pissed Americans off, especially when it had Blonde Aryan looking 'males' in it instead. No wonder The Hobbit was nearly sabotaged by the USA. Great Story (rare these days) too.
Tron: Great original visuals that ushered in all Work-Safety High-Viz around the world.
Avatar: Great visuals as well. Shame the pathetic Hurt Locker was awarded the top Academy due to 'propoganda reasons'.
Always: with Richard Dreyfuss & Holly Hunter. My "feel good" movie about the winning American theme of 'flying' .
The Right Stuff: One of the most 'American' films of all and if you've read the autobiography of Chuck Yeager, then you'll realise the backing behind such a great film about a great 'Aviation' Nation.
Gallipoli: Peter Weirs 'dreamlike' movie of the Anzacs. Made me cry in front of my father when I got home. The senseless stupidity of men and War. Especially 'white men' who seem to die the most at the hand of the the 'projectile' weapon. Don't the Europeans realise that what was once a Sword is now a Scalpel ...not a Gun.
2001: A Space Odyssey: Well reading the Books by Arthur C.Clarke does help. But the 'patient' style of Kubicks film works wonders to really absorb a viewer. Its a style that has been used successfully in other movies. Good story, if you wanna read more into it - kinda spot on in a way.
Saving Private Ryan: Possibly the first movie to show the real 'reality' of War by effect. Of how my entire audience was in shock at seeing those soldiers mowed down by maching gun. People were literally crying.
and finally
BRAINSTORM with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood.
Because lets face it, this Film literally sums up the entire Film and Special FX Industry in a nutshell, or is that a head-gear.
I recommend EVERYONE to watch this Film and to LEARN from it, the ultimate lesson that is apparent.
...and yes, Natalie Wood died during the filming of the movie.