Grey wrote on Apr 1
st, 2011 at 1:06am:
I'm perfectly serious. The world has seen too many of these pogroms. Some leader starts convincing people that the others are conspiring to enslave them and before y'know it the 'people' have made the 'others'
a victim of their own paranoia
It's bloody stupid and you're both far to well educated and secure to be pushing this truck of garbage.
Stupid is you.
Lets pretend that there are no rapists, murderers, and, good moslems.
Yes, lets all put on our rose tinted glasses, and the world will look so, so, much nicer.
Honest, it will!!!/sarc off
The Jihad [violence against non-moslems], is the path towards a Sharia system,
and it is religious conduct which is justified by all good moslems.
December 31, 2007
Pakistani cleric: "We want Islamic law for all Pakistan and then the world. We would like to do this by preaching. But if not then we would use force." where does that Pakistani cleric GET such insane ideas from ??????
Hmmmm ?????
Hmmmm ?????
Hmmmm ?????
Let me think.
Oh yes.
Such insane ideas come from ISLAM's
'mainstream' foundation religious texts - the Koran and the Hadith.
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29
The contents of the Koran, are the words that moslems
live by.
Grey's words,
"....a victim of their own paranoia."
paranoia = =
1 a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance.
2 unjustified suspicion and mistrust of others.Dictionary;
phobia = = an extreme or irrational fear of something.Grey,
Is 'Yadda' phobic and paranoid?
Or is 'Grey' an
idiot, and someone who is averse to acknowledging truth [i.e. averse to acknowledging objective
'REALITY'] ????
In what context? If an Atheist, a Christian, a Jew and a Muslim are moving fridges they pretty much all agree a trolley is a good idea. If the question is one of religious belief then they all answer as you would expect but differently. The vast majority don't want a fight about religion if they like you. Being nice to people is the best method of defence. There isn't any gods so just relax and enjoy your life.
Yes, yes, in 1939, the world should have appeased Hitler and Nazi Germany.
So, sensible, that would have been.
it is so sad, that we can't go back in time, and avoid WWII, and all have lived in glorious harmony.
But hey!!!!
We can avoid war with criminals today!!!!
All we have to do, is appease moslems, and a new age of world peace and harmony will dawn.
Surely the new utopia age of human peace and co-operation can not be more than five minutes, or so, away ????
All we have to do is to appease wicked people.
/sarc off
IMO, ppl like yourself [Grey] seem to want a 'peace' at any cost.
But, imo morality, or life, doesn't work like that.
Peace comes from defending open truth.
But your logic seems to be;
'Wanting' something, will produce it.
'If we give bullies what they want, surely, they will be satisfied, and leave us alone.'
They won't.
If you give a bully/thug, what he wants, he will come back again, and again.
And eventually he will take from you, everything that you own.
And the last thing the bully/the thug, will take from you, is your life.
The appeasement of evil men, does not lead to peace.
IMO, this generation has lost the ability to discern between good and evil, between truth and falsehood.
As individuals, we all know, or as adults, we should know by now!, that if we walk away from truth, we will [always!] reap confusion in our lives.
Peace comes from justice.
Justice comes when *we* respect, and defend, free and open truth.
With justice comes peace.
Justice comes from facing up to, and embracing, TRUTH.
We [who seek peace] are kidding ourselves [we are living in la la land!], if we believe that aggression, or violence, is 'overcome', by our surrender to it!
Or if we believe that the appeasement of evil and wicked men, is a way to peace.
The appeasement of evil [men], does not lead to peace.
The aggression and violence of evil men, is not overcome, by our surrender, to the designs of those evil men.
That path leads only to slavery, and death.
How is peace achieved, in the real world?
Peace comes through sacrifice, and our willingness to fight for truth, and to fight for what is right[eous].
And, judgement.
Peace among men comes as a consequence of righteous judgement.
Peace among men comes when wicked men are judged, and when their fellows [other wicked men] come to understand that their wicked actions, will bring judgement upon them.