Look @ this idiot. He is blaming the victims for their plight. Says they get "just as much" on the dole as they would working. Well if that were only true who would work? Another lying politician trying to save face by blaming the victims. Guess he wont be voted in again.
I dont think it has anything to do with racism. If he is right about the money then why should anyone work for jobs that pay not even enough to pay your rent? If hes wrong (which he most prolly is) then he should address the issues - why is there no work in the area? Have all the businesses been closing down or something?
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/welcome-to-bludgetown-western-sydney/story... Quote:THE deputy mayor of Bankstown has attacked his own constituents for being too lazy to find work, blaming "cultural traits" for having the highest unemployment rate of all Sydney council areas.
Allan Winterbottom believes the "demographic" and "nationality" in the suburbs of Greenacre, Punchbowl and Villawood showed residents there were more willing to accept government handouts than find employment.
"There are jobs out there but people have to want to work," Mr Winterbottom said. "I don't want to tell you what sort of people or nationality they are. But the culture is they get enough money to survive without working.
"We all know the problem - it's too easy on the dole. How do you encourage them to work when they get just as much on social security?"
According to the latest ABS data, people of Lebanese background made up the largest cultural group in Punchbowl (31.5 per cent) and Greenacre (27.8 per cent), while Villawood has a high proportion of people of Vietnamese background (13.8 per cent) as well as Lebanese (11.7 per cent).
The north-east of Bankstown has - at 11.6 per cent - the worst unemployment rates of all Sydney local areas.
But unemployment varies widely across the local government area, with some suburbs such as Padstow Heights enjoying low unemployment at 2.7 per cent compared to Villawood at 18.8 per cent.
Mr Winterbottom said a lack of English skills among people of migrant background, as well as fewer education opportunities among those communities, were also factors.
"I'm not anti different people. They certainly need more help, and the (unemployment) figures are terrible - more than triple the average."
Bankstown was closely followed by the south-west of Blacktown and east Fairfield, which both had unemployment levels above 11 per cent as of December.
Bankstown Mayor Khal Asfour said he was "happy" unemployment had dropped 0.5 per cent since the same period last year, even if it had been rising steadily from June when it was 10.8 per cent.
Blacktown Mayor Alan Pendleton said access to public transport was an issue, but motivation to find work was also an issue in his area.
"I'm not saying that everyone out here would take a job if they could get one tomorrow," Mr Pendleton said. "There are pockets of people there, families who have never worked, and it goes into generations."
In Fairfield, Mayor Frank Carbone said: "I believe that most people want to better themselves. I don't think anybody wants to stay at home earning $180 a week unemployment benefits."
Islamic Friendship Association chairman Keysar Trad said Mr Winterbottom should not be tarnishing an entire community with a "very, very narrow view."
Mr Trad said Muslims suffered from discrimination when it came to applying for jobs.
"I wonder if this gentleman has ever experienced discrimination in the workplace himself," he said.
"Certainly, people with a Muslim-sounding name are not given the same opportunities ... as people with an Anglo-sounding name."
Is the deputy mayor of Bankstown being racist? Or has he got it right?