warrigal wrote on Jun 11
th, 2012 at 8:25am:
well it look as you pansi, social alliance and me are the only one left here now on this topic that have got anything usefull to say.
THE post above your last here page 10 make no sense at all.
when we start talking the facts about this matter all these idiots here SENIOR members of the Forum come on here and just talk crap.
it_is_the_light, yeah he's on our side, he speaks another language which is light years from our understanding. He has great insight into the system that renders us unemployed, mentally ill and homeless.
The unemployed are stuck between a rock and a hard place so to speak. They are prevented from finding work by the very system that was put in place to help them get back into the workforce.
If there is a way to make an easy method complicated, the government will find a way to do it.
People are begging for work, the government are saying we have a skills shortage. Now if in fact we do have a skills shortage, is there any way the government can get the unemployed skilled to fill the shortage? There must be. Can they give incentives for people to get trained? They can, but do they want to?
No they don't want to train our people. Do you know why? I'll tell you. Because both this govt. and the opposition want a BIG Australia and they will grow the population the sneaky way, because most Aussies don't want a big Australia.
They import workers while our people are crying out for a job, they have no choice they say.
We have over 15% youth unemployment and we have to import workers. Sad indeed. Some regional areas have near 50% youth unemployment, but sadly these young people end up giving up on even looking for a job.
Do you think the government should have put the training programs in place by now? Will we need skilled workers in four or five years time? I suppose so, unless the mining boom goes bust.
Take your case for example Warrigal, a trained man, healthy and eager to work in a fast growing industry and they'd rather put you out to graze. I can't work it out.
If Abbott gets in things for the unemployed will deteriorate, he will set groups up to go against each other, divide and conquer will be the game.
You do realise that most of the jobless haters on this forum are unemployed themselves.