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thou shalt not steal (Read 22249 times)
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #30 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:10pm

You are confused Abu. Our objection is not limited to the single incident of the child dying.

You are the confused one. I was not speaking so much about a single incident as I was about your insistence on framing all 1.6 billion Muslims, and their religion to boot, each time an incident such as this occurs.

And if you weren't so daft you'd recognise this is what my mentioning of Christians is about too.

Funny, that's exactly what it looks like. Perhaps you should rethink your strategy.

Obviously it doesn't, since mozza did not elicit the precise result he expected must be forthcoming.
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #31 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:49pm
You are the confused one. I was not speaking so much about a single incident as I was about your insistence on framing all 1.6 billion Muslims, and their religion to boot, each time an incident such as this occurs.

Please quote where I did this.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #32 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:23am
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:43am:
Lestat wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:01am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 7:50am:
Another extremist whacko.
Hang the scumbag.

If only he was a jew in Israel...over there you get medals for murdering muslims kids.

Perhaps Hamas should stop using them around rocket launch sites to soak up ball bearings.
Kids, they blow up so soon nowadays. could I forget, when an Israeli sniper shoots a Palestinian girl in the head whilst she sits in a class room, its actually Hamas's fault.

Or when an Israeli shoulder shoots a Palestinian boy 19 times (just to make sure he's dead), that also is Hamas's fault.

Typical scum zionist response.
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #33 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:31am
Belgarion wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:40am:
Yes, these things do happen in western society, and far too often. But the difference is that when they come to light they are condemned by society and the perpetrators are punished, whereas in middle eastern society such violence is condoned and even celebrated.

Yeah, like the 3 month old baby that was punched to death by her step father a couple of years ago. He got 3 months jail. Great punishment that was.

Besides, do you realise that Maylasia is not in the middle east.

Or perhaps you missed this quote from the article.

'Mr Mohamed Nadzri said the 26-year-old teacher could be charged with murder, which carries a penalty of death by hanging on conviction. '

Not to bright...are you.

Belgarion wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:40am:
This is just one link detailing the way children are treated in middle eastern culture. There are many, many more. If the bloke who threw his daughter off the bridge had been a muslim carrying out a so-called 'honour killing' what would you have to say then?

I could provide many links about how children are treated in western culture. From the pathetic child pagents where young girls are dolled up and shown off like cattle, by pathetic woman trying to live their lives through their daughters, to the numerous well known instances of priests fiddling with little boys, to the roaring trade in child prostitution in Asia which makes its money from sick middle aged western men, to the numerous paedophile rings which are nearly always organised and established in western countries.

If the bloke who threw the girl of the bridge had of been muslim, I would of said the same thing, that he is scum and deserves to be locked up.

But he wasn't muslim...was he, he was Christian/Secular or athiest. He was one of your mob. The more intersting question is, what do you say of him.

Is he reflective of you are your beliefs? No? So why, if he was muslim, do you believe he would be reflective of mine?

This is the hypocricy abu speaks of.
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Australian Politics

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #34 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:33am
freediver wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:49pm:
You are the confused one. I was not speaking so much about a single incident as I was about your insistence on framing all 1.6 billion Muslims, and their religion to boot, each time an incident such as this occurs.

Please quote where I did this.

So why did you post the article. What exactly is your point? You don't see us posting an article every time a Christian/athiest rapes a girl, or murders a child.

So whats your point exactly?
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #35 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:35am
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 10:38am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 4th, 2011 at 7:14pm:
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee had multiple head injuries and internal bleeding after allegedly being tied to a window for two hours, beaten and strangled.

OMG that ^^^ just ripped my heart apart.

I cannot even begin to imagine what the little kid went through before he died.


Just read that again .. and it brought me to tears.


Tell me...who was it again that said 'He that is without sin may cast the first stone'.

Typcial Christians......not many actually practise their they. Cheesy:D
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #36 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 2:35pm
Lestat wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:23am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:43am:
Lestat wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:01am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 7:50am:
Another extremist whacko.
Hang the scumbag.

If only he was a jew in Israel...over there you get medals for murdering muslims kids.

Perhaps Hamas should stop using them around rocket launch sites to soak up ball bearings.
Kids, they blow up so soon nowadays. could I forget, when an Israeli sniper shoots a Palestinian girl in the head whilst she sits in a class room, its actually Hamas's fault.

Or when an Israeli shoulder shoots a Palestinian boy 19 times (just to make sure he's dead), that also is Hamas's fault.

Typical scum zionist response.

Last time I looked, a sniper was an individual.
Last time I looked, an Israeli soldier was an individual.
Last time I looked, Hamas is a large organisation which engages in using human shields.
Last time I looked, Hamas is on the terrorist list.
And you don't need to be a scum zionist to find that out.
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #37 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 3:14pm
Lestat wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:31am:
Belgarion wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:40am:
Yes, these things do happen in western society, and far too often. But the difference is that when they come to light they are condemned by society and the perpetrators are punished, whereas in middle eastern society such violence is condoned and even celebrated.

Yeah, like the 3 month old baby that was punched to death by her step father a couple of years ago. He got 3 months jail. Great punishment that was.

Besides, do you realise that Maylasia is not in the middle east.

Or perhaps you missed this quote from the article.

'Mr Mohamed Nadzri said the 26-year-old teacher could be charged with murder, which carries a penalty of death by hanging on conviction. '

Not to bright...are you.

Belgarion wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:40am:
This is just one link detailing the way children are treated in middle eastern culture. There are many, many more. If the bloke who threw his daughter off the bridge had been a muslim carrying out a so-called 'honour killing' what would you have to say then?

I could provide many links about how children are treated in western culture. From the pathetic child pagents where young girls are dolled up and shown off like cattle, by pathetic woman trying to live their lives through their daughters, to the numerous well known instances of priests fiddling with little boys, to the roaring trade in child prostitution in Asia which makes its money from sick middle aged western men, to the numerous paedophile rings which are nearly always organised and established in western countries.

If the bloke who threw the girl of the bridge had of been muslim, I would of said the same thing, that he is scum and deserves to be locked up.

But he wasn't muslim...was he, he was Christian/Secular or athiest. He was one of your mob. The more intersting question is, what do you say of him.

Is he reflective of you are your beliefs? No? So why, if he was muslim, do you believe he would be reflective of mine?

This is the hypocricy abu speaks of.

I'm sure we could both go on endlessly providing links to support our points of view Lestat, so I will say only this.  Australian society condemns such people. They are outside the law. They may not always be punished in what most would consider a suitable manner but their actions are condemned. Islamic society on the other hand, has people who openly promise a harem of sex slaves to anyone who kills a non believer. What would happen to that little girl in your heaven?

This shows a fundamental and in my opinion irreconcilable difference in philosophy.
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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #38 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 8:29pm
to the numerous paedophile rings which are nearly always organised and established in western countries

Lestat, I think you are confusing the rate of exposure of these pedophile rings with the extent of their existence. Tell us, to what extent do you think pedophile rings would exist in a culture that allows old men to marry pre-pubescent girls and take them away to 'look after them,' as Abu puts it?

If the bloke who threw the girl of the bridge had of been muslim, I would of said the same thing, that he is scum and deserves to be locked up.

You sure about that? You wouldn't have told us about pedophile priests instead?

Is he reflective of you are your beliefs? No? So why, if he was muslim, do you believe he would be reflective of mine?

You don't think the culture that existed in the school played any role in the boy's death? If a culture promotes cruel and unusual punishment, then it is to be called into question when things go wrong. If a culture abhors these things, then the responsibility is rightly ascribed in its entirety to those directly responsible. If a society permits dirty old men to take prepubescent girls and forces them to cover up, then that society shares some of the blame for inevitable mistreatment of those young girls. On the other hand if a society exposes all pedophiles, no matter how high ranking, and actively seeks to uncover them, then it is reasonable to place the blame, in its entirety, on the individuals responsible, not the sopciety that covered it up. In these and many other examples, we have a culture and law in the form of Islam that both encourages and covers up these attrocities being defended by people who point to the exposure of these acts in the west as some kind of culpability and inferiority. One thing we do not do is complain about Islam every time a Catholic priest rapes a child.

So why did you post the article. What exactly is your point? You don't see us posting an article every time a Christian/athiest rapes a girl, or murders a child.

Maybe you don't. Abu certainly does. I did not take the dodgy pot shots at Islam that Abu normally attaches to his articles about the west.

So whats your point exactly?

I thought it might get Abu to open up again. He tends to shy away from the difficult questions if you ask them too directly. You need to get him up on his high horse shouting at people, then slip the questions in that he has been so afraid to answer.

In any case, his almost mechanical deflections are themselves always interesting watch. He even dreamed up false assertions on my part for him to respond to.
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« Last Edit: Apr 6th, 2011 at 8:49pm by freediver »  

People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #39 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 10:01pm
Maybe you don't. Abu certainly does. I did not take the dodgy pot shots at Islam that Abu normally attaches to his articles about the west.

If you had half a neuron you'd know why I post such articles... I am really not surprised that it goes straight over your head.
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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #40 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 10:14pm
So tell me why you post them then, and why you include the sort of silly claims you criticise others for and falsely ascribe to me.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #41 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 10:55pm
I'd have thought it pretty obvious to anyone with half a neuron that it's a parody of the way Islam is approached.
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Australian Politics

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #42 - Apr 7th, 2011 at 9:32am
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 2:35pm:
Lestat wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 9:23am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:43am:
Lestat wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:01am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Apr 5th, 2011 at 7:50am:
Another extremist whacko.
Hang the scumbag.

If only he was a jew in Israel...over there you get medals for murdering muslims kids.

Perhaps Hamas should stop using them around rocket launch sites to soak up ball bearings.
Kids, they blow up so soon nowadays. could I forget, when an Israeli sniper shoots a Palestinian girl in the head whilst she sits in a class room, its actually Hamas's fault.

Or when an Israeli shoulder shoots a Palestinian boy 19 times (just to make sure he's dead), that also is Hamas's fault.

Typical scum zionist response.

Last time I looked, a sniper was an individual.
Last time I looked, an Israeli soldier was an individual.
Last time I looked, Hamas is a large organisation which engages in using human shields.
Last time I looked, Hamas is on the terrorist list.
And you don't need to be a scum zionist to find that out.

Last time I looked, the sniper is a member of the Israeli army, who has showed time and time again that it deliberately targets and murders children.

Last time I looked, the Israeli soldier is a member of the Israeli army, who has showed time and time again that it deliberately targets and murders children.

Last time I looked, HAMAS is a freedom fighting organisation, fighting the occupation of their land, their homes, and fighting the Israeli army, who has showed time and time again that it deliberately targets and murders children.

Last time I looked, the majority of the world views Israel as a terrorist state and would be treated as such if it wasn't for that other terrorist state continously veto'ing UN resolution. Then again, terrorist states tend to look out for each other.

Everyone BUT the zionist terrorist scum knows this!
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Australian Politics

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #43 - Apr 7th, 2011 at 9:51am
Belgarion wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 3:14pm:
I'm sure we could both go on endlessly providing links to support our points of view Lestat, so I will say only this.  Australian society condemns such people.

But thats just it, you do not condemn such people. For you, it is not the fact that a child has been murdered...its actually more about the murderer.

If the murderer is a muslim maylasian in a class room...then he is condemned.

Yet if the murderer is an Israeli sniper, or an Israeli soldier, their is no condemnation.

If the murderer is the US military, not only do you not condemn, you actually puff our your chest in pride. How many children were murder in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Especially Nagasaki, where the Japanese were all but on their knees, and quite clearly defeated.

Not only did you refuse to condemn this senseless, you actually defended it as a necessary act of war.

How do you feel about the Australian troops who stormed into a Afghani house, killed, the woman and children, and then went on to cover up their crimes. Once again, no doubt you will not condemn their action, but defend it.

Belgarion wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 3:14pm:
They are outside the law. They may not always be punished in what most would consider a suitable manner but their actions are condemned. Islamic society on the other hand, has people who openly promise a harem of sex slaves to anyone who kills a non believer. What would happen to that little girl in your heaven?

Once again, I'll ask. DId you read the article, which clearly states that the teacher will be charged with murder and face the death penalty? Does your bigotry blind you to what is before your very eyes, so that you can't read what is before you.

We actually punish our murderers.

And nice try in making crap up. We believe we are rewarded for dying in battle, struggling against injustice, fighting against those who invade our lands and homes. A worthy cause, whereas you revere those Australians who died in battle invading other lands. Those who died in Galipoli are held in reverence, yet were they defending Australia? No. Were they defending their homes? Their familes? No. Actually...they were fighting for another nation, invading a country in the other end of the world, who was no threat to our country.

Just like our troops in Afghanistan now...murdering civilians on behalf of and for another country.

Actually, its a bit rich coming from a bloke who holds in reverence soldiers who are invading another country, and who continuosly kill innocent muslims.

The Quran quite clearly states that the killing of an innocent is a crime against all humanity.

THe Bible clearly states 'smite them all, kill the woman and children'..

I don't see any muslims armies in western lands murdering woman and children indiscrimately with WMD's. No...its western armies in muslim lands doing that.

Even cluster munitions, when unexploded, are designed in bright colours to attract children...inflicting suffering and pain sometimes years after the conflict is over.

When it comes to murdering children..the west has no peers. In all regiions of the world...Africa (Colonialism), the Middle East (Palestine, Iraq, Iran), South East Asia (Vietnam/Laos), South America....all hundreds of thousands, if not millions of children murdered by the actions of the west.

Where is your condemnation? On the admire this murder, you defend it. Like I said, its not the act of murder you, your condemnation depends on the purportrator. For you...the murder of this child in Maylasia is not the despicable crime most of us decent human beings around the world would see if, for you, its an act to be manipulated.

We do not admire do!
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« Last Edit: Apr 7th, 2011 at 9:56am by Lestat »  
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Australian Politics

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Re: thou shalt not steal
Reply #44 - Apr 7th, 2011 at 9:58am
freediver wrote on Apr 6th, 2011 at 10:14pm:
So tell me why you post them then, and why you include the sort of silly claims you criticise others for and falsely ascribe to me.

haha...your not that bright are you Freediver. Sometimes I'm not sure whether to laugh at  your, or pity you!
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