I AGREE with WA Minister for Women's Interests Robyn McSweeney that the burka should be banned, because it is a thinly veiled insult to the freedoms we enjoy in our Western culture As an ex-Muslim I know that women are reared in a segregated society where they are not allowed to develop the normal friendships with other young people as we do in the West and young males grow up never having learned how to develop normal male-to-female controls that are taken for granted in the West.
The wearing of the burka says that Western males are just as deficient in sexual control as are the primitive Arabs of the desert and that therefore women must still be covered up even in civilised Western towns and cities.
What we are dealing with here is not a healthy appreciation of the gifts given to us by the Almighty, but a pinched up distortion of reality and how the world should be according to a succession of oppressive, demented madmen.
Shereen Zailanee, Coolbellup, WA
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/burka-an-insult-to-all/story-fn558i...She gets it. It is an insult. I reserve my right to treat public face covering as an insult.
Now, should I go along an let them insult me, or should they go along and avoid insulting me?
Whose freedoms trump the other's?