Soren wrote on Apr 12
th, 2011 at 10:23pm:
I AGREE with WA Minister for Women's Interests Robyn McSweeney that the burka should be banned, because it is a thinly veiled insult to the freedoms we enjoy in our Western culture As an ex-Muslim I know that women are reared in a segregated society where they are not allowed to develop the normal friendships with other young people as we do in the West....
Shereen Zailanee, Coolbellup, WA gets it. It is an insult. I reserve my right to treat public face covering as an insult.
Now, should I go along an let them insult me, or should they go along and avoid insulting me?
Whose freedoms trump the other's?
Why are we allowing
any moslem, to immigrate into Western nations ???
Why, when
THE TRUTH IS, that all devout moslems, view all of the people of their 'unbeliever' host nations as the
enemies of moslems.
THE TRUTH IS, that all devout moslems consider themselves to be 'superior' humans.
[...when speaking among themselves moslems commonly refer to non-moslems as excrement]
All devout moslems consider themselves to be at war with all unbelievers, with all those who resist ISLAM's influence and authority over their lives.
Sure you do.
/sarc off
"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51
All devout moslems believe that in this war [with
the enemies of Allah], the moslem course-of-action should be
to deceive non-moslems.
Moslems and moslem communities [living within host nations] will only be our 'friends', up until the time that moslem communities become strong enough to assert themselves.
And then, moslems will reveal their true nature, to their one time hosts.
Europe no-go areas for non-muslimsGoogle;
UK this is a muslim area+++
It took only 19 moslems, who were allowed into the USA, to do this...
Moslem community priorities within all host nations are...1/ Increase moslem numbers and political influence.
2/ Agitate for more moslem numbers and more political influence.
2/ Destroy the non-moslem host society.
Live in peace till strong enough to wage jihad, says UK Deoband scholar to Muslims
London, Sept.8 [2007]
A Deobandi scholar believes Muslims should preach peace till they are strong enough to undertake a jihad, or a holy war.
Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, *only until* they gain enough power to engage in battle.
ISLAM is totally incompatible with Western ideals of democracy, freedom, justice.
We should 'culturally' separate ourselves from moslems/ISLAM, because, if we embrace moslems in 'friendship', moslems/ISLAM will corrupt us,
in the same way that ISLAM has corrupted every moslem majority nation.
We should expel from Australia, every individual who
SELF DECLARES to be a good moslem.
We, citizens on the Western 'street', profess a value system, a 'world view', centuries old.
And we seeks social harmony, by what means???
By promoting truth, justice, and freedom for all.
But, ISLAM, promotes an utterly **deceitful** political philosophy [embodied within ISLAM] which is ABSOLUTELY incompatible with truth, justice, and freedom.
And that is why we, who profess a love of what is good [in men], should earnestly and deliberately seek to separate ourselves from moslems/ISLAM.
ISLAM promotes ISLAMIC supremacism.
A.K.A., the 'peace' of ISLAM.