... wrote on Apr 19
th, 2011 at 5:34pm:
So i'm in WA, and league doesn't get much airtime here...but am I correct that all the hoo-haa surrounding Todd carney is because he returned a breathalyser reading of 0.052?
And for this he was fined $10,000?
And that's STILL not enough?
Crikey....the fine for joe public for this is a few hundred dollars, tops. It's so close to the legal limit, it equates to having just one more mouthful of beer than the arbitrary limit stipulates.
Do you people realise how hypocritical and petty you are?
hi wes,sorry to tell you this but you are way behind the times.. Todd Carney had to front court.. he was over the limit which is zero for a P Drivers.. which he is..
in court he fronted up and said he was an alcoholic.. and read a big statement pledging he would do A.A. and not drin k he also gave the roosters this pledge...the court in its wisdom let him off...again..
last weekend he asked for the weekend off to go an see his mother in Goulburn about 1.5. hours from Sydney.. he didnt go instead he went out with his mate Watts.. who was drinking nearby..according to reports Carney was drinking orange juice spiked with vodka... they were both out till 4am...what happened with Watts and his ex girlfriend I am not sure.. but the fact is Carney swore he wouldnt keep drinking he said he would go to AA.. all he has been to is two meetings..
the point is here this young man has been given so many chances to my knowledge he got 3 chances whilst at Canberra.. he was and is more than reckless he hasnt killed anyone or himself as yet but its an accident waiting to happen..
if you call this petty I hope for WA sake you havent any sons..
the young man had a terrible reputation in Canberra and he was banned from his own town Goulburn because of his drinking and bad behaviour..what does that tell you about this young man he is 24.
its a shame and a terrible waste.. but if we keep calling it petty where do you expect him to end up?... and then who will you point the finger at?