abu_rashid wrote on Apr 30
th, 2011 at 7:50am:
Time's post seems to admit, by default, that Christianity is susceptible to such attacks, Islam however is a completely different story.
Hence the reason the centuries long ideological attack hasn't worked in the Muslim world, in fact it's driven the Muslims stronger into their beliefs, hence it being followed up by severe military attacks.
Christianity was susceptible because it allowed its foundations to be questioned. This was its biggest mistake. As soon as Luther nailed his theses to the church door and the clergy gave him concessions, it was all over for Christianity. Protestantism took the power away from the clergy and gave it over to 'the people'.
It is also a pertinent point that Christianity's cultivation of truthfulness lead to its own decline. The search for 'truth' lead to the church's 'truths' to be questioned for their validity. Once the texts of antiquity were reintroduced, Christianity's 'truths' could no longer stand up to scrutiny. Rarely can 'truths' be maintained in the face of honest skepticism.
When Islam allows rigorous, honest, investigation of its own 'truths', then it will fall. But, if it maintains a closed system of belief that keeps referring back to its presuppositions to justify itself (they call this circular reasoning) then it will continue to stand.
The moral is if you want to 'keep your faith',
don't think.