...and embraces Islam.
He also exposes nicely how the occupying invasion-terrorists murder the entire families of Talibaan commanders.
Sleeping with the Enemy
Friday, April 22, 2011
Reporter: Michael Usher
Producer: Stephen Rice
Australians have every reason to hate the Taliban. Their fighters have now killed 23 of our soldiers in Afghanistan.
The latest, 21-year-old South Australian Jamie Larcombe, another victim of a ragtag bunch of men, whose greatest weapons are secrecy and surprise.
We lift the Taliban's veil and take you right inside the vipers' nest, thanks to documentary-maker Paul Refsdal.
Brave or fool-hardy, you be the judge, but Paul entrenched himself in a Taliban stronghold, literally sleeping with the enemy.
And one of the most startling things about the resulting film is that he got away with his life.
Full transcript:MICHAEL USHER: In a tumble-down hut in the mountains of Kunar Province, eastern Afghanistan, a doting father plays with his two youngest children. Davran is a family man, a bloke who likes a laugh and a bit of sport with his mates. But Davran is also a Taliban commander. A ruthless fighter who's taking along his eldest son, aged 12, as he leads an ambush on unsuspecting coalition troops.
PAUL REFSDAL: I would expect to meet the demons, you know, with the long tails and a hole in their foreheads because of what I have been hearing in the media but what I met was normal people. Is she afraid, if she thinks I am American?
DAVRAN: Of course, yes.
MICHAEL USHER: This rare insight into the Taliban was recorded by Norwegian filmmaker Paul Refsdal, who lived, slept and ate with them for two weeks in their mountain hideaway.
MICHAEL USHER: You captured some quite intimate moments for example, Davran playing with his children?
MICHAEL USHER: Quite touching moments.
PAUL REFSDAL: He behaved like I would be with my children. It was like a normal man, you know?
MICHAEL USHER: But this was an adventure that nearly cost Refsdal his life. Here in Afghanistan, as a journalist, you risk your life to cover the story. You want to get close to the action, close to the people, but you do everything to avoid falling into the hands of the Taliban. That's exactly what Paul Refsdal wanted. Call him courageous or call him foolish, he left Kabul and headed high into these hills, knowing that he stood every chance of being captured or killed.
PAUL REFSDAL: I had some guarantees from a Taliban commander, quite a high-ranking commander in Kunar Province. He said, "OK, you are welcome. You will be my guest." That's the best guarantee you can get.
MICHAEL USHER: How did you know you could trust them?
PAUL REFSDAL: You're never sure. You don't know if they're gonna treat you as a guest or they are going to kill you. I saw two Taliban fighters hiding behind the rock. Long hair, big beards, no smiles on their faces.
MICHAEL USHER: That's Refsdal, doing his best to look like a local.
PAUL REFSDAL: I am a tall, white guy. You know, they are fighting tall, white guys so when you meet them, that's the point of no return. You just have to keep on walking and smile and just hope they are not gonna kidnap you.
MICHAEL USHER: But Refsdal's immediate fear of these armed Taliban fighters was quickly eased. Commander Davran approved of him and his band of fighters found the filmmaker as intimidating as he found them.
PAUL REFSDAL: They were talking about me; there was some whispering, of course. Actually, some of it I got on tape.
MICHAEL USHER: What did they say? "He's really scared of us, the same way we're scared of that bald head"?
PAUL REFSDAL: Actually the real translation is “he's poo-scared of us like we are scared of that, they call it melon-head”. It seemed like the Taliban had humour, actually.
MICHAEL USHER: Funny and at times, comically incompetent fumbling as they load their weapons. And the ‘Dad's Army’ approach to warfare became even more bizarre when Refsdal realised Davran was about to ambush a military convoy almost from the doorstep of his own home. One of the things that surprised me is here you have this commander fighting warfare with his wife and children in tow?
PAUL REFSDAL: He was leading the attack a couple of hundred metres away, 300m, 400m away maybe from his house. He was shouting to his children, you know, "Now you go and hide in the house."
DAVRAN: Let the first vehicle pass, then start the attack!
MICHAEL USHER: Down in the valley, an American convoy is headed down the road. They're driving into a trap. Davran has teams of men on both sides of the valley. They're using an old heavy machine gun that could be best described as an antique. But they're hitting their mark. The convoy below seems powerless to respond. That raises some serious questions, doesn't it, of the awesome might of the coalition?
MICHAEL USHER: That they can't strike back against this small bunch of men and their rusty old guns?
PAUL REFSDAL: The weapons they had, there wasn’t any weapon that I saw there that couldn't have been used in World War II.
DAVRAN: Shoot those sons of poo! You hear! Hit the check point hard! I will not back down. I’m victorious in the battle as well as in propaganda! Every fight, he acts like this. Allah is great!