mozzaok wrote on Apr 29
th, 2011 at 11:18am:
Excellent example foolos, it is a graphic representation of how even a young attractive woman, who is a talented and successful actress feels she needs to depict herself, to be seen as a powerful woman, by posing to suggest a sexually voracious personality.
She could have been dressed normally, in jeans and t shirt, and spoken about her acting career, and how she does not need every second picture of her be made to make her look like she is panting for sex from the first passing stranger.
Its Men who make all the decisions sadly.
Look at the news readers on the commercial networks. The MALE newsreader gets better with age, matures and increases his integrity etc. He can even be losing his hair and not all that attractive. Doesnt matter with men.
The Female newsreader equivalent or weather presenter is churned out and recycled - generally very young.
The Male driven CORPOCRACY rules in the west - we are all ebslaved by it.
Typical MALE weather presenter (ABC Mark Carmody)

Typical FEMALE weather presenter (ABC Sarah Cumming)
And when the executives think people are bored with Sarah's appearance she will be moved on for the next piece of meat