Deborahmac09 wrote on May 6 th, 2011 at 1:21pm: Yadda wrote on May 6 th, 2011 at 10:10am: Deborahmac09 wrote on May 5 th, 2011 at 7:21pm: No arguement there from me. I however see no purpose in stiring the pot, knowing that words will cause more senceless deaths. But hey, it is never the fault of those who purposly stir the pot knowing what will happen is it?
Threats, and intimidation, and violence, made by wicked evil men, to achieve aims, works. THAT, is your philosophy of life. Deborahmac09, You do not deserve to live as a free person, in an open society, with rights. People like you would sell your grandparents to knackers yards, would sell their sisters to pimps, and would sell their liberty and rights for a promise of peace. You are a slave, and that is all you will ever be. +++ None can love freedom so heartily, but good men; the rest have not freedom, but licence. John Hamilton Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin The difference between a free man and a slave is that a slave values his life more than his freedom... John Norman Apparently you beleive that your freedom to do and say whatever you like is worth more than someone else's life. I do not. You are the one selling out your grandparents and everyone else because you don't care that what you say or do can and does hurt other people. You do not even take responsibility for that. I do not live free! I think about what I am going to think and do and the consequences, then I weigh it up. Th problem is most of you don't think about the consequences let alone weigh them up. Tell me, are your children's lives worth you keeping your mouth shut! Most of you, I bet no. How nice of you to make that choice for them! You stand for nothing. You endorse nothing, .....except protecting your own [and your family's] safety. IMO, you are a moral pimp. +++ The 'prophet' of ISLAM said that, a persons silence is [their] consent, [their] agreement [with what is happening]. Google; mohammed silence is consentJuly 12, 2008 Pakistan: Christian girls kidnapped; captors file for custody, claiming girls converted to Islam And the police weren't about to be of any help without outside pressure: The girls' father "was told to 'remain silent,' as the officers said the girls had embraced Islam in a written statement." "Pakistan: Girls kidnapped, allegedly forced to convert,"http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021731.php"The girls' father "was told to 'remain silent,' "July 14, 2008 Pakistan: 13- and 10-year-old girls abducted, raped, and forced into the fold of Islam More Christian girls being forced to convert to the religion of peace. As this report notes, the Muslim majority, including the police, are either actively or passively aiding the abductors, a common phenomenon in Muslim majority countries, such as Egypt, where Coptic girls are regularly abducted.http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021760.phpupdate....
July 20, 2008 Pakistan: Court grants custody of Christian girls to Muslim kidnappers Because they converted to Islam, you see. More on this story. "Pakistan: Court Grants Custody of Girls to Kidnappers," from Compass Direct News, July 18: ISTANBUL, July 18 (Compass Direct News) A Pakistani couple has appealed a court decision to award custody of their two daughters, 10 and 13, to the children’s alleged kidnappers. The court based its custody decision on the girls’ conversion to Islam.http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021866.phpJanuary 14, 2009 Pakistan: Christian girls drugged, coverted to Islam, sold as sex slaves Muslim men are permitted to have sex with the "captives their right hands possess" (Qur'an 4:24). "Christian Girls Drugged and Sold As Sex Slaves in Pakistan," from AINA, January 13:http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/024393.php+++ Deborahmac09, I sincerely wish that these two Christian girls had been your own children. Then perhaps you would more perfectly understand your error.