mavisdavis wrote on May 5
th, 2011 at 8:44am:
Gough Witless laid the foundation stones for the development of a totally welfare dependant underclass, the ALP has since then, compounded the problem. The ALP`s creation, and propogation of the great masses of welfare dependant "living dead", was originally designed to ensure an almost 100% ALP voting base. This was/is one of the most brutal and senseless, self serving acts of our history.
Welfare was there LONG before Whitlam came to power.
The REAL issue is that society has become FAR more greedy and
selfish, and far less caring than was the case in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
And it now thinks that the poor are somehow 'undeserving', or
that being poor is somehow the poor's own fault.
It is wrong. Very wrong. And I hope I live to see the day when
that attitude comes back to bite society with a vengeance.