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Is Atheism a Religion? (Read 112086 times)
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #240 - Dec 14th, 2012 at 9:05pm
Amadd wrote on Dec 14th, 2012 at 7:21pm:
Is it only atheists that can't tell good from bad, in your opinion? What about Scientologists? Hindus? Animists?

I'm interested in how one group of people can tell good from bad, and how do you characterise that group?

Well, that was a bit of a rhetorical question ..meaning: Of course an atheist is able to tell good from bad without requiring any particular scripture.
However, definitions of good and bad may vary  Huh

Maybe so, but I've always wanted to ask that question of those who really believe in that point of view.
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #241 - Dec 16th, 2012 at 11:27pm
I'm sure you do. So do I.

Personally, I think it's just a "club" mentality where they think they own the rules of the game (where the game is life).
In that respect, atheism could also be construed as being just another club, however, the atheist club requires no particular vendor and requirements for membership involve little more than eyes, ears and a half-functioning brain.
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« Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2012 at 11:33pm by Amadd »  
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #242 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 5:22am
Amadd wrote on Dec 16th, 2012 at 11:27pm:
I'm sure you do. So do I.

Personally, I think it's just a "club" mentality where they think they own the rules of the game (where the game is life).
In that respect, atheism could also be construed as being just another club, however, the atheist club requires no particular vendor and requirements for membership involve little more than eyes, ears and a half-functioning brain.

And what "rules" do atheists apply then?

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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #243 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 8:04am
And what "rules" do atheists apply then?

Hopefully, the rule of common sense and good judgement.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #244 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 8:24am
Amadd wrote on Dec 17th, 2012 at 8:04am:
And what "rules" do atheists apply then?

Hopefully, the rule of common sense and good judgement.

Doesnt make it a club

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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #245 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 10:47am
No, but I'd rather it be called a club than a religion.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #246 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 12:10pm
I guess if you want to settle for lesser of the evils but i prefer not to let them get away with any of it.

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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #247 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 8:51pm
Atheism is a religion, as much as silence is a language.
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #248 - Dec 17th, 2012 at 10:05pm

conviction = =
1 an instance of being convicted.     the action or process of convicting someone.
2 a firmly held belief or opinion.     the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of something.

Religion is a conviction [i.e. a belief].

And atheism is a conviction [too].

Is the conviction [i.e. the b-e-l-i-e-f] that a person holds about atheism, NOT at all similar, to the 'conviction' that a person holds about a religion [i.e. having an 'imaginary friend'] ?

Neither position is provable.

The 'religionist' cannot prove [to another person] that there is a God.

The atheist cannot prove [to another person] that a God does NOT exist.

Is Atheism a Religion?

Perhaps what we should be asking is;

Is atheism a 'conviction' [i.e. a firmly held belief or opinion] ???

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #249 - Dec 18th, 2012 at 5:09am
Why? Why do you want to classify atheism in such a way? Religion is organised though.

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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #250 - Dec 18th, 2012 at 10:41am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 18th, 2012 at 5:09am:

Why? Why do you want to classify atheism in such a way?
  Religion is organised though.


Am i being unreasonable ?

Isn't atheism a strongly held conviction with some people ???

Atheism not a 'religion' ?

Well SPOT, here is one of the 'high priests' of atheism, and a 'believer',
.....together, spending 15 minutes going over 'doctrine'.

Richard Dawkins & Ricky Gervais on Religion

Are those two people NOT reinforcing their views with each other ?

And confirming with each other that their 'conviction' is sound ?

If the views of these two people were NOT a deeply held 'conviction', wouldn't hese two people be content to keep their quiet 'conviction' [that there is no God] to themselves ?

These two people seem happy to demonstrate how 'organised' they are in their views.         Tongue

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #251 - Dec 18th, 2012 at 11:06am

Dawkins speaks for himself. All atheists have in common is non-belief in a deity.

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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #252 - Dec 18th, 2012 at 5:33pm
Am i being unreasonable ?

Isn't atheism a strongly held conviction with some people ???

Stats I've seen usually show a degree of uncertainty amongst people with atheist views, or it's not a question they require an answer to.

Stephen Hawkins seems convinced that rationally speaking, there is no creator and the universe created itself.

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A cat with a view
Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #253 - Dec 18th, 2012 at 8:06pm
Amadd wrote on Dec 18th, 2012 at 5:33pm:
Am i being unreasonable ?

Isn't atheism a strongly held conviction with some people ???

Stats I've seen usually show a degree of uncertainty amongst people with atheist views, or it's not a question they require an answer to.

Stephen Hawkins seems convinced that rationally speaking, there is no creator and the universe created itself.

I am sure that a person in Stephen Hawkins position has had a lot of time to meditate upon that question.

And his conclusion sounds totally rational to me.
/sarc off

One moment, no universe.

The next, there is a BIG BANG [which was cause by, NOTHING] and then we have a universe.

It sounds like a magic trick to me.


Do you believe in magic ?


Yadda explains the [accepted by scientists] BIG BANG theory;


All matter was once compressed into the size of a full-stop-dot, like the one at the end of this sentence >>> . <<<

And then there was an explosion of that matter [i.e. the BIG BANG], which resulted in our present universe of stars and planets.

The material from that explosion [of nothing] then coalesced and was drawn together to form the stars and planets in our universe.

On earth, the molten rocks cooled, life evolved [from what was once those molten rocks!], and here we all are, ...the masters of the universe!

Here is a nice BIG BANG theory quote from a science article [purporting to be fact] published in that reputable 'science' magazine, 'Discover';

Google it;

"...The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing - zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nowhere."

Alan Guth, Discover magazine April 2002

......Start, Guth says, by imagining nothing, a pure vacuum. Be careful. Don't imagine outer space without matter in it. Imagine no space at all and no matter at all. Good luck.

To the average person it might seem obvious that nothing can happen in nothing. But to a quantum physicist, nothing is, in fact, something. Quantum theory holds that probability, not absolutes, rules any physical system. It is impossible, even in principle, to predict the behavior of any single atom; all physicists can do is predict the average properties of a large collection of atoms. Quantum theory also holds that a vacuum, like atoms, is subject to quantum uncertainties. This means that things can materialize out of the vacuum, although they tend to vanish back into it quickly. While this phenomenon has never been observed directly, measurements of the electron's magnetic strength strongly imply that it is real and happening in the vacuum of space even now.

Theoretically, anything—a dog, a house, a planet—can pop into existence by means of this quantum quirk, which physicists call a vacuum fluctuation. Probability, however, dictates that pairs of subatomic particles—one positive, one negative, so that conservation laws are not violated—are by far the most likely creations and that they will last extremely briefly, typically for only 10-21 second. The spontaneous, persistent creation of something even as large as a molecule is profoundly unlikely.

Its a 'magic' show folks!           Grin           Grin           Grin

Tickets!  Tickets!    $10 a ticket!

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gladstone, Queensland
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Re: Is Atheism a Religion?
Reply #254 - Dec 18th, 2012 at 9:16pm
Yadda wrote on Dec 18th, 2012 at 10:41am:
Richard Dawkins & Ricky Gervais on Religion

Are those two people NOT reinforcing their views with each other ?

And confirming with each other that their 'conviction' is sound ?

If the views of these two people were NOT a deeply held 'conviction', wouldn't hese two people be content to keep their quiet 'conviction' [that there is no God] to themselves ?

These two people seem happy to demonstrate how 'organised' they are in their views.         Tongue

It's understandable that somebody who calls himself an atheist would be interested in God or gods. After all, before you can understand the atheist position, first you have to have some appreciation of the theist position in all its variations. If they don't, then they are quite happy to accept that they don't have the foggiest idea what they don't believe in.  Grin
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