Amadd wrote on Dec 25
th, 2012 at 12:00am:
Sitting on the fence with "Deism" hey?
Well your religious buddies will smite you for that.
Note- The alternatives are: Control with BS, be controlled by BS, or state the truth.
Which position do you attempt Muso?
From my position I can see that you are attempting to control with BS, but you've been owned by truth now BS artist!
How plead you?
Ouch! Well, when confronted with the concept of kaleidoscope shape- shifting god or gods, some of which look very much like "Nature", I can't honestly take the position that Nature doesn't exist. I think the position that NoN described earlier describes how I see Atheism.
NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 20
th, 2012 at 6:32am:
The arguing over the non-existence of 'god' is the terrain of the militant antitheist (or the antitheist) whose primary argument is against the influence that theism has on society. But, in doing so, he inevitably becomes entangled in the web of defining 'god', becoming ever more obsessed with what 'god' is (or isn't by antithesis) and, by that, inadvertently concedes (perversely) that 'god', in some way, exists.
That's bl00dy brilliant. Concisely put.
You know what non-artists say about Art? Well it's similar with Atheists. Atheists don't really understand God, but they know what they don't believe in when they see it. (shut up Spot and don't use the "Atheists just" phrase again. Don't interrupt me while I'm extrapolating) If I'm true to myself, I can't honestly take that position. It seems to carry too much anti-religious baggage, and I'm anything but anti-religious. I admire people who ask themselves the hard questions.
I think I can say with some degree of certainty that I don't believe in the classical Judeo Christian (Abrahamic) concept of a god. It just doesn't ring true.
Deism is something I find interesting, but I can't put my hand on my heart and confess to being a card-carrying Deist, even though nature is an amazing thing and it does have God-like properties.
I think I could probably identify with Religious Naturalism better than anything else. Do you really want me to go over RN again?
Not sure how you can "own" me on the basis of my personal belief any more than you can say "Hey! Your favourite colour is blue. I can see that you're lying" or "Hey! - you don't really take two spoons of sugar in your coffee!" (Say both with machismo to look as ridiculous as possible)