muso wrote on Mar 15
th, 2013 at 9:34pm:
Quote:As every dictator has seen, what needs to change is language if minds are to be changed. When this is grasped, the antennae go up for all the little linguistic undermining and violation of a commonly accepted meaning of words and concept and notions.
That's exactly how Christianity grew in political strength. Christianity (in many of its mutations) has always been a highly political movement.
Christianity and every other organised religion
of man, has always morphed into a political 'worldly' structure.
Why ?
The answer is that we cannot help ourselves. [.....but, God can!]
It is the fate of [we] humans to always corrupt what is pure.
Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Matthew 20:25
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.
26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
chose to kill [to destroy] 'God', who came among us, as a human being.
We are destroyers, and the corrupter's, of all what is pure.
No ?
It is in our nature,
to be corrupt, and to destroy, and corrupt even ourselves.
No ?
In its purest form, religion is the search for truth.
...or at least, it should be, imo.
Our [human] attempts to pursue 'Religion', is our attempt to reach for the divine, because we know that we are standing up to our ankles in a bog of mud.
And we don't want to be here!I know that i do not!
RELIGION - the 'search' for what is true;
But the purity of 'Religion', once it is 'pursued' by men, has always been corrupted, by those men who sought its purity.
It is not their fault.
They are/were, just human beings.
And they transformed what should/could have been the purity of 'Religion', into a 'monster' [or, a BEAST!] with a political hierarchy, which could be wielded to serve carnal ends, instead of develop our spiritual health.
It is not their fault.
They are/were, just human beings.
But God will save us, God
will redeem us.
But do you want to be redeemed ?
Or do you want to be a destroyer ?
Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
Worship and Being Human, just look at our history Quote:Mankind, just look at our history
Look, at the behaviour of mankind throughout history.
Is our human behaviour, historically, indicative of 'something', about us which we innately can feel is true, even while we have no tangible evidence, of what many of us can feel ???
It is a fact, that for all of recorded human history [as an expression of man's desire to 'commune' with the 'gods'], man has built temples.
And on a purely psycho-logical level, WHY is that?
And to all of you 'rationalists' and 'scientists' out there!,
....even if you are an atheist,
....doesn't that behaviour say something about us [mankind] ?
MANKIND'S FASCINATION WITH BUILDING TEMPLES [a house, for a 'god', to dwell in]......
....Can i suggest, that mankind's compulsive behaviour in this regard, flows from an inner need, a subconscious need? [within physical man], to acknowledge another 'reality' which [indeed] many of us sense,
....i.e the existence of a [spiritual] God.
Or, is mankind's inclination to 'temple building' a reflection of a flaw in our psyche ?