Soren wrote on Mar 17
th, 2013 at 11:09am:
Anyway, religion is evidently far more interesting and imaginatively fruitful in every way than atheism. There is nothing to discuss about atheism except its religious dimension.
As a religious naturalist, I tend to agree. The -ism pertaining to atheists is only valid when seen from a religious context. An atheist would probably not consider himself to be part of the great unwashed "Atheism", and those that do, in reality are identifying with an almost evangelical anti-theistic movement.
I think we can learn a great deal from religions, be they traditional or otherwise. One thing that we do have in common is an appreciation of the cultural and political dimensions of religion.
Quote:OK, an extended riff on a snake, an apple AND a cow.
La vache! (celle qui interrompt)
La vache means the cow, but it's also an expletive. The song is a somewhat crude popular rugby / drinking song, but it seems strangely appropriate.