A non-today tonight source for those who refuse to beleive.
Quote:DIAC Report - 80% of refugee and humanitarian migrants on benefits after 5 years
Shadow Minister for Productivity and Population & Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Scott Morrison
Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Settlement, Teresa Gambaro
A major Government survey showing high rates of unemployment and welfare dependency for refugee and humanitarian entrants reinforces the need to restore a strong border protection regime, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Scott Morrison and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Settlement, Hon. Teresa Gambaro said today.
“The official survey conducted for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and released on the night of the Royal wedding highlights that 83.5% of refugee and humanitarian entrants are still on benefits five years after arriving and less than a third have a job,” Mr Morrison said.
“The news is worse of refugee and humanitarian entrants from Afghanistan and Iraq that have dominated illegal boat arrivals, where only 9% and 11% had a job respectively,” he said.
“Low levels of employment, welfare dependency, lower income levels and poor English skills are a toxic social cocktail, that can lead to enclaving and serious intergenerational social problems.
“The results highlight why it is so important that we have complete control over who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come.
“It also demonstrates why increasing our refugee and humanitarian intake above current levels, as proposed by many, including refugee advocates, would be counter productive and why the Coalition is opposed to lifting the current level of intake.
“It’s hard enough to get it right as things stand without compounding the problems by opening up our borders as Labor have done through their weak border protection and asylum policies, or increasing the intake even further as some suggest.
“We must have complete control over who comes to this country. Under Labor’s failed and weak approach, this is no longer the case and the problems continue to compound.
“People smugglers have no interest in ensuring they send people to Australia who can make their way here. Under Labor, people smugglers are increasingly determining who comes, rather than those who apply offshore, where we can better assess their ability to integrate into the Australian community,” Mr Morrison said.
Ms Gambaro said: “This report is a shocking wake up call for the conduct of the Government’s settlement services policy.
“It is clear that despite the commitment by Governments of both political persuasions to settlement services, refugee and humanitarian entrants are really struggling to find their way. While Australia does better than most around in the world in this area, our programmes are failing to get the job done.
“The Coalition believes that getting a job should be the primary objective for refugee and other humanitarian entrants, to enable them to make a contribution and take responsibility for their own futures.
“It is clear from the report that learning English is a key factor contributing toward better employment outcomes, but with such dire employment outcomes, it is clearly not the full story.
“The report demands a thorough review of the linkage between settlement and employment services and addressing potential barriers amongst employers to help get these people into work.
“Australia has a skills shortage, yet more than two out of three refugees and humanitarian entrants are not employed.
“We must also look to see whether a culture of entitlement has become a feature of more recent entrants.
“If you come to this country, you should get a job, pay taxes and make a contribution. There should be no free rides for those who can and should be looking after themselves. Our settlement services must support this outcome,” Ms Gambaro said.