Racism is good.
Racism states that ...
All Yellow people (who originated from Asia) live their lives via Cities (Pyramids or little mounds of stones upon stones that you see upon sides of roads) and Sport. Yellow people prefer to live underground and don't be surprised if all those Yellow people spending money upon Australian Mining will soon buy out Australian mining - its a Yellow thing to live underground or within dark cities that block out the sunlight like Prisons. Yellow Cake anyone? Citi-Zen.
Black people (who originate from Africa ...though its contentious that the Aboriginals are 'blood' related - guess Racism is just 'skin' deep
) prefer to be out in the sunlight and live their lives by Mathematics and the Land. Don't be surprised if they rule all the lands upon the planet with the Yellow boys living below ground. All the 'earth' will be a Farm.
"Oh look - there's a Black President during these very hard Economic times ...for the USA mostly
Red people (who originate from North America or Angel/Aryan/Aerias) tend to love to Fly in all things Aviation and like Eagles they have good visualisation and thus such things as Art (and Astronomy) are their true passion. Politics in North America is just an act of 'denial' rather than cultural truth for the essence remains, never the man himself.
White people (who originate from Australia) prefer to live via all things Ocean-Water and Politics. Like the Yellow people, they shy away from the sun and go deep down into the dark cold Abyss of the Oceans with their Politics for the sound of speech travels further than light in the depths and their white appearance shows best like bioluminesence.
Blue people (who originate from Europe) prefer to live via Medicine and Cooking - what was once a Sword is now a Scalpel. They run the best restaurants ...so better than the 'pretentious' ones run by people dressed in black (black is the colour of money and thats all they really want from you
) as if they are somehow 'celebrity' hip
Although Blue people have brown hair, wearing Brown clothes isn't their 'spirituality' like it is for the Brown people of the Middle-East.
Grey people (who originate from the Occidental region that exists from the Caribbean/Central America to New Zealand) who live their lives via Music and Science. Sure they currently wear black as if it is their 'racial' right over other White people, because their hair is 'Raven', but they are slowly "Fading to Grey" as the song goes ...and all things silvery. They also live akin to the Whites, but they prefer to Sail upon the seas - not beneath them.
Green people (who originate from South America) tend to have that nice 'olive' complexion and live via Military and Conservation (protection of species). Born upon the Conquistador seed that was sown long ago, these cold-blooded Reptillian peoples shepard the wildlife of the world and in true Military style - Protect. For their needs to eat are much like 'cold-blooded' - not often at all. So you will usually see them shooting the odd Blue Chef who needs more food to be active more than most races.
Brown people (who originate from the Middle-East) have lived their lives via Religion (Reading/Writing) and Fashion (Spirituality). In fact, it has been their duty to appropriately attire the Races according to their state of being. Hence why Brown people look best in Brown/Baige clothes ...like most Librarians
. Sadly, the Middle-East is going through some Military issues, but that will recede back to the South America once all is known and understood.
So there you have it. Pure Racism.
The World can never become One until it admits its ...differences.
Purple people ...well now, we all know what they live their lives by now don't we.
Aliens = are for us to Blame.
Robots = are gonna save us from ourselves.