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Enhance DNA (Read 187642 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #30 - Mar 9th, 2013 at 9:22am

Sir Edmund Halley and the Pleiades anomaly


About 200 years ago Sir Edmund Halley discovered an anomaly in space around the stars of the Pleiades. A hundred years later Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel confirmed Halley's findings. In 1961 Paul Otto Hesse defined and measured this anomaly. It's an energy ring of incredible size, 760 thousand billion miles wide, and is due to intersect the earth just about any minute now. He also calculated that this is part of a 25,000-year-long cycle that our solar system goes through.

It's expected that once we're into the Photon Belt, electricity won't function and there will be three to five days of total darkness. With the total failure of electricity, public services will fail - communications, telephone, water and power are dependent upon electricity - as are gas pumps, public lighting, radio and TV. All indigenous cultures and religions prophesy three days of darkness to mark the "end times."

The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.

Photon waves

Solar System
Our solar system journeys through the universe in a 26,200 year cycle, its path crossing what is popularly termed the Milky Way at right angles twice during that period. Every 13,000 years or so therefore planet Earth comes into a space/time overlap or period of NULL-TIME, an electromagnetic no-zone or energy vacuum, with complete absence of electromagnetic fields and the temporary suspension of the planetary grid system. When the pendulum reaches the destructive pause at the end of its swing, this is one of the results. This cosmic cloud is called the PHOTON Belt, the Milky Way or Monasic Ring, and ushers in an era of Light (2,000 years of Enlightenment) after a much longer period of [biblical] darkness. We are now poised to enter this Photon Belt, and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. It is the ending of a cycle. Understand it without fearing it.


     The Discovery of the Photon Belt

Electrons are neutralised during this period and therefore the laws of electricity lapse - there will be absolutely NO electrical activity during this period, not even from batteries. The effects will be far-reaching.

The photon belt's discovery was due to a series of studies of the Pleiades that began in the days of the famous British Astronomer, Sir Edmund Halley (1656-1742). Halley discovered that at least three of the stars in this star group were not in the same positions recorded by the Greeks. The difference was so great that it was impossible that either the Greeks or Halley were wrong. Halley concluded tht the Pleiades moved witin a prescribed sytem of motion.

This concept was proven by Fredrick Wilhelm Bessel with his discovery that the stars in the Pleiades had a proper motion of 5.5 seconds of arc per century.(JW We are then referred to a chart that I can't show you). Jose Comas Sola further postulated that the Pleiades and a number of other stars formed a distinct system and that all apparently had their own planetary systems. Paul Otto Hesse also studied this system and descovered at absolute right angles to the movement of the stars, a photon belt or manasic ring with a thickness of approximately 2000 light years.
If the results of the observations of Jose Comas Sola and Paul Otto Hesse about the Pleiades are correct, our star (the Sun) is in a 24000 year cycle with the Pleiadean Photon Belt. At present we are poised to enter the belt and pass through the 2000 light year manasic ring before the end of this century. The question to be asked is what is the significance of this event to our planetary civilization?

Before we answer that question let us describe some of the fore running events and allied phenomena that occur before we enter the belt. At the edge of the belt is a null zone. As we have crept closer, the planet has become subjected to an increase in seismic activity and volcanism. Further, we have seen an alteration of traditional weather patterns that permits the formation of extremely severe typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes. There is also the added stress placed on the upper atmosphere which could have aided the formation of the ozone holes.

Harmonic Convergence

The Sun has responded by an increase in solar flare activity and in a general stellar cooling. It must be remembered that the null zone is the place where the photon energy in the belt is created. It is a place where all particles of matter and anti-matter are annihilated. Hence, there is a vast pressure on our solar system. This pressure builds up graadually and does not climb in an exponential manner until we pass into the zone. We are now in the position of near entry into the belt (entry will occur sometime before the end of this decade).

Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt

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« Last Edit: Mar 9th, 2013 at 9:33am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #31 - Mar 9th, 2013 at 9:31am

Should Earth reach this PHOTON Belt before our Sun does, the sky will appear to be on fire and there would be three days and three nights of blinding light. Welders' goggles would be needed to protect eyes from this light, as it would burn out the retinal nerves, and this would continue for 110 - 120 hours. This is a cold light, therefore there would be no heat. But there could be radiation, so one should remain indoors.

If the Sun reaches the Belt first there will be a similar period of immediate and total darkness, without the sun rising. All molecules will become excited and atomic structures will change at this point in time and all life-forms will have a certain luminescence about them, creating their own light system.

Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt are said to be strange lighting effects or colors in the sky, a perception of less light - even in midsummer, and a gradual darkening of the planet itself, with final entry into total darkness taking 15 - 20 minutes.

Spiralling Energies

The mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt. The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy--with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity). These spiralling energies give rise to natural spacetime orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centres, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years. There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun). The Pleiades, which is encircled by the photon belt, is about 400 light years from us, and is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. The belt consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the galaxy, and associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.

Alcyone - the central sun of the Pleiades constellation.

Alcyone - the central sun of the Pleiades Constellation

The Photon Belt and the manasic radiation have a greater impact than one might imagine. From the scientific point of view, it is the procession of our Solar System and its accompanying planets around the Central Sun, called Alcione, located in the constellation of Pleiades. This counter-clockwise cyclic procession around Alcione requires 25,860 years to make one complete orbit. Our present-day sun, moon, and planets must twice pass through the Photon Belt during this time, that is, once to the North and once to the South. (See diagram, below.) During this cycle, there are two periods of darkness and two periods of light. The periods of darkness, which constitute the vast majority of the rotation around the Central Sun, consist of two periods of 10,500 years each, plus an additional, seemingly optional 430 years for both of the 10,500-year periods. (i.e., 10,500+430 = 10,930 years, times 2=21,860 years).

Following each period of 10,500 years of darkness, we then emerge into 2000 years of total light, which actually constitutes the Photon Belt. In review, we then have 21,860 years of darkness and 4,000 years of light (21,860 + 4,000 = 25,860 years, or one complete cycle/orbit).

Harmonic Convergence
In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades. This photon belt circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and the earth with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.
Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles. What distinguishes this particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates, together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part--including the overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is also called the Harmonic Convergence.

In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. The East familiarizes us with the contraction and expansion rhythm ofthe universe as the Inbreath and Outbreath of God--each breath covering a time span (in this density) in the vicinity of 11,000 years. It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with the Grand Cycles, the orbit of our sun around the central sun Alcione.
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« Last Edit: Mar 9th, 2013 at 9:36am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #32 - Mar 9th, 2013 at 9:31am
The meanings
The photon (from Greek meaning light) is a quantum of the electromagnetic field, for instance light. The photon is one of the elementary particles, along with the electron. Together with the particles that make up nuclei, their interactions account for a great many of the features of matter, such as the existence and stability of atoms, molecules, and solids. These interactions are studied in quantum electrodynamics (QED), which is the oldest part of the Standard Model of particle physics.

This belt of photon particles was first discovered in the 1960's in vicinity of the Pleiades by satelite instrumentation. A photon particle is the result of a collision between an anti-electron or positron and an electron. These split second collisions cause the charges of the particles to cancel and the resultant mass is converted into energy in the form of photons.

Manasic [from Sanskrit manas mind] Anglicized equivalent of Sanskrit manasika (mental, intelligent).

Greek Mythology

If you look out to the east when the sky is dark during the fall months, you will see one of the most famous and beautiful star groupings in the sky. It looks like a small faint question mark, made up of stars. This star grouping, or cluster, is the Pleiades (pronounced PLEE-uh-deez), or Seven Sisters. The Pleiades are located within the constellation Taurus, the Bull, and represent the bullís shoulder.

In Greek mythology, Taurus represented the king of the gods, Zeus, who disguised himself as a white bull with golden horns to attract the beautiful maiden, Europa. When Europa seated herself on the bullís back, he swam away with her to Crete, which is why we see only the animalís head and forequarters in the const
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #33 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 5:15am

Published on Mar 12, 2013
Currently for those who are aware of the incoming energies we are going through some pretty intense LIGHT downloads right now. This began the evening of March 10, 2013 for me and on 3.11.13 was so intense I had a difficult time staying in my being. The intensity will be different for each and everyone of us depending on our previous levels of LIGHT achieved as well as how focused we are on these energies. There is a very intense state of transfiguration into LIGHT I am feeling within my legs. I have felt this before but not like what has occurred these past days. As we become more and more LIGHT ourselves, that equal and opposite polarity becomes more visible also. All is in a state of Divine Perfection and there is no need to focus upon anything but the LIGHT in my opinion for these next days and remainder of this month. I'm sure we will see things occurring that are beyond what we can currently dream of... ha... Just stay focused on these energies and in your heart and Just Be LOVE!
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #34 - Mar 15th, 2013 at 4:14am
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #35 - Mar 15th, 2013 at 8:33pm
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #36 - Mar 29th, 2013 at 4:44am

Energy Update 28th March 2013 channeled by Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean


Blasts from the past will continue having a hold on the human consciousness. Many of us will experience an inner knowing, for a lack of a better world in relation to people who we share a common history. Vision during awakening time of those people’s dress code and appearance will help you understand the link through lives with certain people.


Attention regarding romantic entanglements, as these are also coming on much stronger now. It acts a little like a magnet for many of us, accompanied with a true soul sharing experience with one particular person, suddenly light will be shed where there was only suspicions before. Intense feelings and attraction will keep the mind occupied, acknowledge it for what it is, be grateful for the new knowledge, and try to let go with much respect and gratitude. Some situations will be more difficult to deal with than others.


Concerning the invisible world, some of us will begin having deep experiences of the angelic realm, even of the galactic ascended beings surrounding us. Be ready for a soft disclosure of some kind, as usual as personal one, deep for the heart and soul. Reconnection with star families and higher ascended masters is also possible.


A veil of mystery and slow motion is surrounding this week of Easter, there is a need for all of us to slow down, and smell the roses as it were. Don’t blame yourself for slowing down in the life rhythm; this is a necessary transition for us all.


Love and light, Multidimensional Ocean
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #37 - Mar 30th, 2013 at 8:00pm

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Radical Transformation is Upon Us

Dear Ones,

The Heavenly Realms are showing their support through this Equinox-Full Moon time of Awakening. Many people have noticed the Angelic forms in rainbows, clouds and especially the recent formations of the Aurora Borealis. Divine Light is getting stronger, and Spiritual Presence is making itself known to reassure you that you are definitely not alone. These formations of Light act as open doorways to new awakening consciousness. The Angels are reminding you that they are here during these times of great power, grief, transition, and the present radical transformation that is in process.

When you can ground the intensity of the energies you are experiencing, you will notice a new heightened intuition. Your sensitivity levels are increasing. Your perceptions are expanding, and within the core of your being, new Truth is awakening. Take this time as the Grand Experiment it is and know that the more open and curious your mind can be now, the easier the transition through dimensional shifting will be for you.

In this time of ascending consciousness, the massive downloads of high frequencies of energy are relentless. Surrendering to this Mighty Flow will simplify the process for you. There is no place you can hide when you have already stepped into the elevator to the Higher Dimensions. Enjoying the ride will be easier if you can take some steps to use the energy more resourcefully. Resisting the flow will only make the experience more uncomfortable. Those having the most difficulties during these times of transition are those who are contracting into their old limiting perceptions.

Your hearts are breaking free to receive the God-permeated presence of Divine Love. Surrendering to this flow of love means to be open to the gifts being offered in this new time. Allow the radiant presence of Empowered Light to clear old patterns from your energy field as if you were standing in a golden shower of Divine Love. In this way you will be ready when the elevator doors open to your new life.

The Light is traveling from the Illuminated Realms of Truth directly into your High Heart. Your job as a Lightworker is to ground these new frequencies for the planet. The power of exalted energies can feel brilliantly expansive and uplifting. They only become wobbly when you try to force them into the old frameworks of your world. You are being strengthened and rewired with a new core of Truth that can take the charge of Light and with your intention, send it down through your base chakra into the planet for grounding. The Earth can hold the new frequencies and keep your energy systems in alignment so your nervous system can work more easily.

The power of Divine Love moves from above your crown into the receptive vessel of your high Heart chakra which then feeds your physical heart with healing frequencies. There is a new wholeness in this energy that can strengthen the lower chakras when you allow the energy to flow through you down into the Earth. With your awareness and your intention, let this exalted Golden Light energy drop like a weight from the base of your spine. Feel it connecting with the core of the Earth and let an expansive root system form that aligns you with the vitality of Nature. This provides a grounding system that will nourish you and allow you to run the higher frequencies through your physical body. This grounding is required in order for you to become Homo Luminus, a connected being of Light from Heaven to Earth, the blended being you were meant to be. It feels unusual, awkward, new and familiar at the same time. Your soul has longed for this moment. Know that as you expand, there are Angelic Wings at your back that you can relax into.

From the Realms of Illuminated Truth, you are being gifted that which you have been praying for, the presence of Unity Consciousness. All of Heaven is rejoicing in your awakening. Know that the Gateway of Power is open for you to receive this gift.  And it is now. ~ Archangel Gabriel
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #38 - Mar 30th, 2013 at 10:20pm

You Are PreLoaded With Tools Of Light For Aprils Onslaught Energy
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #39 - Apr 1st, 2013 at 9:00am

Galactic Federation of Light Saul March-31-2013

Humanity's interest in matters spiritual is growing rapidly as a direct result of the new divine energies flooding the planet, which was of course the intent when they were set in motion. You all need to seriously address your spiritual side, your 99%, which vast numbers of you have neglected because of the seductive, enticing, and demanding distractions with which your egos, through the mechanism of the illusion, are constantly bombarding you. Truly, when you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present! That is all of you that your egos can access, even though it often appears to you that some people have enormous egos! Is that not amazing?

But it is true, because you are all divine beings of power and might who have chosen to constrain yourselves within the very narrow confines of a human body. And now the time has come for you to move on — to move up into the higher dimensions where your spirits shine out brilliantly through the beautiful Light with which God endowed you at the moment of your creation.

Your divine nature is to shine, and even as you hide yourselves in the depths of the illusion that nature shines through when you think, speak, or behave lovingly, compassionately, or forgivingly. The more that you do so the brighter burns your Light, which is very clearly visible in the spiritual realms, and which those in the physical realms can sense, feel, and recognize as goodness and holiness, which provides them with a safe space in which they can find acceptance and comfort.

You truly are comforters, because you are helping others to recognize that their sense that something is missing, that something much greater than physicality is calling to them is valid, and that it is most definitely not a sign that they are on the threshold of psychosis. You chose to incarnate to shine your Light so that others could experience the comfort and support that your presence provides. It gives them added strength to cope with and learn the lessons with which their life paths present them, so that they may awaken into the Reality from which it often seems that they are excluded.

Keep that Light shining brightly by engaging fully with the field of divine Love that constantly surrounds you, breathing its catalytic encouragement on the inextinguishable flame of Love burning eternally within each one of you. You are all Lights unto the world, establishing Heaven on Earth as you mix and mingle with family, friends, and associates in your daily lives. I do not exaggerate when I tell you this, because all that our Father has created, including every one of you apparently entangled in the illusion, are sentient immortal beings of infinite perfection and beauty.

The illusion does hide this from you with a thin veil that is as illusory as the illusion itself, but it suffices while you choose to focus on the egoic influence that is forever attempting to persuade you that life is uncertain, fragile, and likely to be snuffed out suddenly and inexplicably unless you take great care of it. But as you open your hearts more and more to engage with the divine field of Love your sense of insecurity, of lack, even of danger, recedes, leaving you feeling free of fear, free to offer love, to express love, and to share love with an increasing lack of discriminatory limits or conditions. In fact you start to demonstrate your true nature by living it. And that inspires and uplifts those with whom you interact, allowing and encouraging them to do likewise.

You have an expression, "coming out," to signify someone who has admitted publicly to being of a sexual persuasion that is different from the accepted norm. I would suggest that it is time for you all to "come out" and admit that Love is your nature. You know from what has been occurring over the last few decades that to come out effectively slays people's dragons, and frees them from the fears that have restrained and, yes, controlled them.

Now is the time to come out and declare publicly and fearlessly that your true nature, as a divine being, as a child of God, is Love, and that it is unchanging and unchangeable. The nature with which you were endowed at the moment of creation is perfect, beautiful, divine, and therefore absolutely unalterable in any way. It is true of every single human that has, or ever will, live. Once you fearlessly acknowledge that divine truth — because it applies without exception to every human being — it can no longer be contained, and it will spread and spread and spread until no one remains unaware, untouched, or immune to the recognition of it. This truth will indeed set you free. All you have to do is to acknowledge it.

With so very much love, Saul.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #40 - Apr 8th, 2013 at 8:00am

God said:
There is a good thing about dwelling in the past, and that is you may well come to feel that your life wasn't so bad after all!

In fact, you see now that your life was good. From this distance of time and space, you begin to perceive just how good your life has been. You begin to see that you were perhaps a bit fussy in what you had expected from life. At the time, you may not have seen yourself as a lucky one, and now you begin to see.

You now may well see that you were buoyed by life, and, indeed, you may well see now that you were one of the fortunate ones, one of the very fortunate ones. You would have indeed had greater fortune if only you had appreciated what life was bestowing upon you at the time.

Often My children are like the little child who didn't receive the doll she wanted, and she is bereft. That may be all she thinks about for a while -- the doll she didn't have. Is that not like you some of the time or all the time? Isn't it? You wanted this, and you wanted that, and you didn't get what you wanted. Other times you got something you wanted, and it didn't turn out to be so fine and dandy. Yes, you cannot always predict life, and, yet, you can always appreciate the gifts you have and have, perhaps, overlooked because you didn't know enough to appreciate. Towards life, you may have looked up as an imperial majesty, expecting life to do your bidding, and outraged when it does not.

And, of course, there are all the golden gifts of your life that you may well not have taken into consideration. Family, for instance -- so, okay, they're not perfect, yet they are family and they are your family.

You may not have taken your good health into consideration. It was nothing to complain about, and, yet, you may have found something regarding your physical condition to complain about -- your legs are too short, your complexion imperfect, and so on.

You are either too young for something or too old. You either have too many children or none. You have too much to do, or not enough to do.

The list of supposed inadequacies goes on and on. If there can be an impediment anywhere, you will find it. Blessings you may forget to look for.

Let everything in your environs be a blessing to you. Look at all the energy that went into the carpet you have under your feet, or the green of the grass. Let everyone you meet today be a blessing in your life, and you in theirs. You don't have to tiptoe in life, yet, certainly, you can pick up blessings as you go along.

When you consider your blessings right now, right as they are, you will not accrue regrets. What will you regret when you appreciate everything now? Yes, appreciate every person, every thing, every event. You don't have to make this a big project, yet you can give a nod to everything that did not happen as well. There is no end to what you can find to be grateful for. Be grateful then.

In the world I dream of, there are no should-have-been's or must-be's or lost chances or ill fortune. In the world I dream of, there are smiles and looking forward to what is coming, and there is reaping crops and loving and listening and gatherings of hearts. There is appreciation established as a way of life. There is appreciation.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #41 - Apr 11th, 2013 at 5:23am

4-10-13 Bill Ballard ~ Attuning to the Purity of the Ever Increasing ViBrAtIoN

Published on Apr 10, 2013
Since the Global Water Healing ceremonies Ginger and I did last week the energies have been ever increasing here in Florida. Along with those increasing energies from the crystal beds below here, the water tastes different and more electrified coming from the tap from our well where I am currently living. The water tastes like when you energize it yourself via focused LOVE, but that is the way it comes from the tap now.

Others are telling me they too were called to do water healing ceremonies at the same time we were. This is a global effort many of us are doing, and sending LOVE TO ALL WATER above, on and in Gaia. How wonderful the connections we each have when attuned to our higher dimensional states of being. Remember the ceremonies we did continues and is an ongoing connection and sending LOVE to the waters for healing and purification that anyone can join in and do from anywhere you are on Mother Earth.

My feelings of these incoming and expanding energies are to such a degree it is becoming difficult for me to relate to the world in the way we knew it and did it before. These past days it is a feat for me to carry on simple conversations, which are simply for the sake of communication with another. That old way of speaking as it requires some mental focus and thinking about the BS of small chat which I am moving away from more each day... No more crap chatting now... ha. Soon, telepathic communication of concepts will be more aligned with my being rather than the small talk we used to do... How pointless that old way seems to be becoming now.

My messages are now to hold the vibrations of these incoming frequencies and anchor them into Mother Earth. There will be many upheavals to society as we knew it, and coming very soon. It all MUST collapse to build new and soon step into New Earth. This collapse of the economy, banking system, governments and military is a must in order to completely awaken humanity to who they are, what has been going on and to build new. There must be a transition period, but hopefully that will not take long.... As it gets crazy, holding the new energies and peace, keeping balance is what many of us are being called to do now. Sending LOVE AND LIGHT to Humanity.

What GREAT times we are living in people! We have been waiting on the completion of duality a long long time... and it is unfolding now!
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #42 - Apr 21st, 2013 at 8:48am

El Morya ~Ascension brings along her Global Changes ~ As channeld by Méline Lafont

April 20, 2013

El Morya

As a token of my appreciation I will put your mind at ease with the new energetic changes occuring on Planet Earth. There’s a lot impending at this moment and the new sprouts outgrow their stump forcing their way through the soils of the earth to bring forth marvellous fruits for which you have toiled so hard.

Much room has been made for massive renewals and enrichments in order to obtain a planetary shift into the Light. The shimmering sphere of golden Light shines down on you now and lets her astonishing energies descent in this regal valley where for centuries the dark has ruled supremely. The light is offered to you to enable you to see again in the dark nooks and crannies of your Being and of your planetary Being so a thorough approach and a resolute presence of the Light can be made possible.

This timeframe is called enlightenment and has to do in part with the appearance of all the dark facets that have ever ruled in your Being and on the Being of Gaia. Everything is scrutinized and thoroughly purged till a new green leaf of hope, life and birth emerges. A birth results after the transformation of all the old and void into all things new and enriching. You will be reborn into a pure and marvellous white light that is reflecting your consciousness and that shows itself as a magnificent new Being.

When everything is reborn, a new paradigm of Light will emerge in which only the Light will rule and exist, in such a way that there’ll be no more darkness because darkness and Light are one and complement each other in such a way that only the Light remains, as the result of the two having merged together. The Light can never be extinguished, it can only remain hidden behind a large mass of gravity. That gravity is the density and the duality, it is the world in which you have lived for centuries.

As a token of my love and respect it is my duty and my honor not only to support but also to delegate all further terminations leading up to enlightenment. My beloved Presence is duly known by all of you as the Master of the first Ray, which contributes a lot to all of you together with the angelic kingdoms of Archangel Michael.

The one most important for your Presence is your own Being and your own inner world (heart). Currently we are present on your prevailing level in the heart and have always been present with you in this world of Being. I myself, El Morya, Kuthumi, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, Lady Nada and Sananda, Quan Yin, Melchizedek, Hilarion, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Mother Mary, Maitreya and all the Masters and the Archangels of the Order of the Light assist you massively on a daily basis through a really powerful level of our presence. We do this to support you all and to lead you to your own enrichment into your true Self.

Precious matters are about to unfold for all of you although many hearts do not always consider them as such. EVERYTHING implies a lesson, an experience and a creation in the actual life leading up to the activation of your inner Self. EVERYTHING leads up to your journey into your inner Self and into the lingering in your inner world of Being. EVERYTHING is you and everyone, it is just experienced, digested or accepted  in a distinct and personal way.

Remaining in your own truth and your own heartfeeling is absolutely important and the current matters will play an important part herein to lead all of you to this conclusion so that it also becomes your action. All the current matters on your present world are non-existent because it is a created Illusion that comes from the creation of holographic aspects. From the standpoint of reality they are naught and form a reality only in a person’s head and thoughts if the brain makes the choice to take this reality as truth.

So the choice is up to all of you what you will consider your own reality and what not. This is now the order of the day and is an ongoing matter which might bring a lot of confusion. The DNA templates have started their journey to full activation and bring with them memories and activations pertaining to previous lives in parallel worlds and dimensions. Everything will again become one great mass of energy, your Being.

Afore-mentioned activations are forming a new way of Being whereby the world all of a sudden is viewed and understood differently. Souls are travelling on a middle course into a parallel world of their real Being, where their own inspiration and their elementary consciousness gives rise to a huge change in this world in such a way that EVERYTHING abruptly no longer fits its own picture. Rest assured, my beloveds, that this will bring you back to your real places and that a lot can keep on occuring on your old reality until EVERYTHING and everyone notices, knows, understands, integrates and embodies this.

With my most heartfelt wishes and my Love for this new era that is unfolding, you are amidst the most important phase of this wonderful life lesson and dito process up to Global Ascension.

Master El Morya
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #43 - Apr 22nd, 2013 at 2:12pm
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #44 - Apr 24th, 2013 at 10:06am

Archangel Zadkiel The Power Of The Word March 25 2013

The Power of the Word by Archangel Zadkiel
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 25-03-13-
Love, Peace, Transformation and Truth are the vibrations that I bring forth through my angelic presence to surround your entire being.  I am
here with you in this moment to share the angelic vibration of transformation from the seventh ray of light, anchoring these high vibrations as
seeds of consciousness into your mind and understanding. I wish to encourage you to focus more fully upon your language and the words
that you express from your being into your reality.
I am an Archangel, holding the angelic vibration of selfless and unconditional love; I am also the embodiment of the seventh ray of light
overseen by Lady Portia. The seventh ray of light of a violet colour is assisting and fuelling the ascension process on the Earth and for all of
humanity. The seventh ray of light holds vibrations to aid and support the new era that has dawned on the Earth. Enlightenment,
transformation, magic and awakening are some of the qualities represented by the seventh ray of light. As I channel the energy of the
seventh ray of light into your being to support all processes of spiritual transformation and awakening I wish to encourage a new perspective
to dawn to accelerate you forward in experiencing greater union with yourself and the Creator. Please allow yourself to open up to the violet
light as you breath its essence deep into your being so that the light may support you in the most appropriate way. As the violet light merges
more fully with your being I wish to share with you my consciousness.
It is my focus to bring your attention to the words that you express on a daily basis. The words that you think in your mind, say out loud or
sing have a vibration which pulsates like a wave through your physical body and entire energetic bodies. These words however they are
expressed have a powerful influence upon your being. Your body and energetic bodies are constantly vibrating, as light enters into your
being the vibration of your body and energetic bodies quickens in speed becoming a purer vibration more aligned with the Creator. If you
then produce negative words in your mind or out loud this can have a lowering effect upon your energetic vibration. As a light worker you
may always be focusing upon healing yourself, anchoring more light and calling upon divine assistance to serve your ascension but if you
then express words with a lower vibration you are always encouraging an unstable energy vibration which will not support your spiritual
growth. Your words have a powerful influence upon your being because this aspect of your being is connected to your ability of creating and
co creating with the Creator.  Your words have the ability to shape your reality and even your physical body.
In order to gain a secure and steadily enhancing vibration there is a need to observe the words that you choose to use out loud and within
your mind on a daily bases, not only the words but the tone and manner in which you express them to others.  It is time I believe to detox your
thoughts and vocabulary so that you may bring greater volumes of light and love into your being through the process of thinking and
speaking. It is important that each expression of any form from your being is deeply loving to yourself and to others. Allow yourself to think in
patterns of love and to speak with not only immense love flowing from your heart but each word carefully chosen by you to be of the highest
vibration of love.
You may be wondering how to understand whether a word holds a negative vibration or a positive loving vibration. In truth all words and
expressions hold the vibration of the Creator and are therefore of a loving vibration but over time humanity has placed emphasis on words
interpreting them as negative or positive, therefore creating a vibrational perspective for each. While these perspectives created by
generations could be healed and cleansed it is far easier to focus upon your own spiritual growth and to ensure that negative words and
vibrations are eliminated from your being. Remember that a thought that is only a second in your mind can stay in your auric field eternally
unless it is cleansed or released.  As you allow yourself to open your heart chakra, imagining that you are breathing in and out through your
heart chakra while also allowing words of love or neutral vibrations to be expressed in your mind and through your voice then you will always
be maintaining and developing your energetic vibration.
When I speak of negative words I am focusing upon words that create a negative, judgmental, fearful or destructive tone. Such words and
even judgements of self and others can be common place and seen as a way of expression but in truth it is possible to express whatever
you wish with the vibration of love and truth. The more that love is expressed with the mind and through the voice into communication then
humanity will notice the manifestation of greater volumes of love on the Earth. In order to achieve love within the mind and through the voice
there is simply a need of first observing your thoughts and observing the vibration and tone of what you are creating, holding in your mind
and expressing through your voice.
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