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Enhance DNA (Read 187599 times)
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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #90 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:36pm

The reverse Swastika is the same concept. Each paddle of the swastika represents one of the four ancient elements, so it represents everything within eternity (no beginning no end) as a never ending cycle within cycles.

Quite neat really.

By the way, this is AUM:


The basis of all uttered sound - the vibration of the Universe.

Did you know that it's one continuous syllable pronounced for the length of three syllables.
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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:42pm by muso »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #91 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:14pm
The reverse Swastika is a depiction of zero point

and the 5th order of density/dimension..

many blessings,

and much gratitude unto all hearts

namaste and AUM

- : )
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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:27pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #92 - Aug 22nd, 2013 at 9:20am
greetings and divine energies continue to manifest,

Aug 18 Blue Moon Galactic Upgrade & Update with the Hathors & Divine Mother

major activation from  the hathors and divine mother..

I have elevated yet further from this recent packet of

consciousness last night I levitated again


this is happening to me with more intensity

and frequency in much gratitude and

many blessings


- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #93 - Aug 22nd, 2013 at 7:00pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 11th, 2013 at 3:33pm:


- : )

enlightenment is the acknowledgment of one's innate ignorance

without pray and kneeling your soul will rot before your carcass emits its foul stench.

to riddle yourself within a slime of pseudo light only accelerates the decay process
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Winston Smith
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Ministry of Truth

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #94 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 12:35am
it_is_the_light wrote on May 15th, 2011 at 6:21pm:

I Ching (Ho Tu and Lo Shu),

Genetic Code,

Tai Hsuan Ching, and

the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics Model

0 Tao, Simplex Physics
1 bit
2 superposition qbit
4 spacetime
16 fermions Ilm-al-Raml
256 Cl(8) IFA
65,536 Torah Genes
2^32 ~ 4 x 10^9 Genome Base Pairs
2^64 ~ 16 x 10^18 Brain Electrons Planck
2^128 ~ 256 x 10^36 Brain GraviPhotons Uncertainty
2^256 ~ 65,536 x 10^72 Particles in Universe

Chinese cosmology begins with the undivided Tai Chi,
then separating into Yin-Yang, ... :
Let o represent the undivided Tai Chi, a scalar point of origin:

    |     |    
    |     |    
    |     |    
    |  o  |    
    |     |    
    |     |    
    |     |    

Then add 4 vector directions of Physical Spacetime:
  1, i, j, k  of the quaternions
to get the 5 Elements:    

    |     |    
    |  i  |    
    |     |    
 j  |  o  |  1  
    |     |    
    |  k  |    
    |     |    

Then add 4 vector directions of Internal Symmetry Space:
  E, I, J, K  of the octonions,  
which are the basis for the D4-D5-E6-E7 physics model,
to get 9 directions:

    |     |    
 J  |  i  |  I  
    |     |    
 j  |  o  |  1  
    |     |    
 K  |  k  |  E  
    |     |    

The 10th direction is Yin-Yang reflection
of the 8 vector directions   1, i, j, k, E, I, J, K.  

Now, identify the 3x3 square with the Magic Square

    |     |    
 4  |  9  |  2  
    |     |    
 3  |  5  |  7  
    |     |    
 8  |  1  |  6  
    |     |    

whose central number, 5, is also
central in the sequence   1,2,3,4, 5, 6,7,8,9
which sequence corresponds
to the octonions          1,i,j,k, 0, E,I,J,K

whose total number for each line is 15,
the dimension of the largest Hopf fibration
and the dimension of the imaginary sedenions.

If you take into account the direction in which you add each
of the 8 ways, and add all directed ways together
you get a total of 16x15 = 240
which is the number of vertices of a Witting polytope.

The total of all 9 numbers of the Magic Square is 45,
the dimension of the D5 Lie algebra Spin(10)
that is used in the D4-D5-E6-E7 physics model      
in which
the D4 Spin(8) subgroup of Spin(10) corresponds
to 28 bivector gauge bosons
and the 16-dimensional homogeneous space
Spin(10) / Spin(8)xU(1)
corresponds to an 8-dimensional complex domain
whose Shilov boundary is RP1 x S7  
corresponding to an 8-dimensional spacetime.  

Have you read any books by Brian Greene, John Gribbin or Paul Davies? I have found that books like The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene have given me some insight into the structure of the universe. Check that one out for sure if you haven't already.
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Big Brother is watching you
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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #95 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 1:27am

and thanks unto you brother/sister being

here is some current up to date info

for you to absorb, if you have the care


- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #96 - Aug 24th, 2013 at 4:49pm

Pleiades: The Grand Sextile, August 25th, The Solomon's Seal - Theme - Transformation - Aug 19, 2013


In the next few days of your earthly time, there will once again occur a grand celestial event in your skies as major celestial bodies move into place to form a six pointed star. Another portal will once again open and bring with it a strong infusion of light onto this planet. This is the time that all of you will be able to fully, consciously and collectively connect yet again to the divine. Coupled with the energies that all of you have collected and have hibernated within your vessels for the last few weeks, the energy that will be unleashed onto GAIA will have tremendous power to break down the old systems and to transform all that stands in its way.

And so we ask that all of you, with all of you might and desire for change, connect to the divine and allow your bodies to become light anchors, pillars of light, through which the pure cosmic energies of love, peace, serenity, tranquility and understanding can pass through and into the very depths of your planet.

We ask that as this energy passes through you, for you to completely merge with the energies and to monitor your thoughts continuously for 3 days. One day prior to the portal, during the portal and the next day after the closing of the gates.

You shall become PURE channels of this energy, for all the darkness shall be transformed to light, doubts and fears into confidence and peace. Bear in mind that as this energy passes through you, and cleanses your very being, you may experience various energy fluctuations throughout the 3 day cycle. Please understand that this shall be a natural state, for your bodies will be transformed FOR THE DURATION OF 3 DAYS (24-26)  - YOU SHALL BECOME PURE PILLARS OF LIGHT. Your senses will heighten. Your vision will sharpen. Your hearing will significantly improve. Each word you utter will carry tremendous power within. Your thoughts will quickly manifest into your reality and so we ask all of you to be increasingly aware of these processes and to carefully monitor each and every thought, word and action, for you must think love, breathe love, BE LOVE. You must completely transform yourselves into pure VIOLET FLAME.

Allow the energies to permeate through your body and if you begin to feel anything but love, peace, tranquility and joy, simply shift your focus back to love and light. Remember to keep your thoughts positive, do not allow any negativity to seep through. Simply shift your focus and know that for these 3 days you are an immensely powerful being, carrying pure, crystalline consciousness of the universal truth within your vessel and delivering it to mother GAIA.

And so on the 25th of your August you are to sit in a meditative state and imagine and see and feel and sense yourself to be a pure, pillar of violet flame. See yourself connecting with your crown chakra to the Source. Be sure to “imagine” that your link to The Source is completely protected in golden light as it travels down from The Source into your Crown chakra, going all the way down the center of your body and exiting your body through your base chakra and going all the way down to the very core of the earth. Sit still and breathe deeply in and out. With every breath that you take pull more and more violet flame through your crown chakra, down your body and out of your base chakra into the heart of the earth, from where it shall envelope the whole planet and be distributed to each and every soul that dwells therein. All the while feeling LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING, PURITY, TRUTH, JOY, CONFIDENCE, AND ETERNAL BLISS.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


8-23-13 Bill Ballard ~ The 8-25-13 Cosmic Merkabah and The Mechanics of Ascension
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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2013 at 8:40am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #97 - Aug 31st, 2013 at 3:33pm

Coming Ashore With An Open Heart 30 August 2013 by Selacia,

for the Council of 12

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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #98 - Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:06am

Magatha from Agartha ~ September 5, 2013 As Channeled Through Méline Lafont

Magatha from Agartha ~ The Human Brain’s molecular adaptation in frequency ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont | Awakening to Higher Love – Channelings, Readings and Healings

My beloved brethren of Earth, what wondrous times you are living in at this present moment. Stunning shifts are slowly entering your reality bringing to the fore and disclosing once more several issues, for let’s get clear on this : the times for change have duly begun!

There is no more time for playing games nor for investigating how to further proceed in life thereby continuing to give the old room to linger on. Now the time has come to allow the wonderful world of Ascension to unfold in such a way as to achieve a global metamorphosis in your collective reality. That is to say that you’d better make room for everything that you will find important in life … amongst which is the Christ consciousness and experiencing your own growth in consciousness referring of course to the process of Ascension.

The human brain now undergoes a molecular adaptation in frequency enabling the brain to begin to function more on another level, another frequency whereby your spiritual and etheric gifts will be enhanced and where you will be able to cope with them within your consciousness. In other words : both sides of your brain will be brought into balance again whereby a greater whole of your entire brain will function within this reality.

Your brain will, amongst other things, offer you specific functions as possibilities which you have not been able to use consciously or in an Earthly fashion ever before. We are referring to telepathy, telecommunication through wave patterns which are invisible but which are nonetheless received and translated by your brain. We are also talking about the zooming into frequencies and the intercepting of a broader frequency range such as lightwaves, colours, energies …. The brain will for instance begin to function more in your physical vessels than before.

This is the precursor of a huge shift in your living – and in your inner world for why should the brain have to adapt if it were incapable of functioning or not going to be fully used? Indeed, this is a sign. Many of the brain waves will begin to broaden and will begin to function with higher wave patterns and dito lightfrequencies pertaining to a higher level. Because of the fact that this is being activated and because your vessels are preparing themselves for and adjusting themselves to this process, your head will come under a lot of strain and will experience things such as a pressing feeling on the crown of the head, a tingling sensation on the skull and on the scalp, an alternating vibration in both halfs of the brain whereby one half can vibrate separately from the other.

In certain instances there can also be a rather numbing feeling in the brain indicating that a deeper activation is done in the pineal gland situated in the center of the brain, which is secreting a special hormone when it is encouraged to work or when it is activated . Do not worry too much about all of this for it is like restarting the ‘engines’ in the brain where everything is being reset momentarily.

The Arcturians are in charge of these activations and they are highly skilled to do so, they are the experts so to say! To remodulate the brain can take some time and energy out of the daily energy level of a person. These things take time and imply necessary steps but it is all done for the higher good of that individual. We, the Agarthans, have just walked out of this process and we work together with the Arcturians to a certain degree so as to reach more individuals and help them wherever we can.

To remodulate the brain implies the biggest transformation the physical vessel can experience because up until now everything of your physical body still functions through the brain. Can you even begin to imagine what the possibilities will be for a physical body to convert into a lightbody once that this ingenious brain system is fully converted and activated? This will definitely give rise to much changes not just in the brain but also in the heartcells. Moreover all the cells in the organism of your physical body will continue to undergo reforms until this body will be more and more capable of capturing the light and holding it.

To hold the light is necessary for the transformation of a cell into a lightcell, thereby enabling the crystalline lightbody to take its shape in expectation of a transformation into pure light. The physical is always the last to adapt to the light and to transform. However, now that your physical bodies have reached this stage it can only mean one thing and that is that the time is at hand for this physical reality to finally be converted in a more lightfilled and pleasant reality within the heart where everything will remain within reach for your consciousness!

Growth is underway and the dispersion of the light is already a fact! We joyfully look forward to the current and the upcoming times as tensions are palpable at moments because none of us know how things will work out for humanity. And this can only mean that you have now reached a frequency and a timeline which has never ever been reached before with a planet and her population!

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #99 - Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:09am
The inner Earth is peaceful at this moment even though there are some etheric and physical shifts taking place in tectonic plates in some areas of Gaia. Because of those shifts in tectonic plates a lot is released and liberated on the etheric as well as on the physical reality and that is now unfolding. Mother Earth is in the process of shaking off Her physical vessel resulting in afore-mentioned effects. Agartha is ready to jump in where necessary. So keep your cool, remain peaceful in the heart and think, feel and send always love, no matter what.

Magatha of Agartha
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #100 - Sep 12th, 2013 at 8:05pm
Chapter Fifteen - The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus


Chapter Fifteen - The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus

The best is yet to come, Dearest Ones. Some of you have become jaded, unable to receive these messages of hope because you have seen so much destruction and pain in your lives. You find it hard to believe that things can really change radically within the space of your lifetime, much less within this year. It is understandable, because as human beings you have a way of looking to the past for images of your future. When I give you information about the good times to come, you scoff and point to the news reports of conflict in the world. But I assure you, those news reports are focusing on the dwindling number of conflicts while avoiding discussion of the massive changes that are taking place.

There are many now, in your United Nations and beyond who are working to create a global cease-fire in every area of the world where conflicts remain. Relative to just ten years ago, there are actually very few. It is difficult to maintain a war when people are sick of fighting, and when the leaders who started those wars have been removed. It is not obvious to you yet because you are not the head of the newsrooms where assignments to the "hot spots" around the world are made. These newsrooms are quieter than ever, and more and more reporters are being sent to fewer places.

There will have to be a major adjustment in the thinking of those who report the news of the world to allow greater emphasis on the positive developments. It will take a little while for them to catch up, because the news was controlled by Reptilian forces, as we have mentioned before. It requires a more subtle approach to reporting for journalists to understand the implications of the movement which is now taking place at every level of government in countries around the world. Those who have seen the dark side of life for so long also tend to have the jaded attitude as well, waiting for the other shoe to drop, as you describe it.

Many have asked, or demanded, answers to the things they see in the world which anger them. They rail against Obama, for instance, accusing him of being a puppet for the cabal. They ask why Assad is allowed to remain in Syria, slaughtering his people, but at the same time vilify Obama for considering intervention. It is a complex time, you see. These events will be played out in such a way as to maximize the impact for the Greater Good. There is much more going on in the diplomatic channels than you can even imagine. These things always require a little push here, a big pronouncement there, then further rounds of back-channel negotiations before any settlement can be reached. Not all threats of intervention are carried out, as you are well aware.

It is a temptation for those who think of themselves as Lightworkers to take one of two opposite stands. One is to become irate at the first suggestion of injustice or abuse. The other is to insist on an extremely passive approach, refusing to enter the fray under any circumstances. Neither approach is effective in a real-world environment such as we are facing in this transitional moment in history.

Here is a basic truth which will help the first group: What you oppose you strengthen. Fighting fire with fire is not generally an effective way to put out a blaze. It is the old tried and true method which created hundreds of wars on this planet and which is most effective at continuing the fighting. This of course was the purpose behind the chest-beating and saber-rattling of the Reptilian race, who benefitted greatly from the profits culled from the military-industrial money-machine. This method has long been known to be contrary to peacemaking, but peacemaking was hardly considered a possibility in the past several thousand years.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, the stubborn refusal to defend yourself or your neighbors when you are dealing with people who are completely disconnected from their hearts is an invitation to slaughter. This was the horrid dilemma you faced in the past which left so many who longed for peace frustrated and sometimes blaming those who insisted on defending others who were under attack. It was the terrible moral conflict the world faced in World War II, when it became necessary to rescue the Jews from annihilation. Unfortunately, the Dark Ones instigated the war and then used it as an excuse for arming everyone on the planet.

You see, there is no simplistic rule for resolving conflict when there are players on the stage who have no moral compass. Fortunately, we are confident that those who are left on the world stage now do have a connection to their hearts, however slim that connection might be. They will respond to the appeals for calm, for peaceful negotiations and for a worldwide armistice because they are feeling the pressure to do so.

Now is the time for the intelligent application of a firm hand, still backed by the threat of dire consequences for anyone who refuses to turn toward policies which are in the interest of the people. As the last few old-fashioned dictators are brought into line by the delicate application of this pressure, their example will mark the shift from a world in which brute force reigned supreme to a new era in which compassion, forgiveness, harmony and joy will rule the world.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #101 - Sep 12th, 2013 at 8:06pm
There are now extremely capable and talented people working for the Light, most of whom are not well-known, but have been laying the groundwork for the Shift which is now taking place. I assure you, no area of life has been ignored in their quest for solutions to the interwoven nest of structures, philosophies, legal intricacies and conspiracies which have infested every area of your lives, and which created what Mother God referred to as the darkest era in all of Planet Earth's history.

Do not be impatient, Dear Ones; it is the mark of one who has not yet prepared for Ascension. Look to your inner feelings, to make contact now with the knowledge you carry in your heart of why you are here now, and what your contribution will be to the uplifting of every soul. Turn away from those whose manner of discourse includes accusations, slander, judgment and an attitude of negativity. Kill-joys and nay-sayers do not build anything worthwhile; they only tear down what others build. This is the old, the Dark still echoing through the halls from earlier times (even if those earlier times were last week). Say to yourselves with a chuckle whenever you hear those negative rants: "Oh, that's so 2012!"

Yes, we are often tickled by your slang. Ashtar is especially fond of such statements. We do observe your forms of speech, your habits of dress and your shifting tastes with interest. St. Germain is especially good at playful drama which includes period habits and speech, as you might expect from the one who wrote Shakespeare's plays. We also are fond of using your music lyrics to get messages across to you. If you suddenly hear a tune playing in your head - one you did not think of beforehand - it is always a message from someone in higher dimensions trying to reach you. We study your forms of communication so that we can make it easier for you to hear us.

I tell you these things now because we want you to know that it is a joyful place we inhabit, a place which will be the model for your New Golden Era on Planet Earth. It is difficult for you to imagine a world in which all beings are in love with each other, with life, and with their Creator, but that is the way life is in the 5th dimension. As you each make your way through the portals to your rejuvenation, you will also be fully immersed in the Truths by which we live before you continue on your way, either back to help others on Earth, or to your home planets.

Many of you have already indicated your strong desire to return to insure the success of the Ascension for all others before you move on. We believe it will be an appealing prospect, now that you will be working with people in a new state of freedom and prosperity. Those who work as nurses will recognize the analogy; it will be something like being transferred from the cancer ward to the maternity ward, because there is no more disease, but only the celebration of new life.

Can you adapt yourself to endless happiness and love, Dear Ones? Can you lead the way to teach others how to create their own lives out of the fabric of feeling and thought which produces the product which is your current life experience? Can you learn to be mindful of your every thought, feeling and action, and allow only those which bring you and others happiness? Can you learn to expect the best from those around you, and thereby inspire them to reach higher? Can you learn to forgive yourself for all the times you lost your temper, or disappointed a friend, or started an argument because you were feeling grumpy? Can you ask others to forgive you as well?

Begin now to be the person you always wanted to be. Cultivate kindness with as much earnest effort as you have applied to earning money. Climb the Ascension ladder, now that you no longer need to scale the corporate ladder. Find fulfillment in your relationships; find beauty in the children, and open your eyes wide to the wonders around you. The skies are now bluer, the oceans are gradually being restored to their pristine state, and the radiation in your soil has been neutralized by the Galactic Brothers and Sisters who have brought their advanced technologies to help Mother Earth restore herself to the Eden she once was.

You no longer need to fear nuclear annihilation; those days have been brought to an end. Your planet was rescued, although you are not yet aware of it, from the inevitable destruction which was in the works before the Intergalactic Federation of Light intervened. It was decided that another planetary explosion like the one which ended the Atlantean civilization would not be permitted. It is not simply a matter of rescuing humankind. Nuclear holocaust is a cosmic event which was considered too disastrous to endure for the rest of the Universe, and so your Star Brothers and Sisters stepped in to prevent what was recognized as the inevitable endgame of the Reptilian occupation.

Mother Earth herself also made a heartfelt plea to allow the survival of her children, humankind, in spite of the destructiveness and pain they had brought her. She knows each of you by the feel of your footfall, by the energy of your connection to her, and she loves you dearly. She too had faith that you would rise to the level of the 5th dimension to keep pace with her, so that you could all ascend together. She has a great heart, and the power of her love is a force that can be felt throughout the Universe.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #102 - Sep 12th, 2013 at 8:07pm
She is a resource for you, and she will answer your call for sustenance, comfort and the peace which comes from being close with Nature.

Look to your hearts, Dear Ones, to unlock the Love you were born to live. Breathe deeply, anchor in the center of your being, and allow the Pillar of Light which shines down through your crown chakra - there at the top of your head - to flow downward through every cell in your body, awakening your memory of Light and Love. Reach upward to connect with your Higher Self, the one who knows me as a close and loving family friend or brother. Your Higher Self knows the Truth of my words, lives in the atmosphere of joy and camaraderie, and knows the promise of happiness just ahead.

Your Higher Self will be your trusted guide through this coming Shift. Call on this wise and experienced part of yourself, the one who knows everything about your history, your hidden talents and your extensive resources. Your Higher Self is an expert at forgiveness, joy and unending love and is your link to All That Is. Reach up, join hands with the soul you are, and you will find God there, for in your essence, you are God, as I AM.

I am your brother, I am your friend, I am you and you are me. We are One.


Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 10, 2013, 12 PM EDT


ॐ all are one so be at peace,in LOVE and LIGHT.... namasté  - : )   ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #103 - Sep 15th, 2013 at 8:39am

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Christ Light

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Re: Enhance DNA
Reply #104 - Oct 2nd, 2013 at 6:56pm

"Managing The Powerful Energy of The Equinox" 1 October 2013

Jeshua and the Ascended Masters 1 October 2013 Channeled through Wes Annac

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