Soren wrote on May 27
th, 2011 at 11:39am:
1. Yes. CO2 is miniscule in the scheme of things, proportionatly to other things that make up the climate. Human emissions of CO2 are only part of that total. In any case, there is good use for CO2 on this earth as life here is carbon-based.
2. Peak Oil is a completely different thing, as we clarified already, since oil is something that you can run out of. Climate isn't. Since the peak oil panic about 30 years ago, we have discovered and extracted natural gas in great quantities.
We are making progress, that's good!
That said, a little clarification on the Peak Oil issue?
You seemed to suggest yesterday that Peak Oil wasn't a problem, but this morning you hedged your bets, suggesting it could run out, but that Natural Gas may save the day?
So, is Peak Oil &/or Peak Energy a problem?