Soren wrote on Nov 1
st, 2011 at 8:55pm:
What are all the non-human-CO2 forces that caused climate change, both warming and cooling over the millenia, doing NOW?
They are doing exactly the same as they have always done.
Read carefully:
Now looking at a graph with an x-axis going from 0 to 100,000 years in the past, we see some fairly marked changes. The temperature goes up and down like a sauce bottle on Kevin Rudd's dinner table (and you'll probably spend the next post dissing that analogy as a distraction). We've all seen the peaks and troughs in temperature in such a graph. However let's spread the axis a bit until it's reading any section that's 200 years wide prior to 1800, and suddenly those marked peaks disappear, leaving a
relatively flat baseline, at least compared to the past 50 years or so. Right, he says - so it's a question of scale? Yes it is. As a kid, did you ever record your voice and play it back slowly? Same thing. Those distinct words are now spread out into long whale-song like tones that sound remarkably monotonous.
The only rare exceptions to that have been during period of rapid releases of melt water which had been held up by a dam of ice. This resulted in a reasonable rapid change in temperature during several discrete episodes. However we are not dealing with anything quite so obvious in the past 50 years.
Can we see such graphs? Of course we can. The temperature and CO2 data for Law Dome and Vostok are available in tabular form on the www.
Quote:A 0.03% change of atmospheric CO2 (talking of change over a 300 year period, 1800-2100 and asuming that all atmospheric CO2 change is due to human over tha period) will render/has rendered them ineffectual?
It's not a 0.03% change, it's about a 100% change in concentration (give or take) or a doubling.
A simple maths tutorial - Let's say that you drink beer with 5% alcohol, and you switch to drinking the same volume of wine with 15% alcohol.
Now In terms of your body, is that
1.. A 10% increase, or
2 A 300% increase in alcohol intake
Your stats are deliberately misleading.
Quote:Everything else for millenia - but now only CO2, the one ring to rule them all?
You haven't been paying attention, have you? Read the section I wrote in 2009 again and then tell me if it reflects the above statement. (No it doesn't.)
Why are you continually manufacturing strawmen?
By this stage, I'm pretty sure that you're just trolling anyway but I'd be delighted to be proven wrong.