which presumably accounts for the increasing break-up of the polar ice - on both Poles, ...which we are already seeing some of the early results of, aren't we?
MMM that was a bit unwieldyI refer to places like Kiribati, Maldives, Islands and coastal regions around the globe being inundated as examples.
And the legendary NorthWest passage is now relatively free of ice.
This seems logical to me, and therefore there can be no denying that we are in the midst of climate change. But I think what will make
this particular
'change' diffrent from most of the others -( except for asteroid strkes,) where the change is and will be more rapid than the 'normal' event. Much more rapid if a human can see changes - 'in their life time'.
AS WE CAN.!! Am I wrong M - or just too simplistic.
I'm no scientist (obviously) but I am a keen observer - I would have been a 'Naturalist' had I the chance, most likely.
So I do take umbrage at caterwauling such as SoreLoser likes to screech. Seems HIS main problem is 'human responsibility'.
To him it doesn't exist. Like many I have heard giving forth on this ,... he hates to think WE are implicated. Like its a personal insult.