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Australian Politics
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Perth WA
Flying Binghi wrote on May 26 th, 2011 at 12:38am: . Quote: Climate Change, can also be compared (in some ways) to another rare/unique event called Peak Oil.
The climate always changes, always has, always will. perceptions-now, how can you compare our ever changing climate with peak oil ? it dont make sense..  . Well, if you had kept reading, you may have got more of an idea? perceptions_now wrote on May 19 th, 2011 at 8:24pm: perceptions_now wrote on May 17 th, 2011 at 1:45pm: Climate Change, can also be compared (in some ways) to another rare/unique event called Peak Oil.
In 1956, Peak Oil was a rare phenomenon, only put up as a "theory" by one person, M. King. Hubbert.
Hubbert's Peak Oil theory was derided by most and confirmation of the fist part of that theory was still 14 years in the future, when the USA finally hit the Peak of the Oil Production in 1970 and US Oil Production is still in decline today, some 40 years later.
Around 2004-2006, depending on what statistic you believe, we also effectively hit Peak Oil, Globally, as predicted in Hubbert's Theory!
However, Hubbert's theory became much more than theory, well before Global Oil finally Peaked and if governments (local & Global) had moved early enough (say 20 years ago), then we would not be faced with a looming catastrophe, of such a magnitude.
The same goes for Climate Change, it has grown from small beginnings, to a point where the majority of Climate scientists are in broad agreement that our climate is heading for undesirable changes and that certain human related issues are contributing to that change.
So, again we have a choice, we can bury our heads in the sand and say they (the scientists) are wrong. We can take our chances and do nothing, like we did with Peak Oil and if we are right this time, then we will save a few $'s, lets say 5-10% of GDP.
However, if we do bury our heads, do nothing and it turns out that the majority of scientists were correct after all, then we have a far worse situation, than we currently have with Peak Oil.
If the scientists are correct and we do nothing in the way of mitigation, then the day will finally arrive, like Peak Oil, when it becomes obvious the Hubbert & the Climate scientists were correct and because the Climate Change timelines are so long, we will have consigned humanity to an unimaginably difficult future of great hardship.
Forget everything else about who is correct & who is not, about this ideology or that one, the crucial question is what will be the cost to us and our children, in the longer term, if we take the Peak Oil line, we are wrong and do not take whatever actions are possible to mitigate the worst effects of the GHG/Climate Change problem? ==================== So, what are the relative costs to humanity, of doing something or doing nothing? The thing is that the Politicians, TPTB and many of the Public didn't believe Peak Oil or didn't want to believe. However, if those in a position to get the full range of information had viewed the Peak Oil situation properly, then the Global Economy should have started a transition away from Oil & other Fossil Fuels, a good 20-30 years ago and therefore given us sufficient chance of changing the Global Economy in time, without forcing us to go thru, what is now happening and will happen in future. The same applies to Climate Change, which is now at a similar point to where Peak Oil was shortly after Hubbert make his announcements, back in the 1950's. The difference being, instead of there being some 50 years between Hubberts announcements and the actual date of Global Peak Oil, the time span between the earlier Climate change announcements and its final confirmation may be on a longer timespan, perhaps 50-100 years. However, the end results, of both, will show that if mitigation of risks had started early enough or at least earlier, then the worst aspects of both may have been avaodable. Perhaps, we will not be able to "completely control" the climate changes, but we certainly have changed the shape of the planets total Environment, so we may well be able to give it a big shake/shape going in the other direction on Climate??? In any event & whatever the final outcome, its time that we took the bull by the horns (Peak Oil & Climate Change) and at least made the effort. As I said earlier, we have fought wars, when there was much less at stake, than the survival of the human species!