Soren wrote on Jun 20
th, 2011 at 9:22pm:
Is this true?
Today, infected by Malthusian ecology, the Left relentlessly preaches millennial doom and technological risk: the climate is heading for catastrophe; resources are running out; population is growing too fast; farming cannot keep up; habitat is being destroyed; poverty, hunger, pollution, disease and greed are only going to get worse. A dramatic change in human stewardship of the planet is needed.
Based on the trajectory of the past five decades, and even (or especially) if the world economy grows rapidly, this century is likely to see mild climate change, cheap and abundant resources, falling population, ample food, more wilderness, and the average person becoming gradually - though erratically - wealthier, healthier, happier, cleverer, cleaner, freer, kinder, more peaceful and more equal. Each of the past five decades has almost certainly seen records set for each of those adjectives for the world as a whole.
One of the policies they have adopted has taken 5 per cent of the world's grain crop and turned it into biofuel to power motor vehicles. This has driven up food prices, increased malnutrition and encouraged the destruction of rain forest, while enriching farmers.
Yet, given that the planting and harvesting of biofuels use about as much oil as the fuels they displace, it has had precisely zero effect on carbon emissions. Nonetheless, it is considered a green, progressive policy.
Another policy is to bribe rich landowners to festoon the most picturesque landscapes with concrete pads on which are placed gargantuan steel towers topped with wind turbines containing two-tonne magnets made of an alloy of neodymium, a rare earth metal mined in inner Mongolia by a process of boiling in acid that produces poisoned lakes filled with mildly radioactive and toxic tailings.
You're taking a BOB each way.

I'd essentially agree with yor first para, from
......... millennial doom and technological risk: the dramatic change in human stewardship of the planet is needed.
.............. but you know its NOT just an infection of lefty thinking. Seen the news lately?
Your second para - you are still living in the past.
Some World Authority recently announced that the human life span has a high likelihood of decreasing from this generation, given the range of hazards that confront human life , in this century.. (talking averages - like your average person, yeah?)
Who doesn't exist, by the way!!.

I remember discussing this with a friend 10 yrs ago , and expressing same, and was met with the same view as your 2nd para.
Do not agree that the good times are gonna keep on rollin'.Your last two paras are problematic. One says the measures THEY have taken had zero impact on carbon -which is definitely better than a negative effect. ( meaning - an increase in carbon!! ).....and your concerns for the people and environment? Entirely valid, given the innumerable examples THEY have provided all over the world..
The other, that some inner mongolian lakes were/are poisoned to produce a number(?) of magnets to power a number(?) of Wind Turbines on 'picturesque landscapes' owned by corrupt rich folk. !

You can add that to all the other poisoned earth ... poisoned by people - for power!
What ARE you trying to say Soren?