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What's the Real truth? (Read 29472 times)
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #135 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 4:47pm
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 16th, 2011 at 7:54pm:
stryder wrote on Jun 16th, 2011 at 6:53pm:

There's plenty of evidence, it's just that you don't want to look at it!

By Perceptions Now

Theoretical physics can prove an elephant can hang from a cliff with his tail tied to a daisy. ...

Kevin Costner. JFK,  Grin Grin Grin

You can think that, if you want. but science has taken us a long way, since the Stone Age & The Dark Ages.

You can also say there is a massive conspiracy and all the scientists & Politicians, are in on it? And, we whilst we will never know, you could be right?

But the vast body of information, evidence, physical substantiation & anecdotal confirmations, would appear to confirm what the scientists are saying is the case!  

Btw, I don't know that Kevin Costner is amy great actor, but I doubt he realyy cares, at this point, he has done well, for himself.

You're now quoting movie script lines as some evidence of something? Well, frankly, I'm walking here and you can't handle the truth. And I'll have what she's having too. I'm a stud, I really am, gimme those books.

WHat movies are they from and what do they prove?
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #136 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:12pm

As I already said, there's plenty of evidence, you just don't want to look at it!

And clearly you have missed what Empirical evidence means...

Sometime around 200 or 300 years ago, two events took place moderately close to each other (in time)..

The first was the Industrial Revolution, which commenced around 1800 (possible as early as 1760), when man started using steam, large scale metalworking etc

The second was the end of the Little Ice Age between 1850 and 1890 (both dates are used varioulsy..)

Current theory is that the first event directly caused the second event..and that the increased Co2 from the Industrial Revolution drove and is still driving the increases in global temperatures..

This is theoretical evidence ONLY..
Theoretical evidence is best described as "We THINK this is what's happening". It's reasonable starting point for an explanation...but it is by no means conclusive..

To be conclusive, it needs to be followed by empirical evidence....which is "what we have seen and tested"..

The only way to have conclusive, empirical evidence is to observe what happens when one of these two conditions changes and what happens to the OTHER one..

For example: If the Co2 levels drop, then we observe what the global temperatures do..
Alternatively, if the global temperatures drop (which has been mentioned by a number of people) we can observe what happens to the Co2 levels..

In either of these scenarios, both a change in the other condition or a lack of change will be empirical evidence...and conclusive..

If, as has been theorised by some scientists lately, the Earth enters another Little Ice Age due to reduced solar activity while the Co2 levels stay steady, or increase, this would be empirical proof of no relationship between Co2 and temperature......and that global warming is natural, not man-made...
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"I just get sick of people who place a label on someone else with their own definition.

It's similar to a strawman fallacy"
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #137 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:15pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 1st, 2011 at 11:11pm:

Pleeeeaaase. Scaremonger out of its box.

LOL touche
Now where's Chicken Little when you need him
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #138 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:37pm
gizmo_2655 wrote on Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:12pm:
As I already said, there's plenty of evidence, you just don't want to look at it!

And clearly you have missed what Empirical evidence means...

Sometime around 200 or 300 years ago, two events took place moderately close to each other (in time)..

The first was the Industrial Revolution, which commenced around 1800 (possible as early as 1760), when man started using steam, large scale metalworking etc

The second was the end of the Little Ice Age between 1850 and 1890 (both dates are used varioulsy..)

Current theory is that the first event directly caused the second event..and that the increased Co2 from the Industrial Revolution drove and is still driving the increases in global temperatures..

This is theoretical evidence ONLY..
Theoretical evidence is best described as "We THINK this is what's happening". It's reasonable starting point for an explanation...but it is by no means conclusive..

To be conclusive, it needs to be followed by empirical evidence....which is "what we have seen and tested"..

The only way to have conclusive, empirical evidence is to observe what happens when one of these two conditions changes and what happens to the OTHER one..

For example: If the Co2 levels drop, then we observe what the global temperatures do..
Alternatively, if the global temperatures drop (which has been mentioned by a number of people) we can observe what happens to the Co2 levels..

In either of these scenarios, both a change in the other condition or a lack of change will be empirical evidence...and conclusive..

If, as has been theorised by some scientists lately, the Earth enters another Little Ice Age due to reduced solar activity while the Co2 levels stay steady, or increase, this would be empirical proof of no relationship between Co2 and temperature......and that global warming is natural, not man-made...

You are a certifiable idiot!

Ask me why & I will tell you!
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #139 - Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:49pm
gizmo_2655 wrote on Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:12pm:
As I already said, there's plenty of evidence, you just don't want to look at it!

And clearly you have missed what Empirical evidence means...

Sometime around 200 or 300 years ago, two events took place moderately close to each other (in time)..

The first was the Industrial Revolution, which commenced around 1800 (possible as early as 1760), when man started using steam, large scale metalworking etc

The second was the end of the Little Ice Age between 1850 and 1890 (both dates are used varioulsy..)

Current theory is that the first event directly caused the second event..and that the increased Co2 from the Industrial Revolution drove and is still driving the increases in global temperatures..

This is theoretical evidence ONLY..
Theoretical evidence is best described as "We THINK this is what's happening". It's reasonable starting point for an explanation...but it is by no means conclusive..

To be conclusive, it needs to be followed by empirical evidence....which is "what we have seen and tested"..

The only way to have conclusive, empirical evidence is to observe what happens when one of these two conditions changes and what happens to the OTHER one..

For example: If the Co2 levels drop, then we observe what the global temperatures do..
Alternatively, if the global temperatures drop (which has been mentioned by a number of people) we can observe what happens to the Co2 levels..

In either of these scenarios, both a change in the other condition or a lack of change will be empirical evidence...and conclusive..

If, as has been theorised by some scientists lately, the Earth enters another Little Ice Age due to reduced solar activity while the Co2 levels stay steady, or increase, this would be empirical proof of no relationship between Co2 and temperature......and that global warming is natural, not man-made...


You haven't actually LOOKED at the evidence, you've just been told it doesn't eist. This is why you are a denier.
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Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 11th, 2011 at 11:23am:
So tell me, you'd like to see more and more craphouse coloured people in Australia right?&&Yeah good idea moron.&&
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #140 - Jun 18th, 2011 at 12:30pm
astro_surf wrote on Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:49pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Jun 17th, 2011 at 11:12pm:
As I already said, there's plenty of evidence, you just don't want to look at it!

And clearly you have missed what Empirical evidence means...

Sometime around 200 or 300 years ago, two events took place moderately close to each other (in time)..

The first was the Industrial Revolution, which commenced around 1800 (possible as early as 1760), when man started using steam, large scale metalworking etc

The second was the end of the Little Ice Age between 1850 and 1890 (both dates are used varioulsy..)

Current theory is that the first event directly caused the second event..and that the increased Co2 from the Industrial Revolution drove and is still driving the increases in global temperatures..

This is theoretical evidence ONLY..
Theoretical evidence is best described as "We THINK this is what's happening". It's reasonable starting point for an explanation...but it is by no means conclusive..

To be conclusive, it needs to be followed by empirical evidence....which is "what we have seen and tested"..

The only way to have conclusive, empirical evidence is to observe what happens when one of these two conditions changes and what happens to the OTHER one..

For example: If the Co2 levels drop, then we observe what the global temperatures do..
Alternatively, if the global temperatures drop (which has been mentioned by a number of people) we can observe what happens to the Co2 levels..

In either of these scenarios, both a change in the other condition or a lack of change will be empirical evidence...and conclusive..

If, as has been theorised by some scientists lately, the Earth enters another Little Ice Age due to reduced solar activity while the Co2 levels stay steady, or increase, this would be empirical proof of no relationship between Co2 and temperature......and that global warming is natural, not man-made...


You haven't actually LOOKED at the evidence, you've just been told it doesn't eist. This is why you are a denier.

As I have said previously, Gizmo, Maqqa & others, will simply continue to use misdirection & outright lies, to pander to their own ends, whatever they may be.

In essence, they have no interest in the REAL facts or the reality of Climate Change or the pros & cons of Nuclear Energy or Peak Energy or the Gloabl Financial situation.
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #141 - Jun 18th, 2011 at 2:55pm


EIA data in top chart. Bottom chart uses mainly JODI data post 2005. The EIA data are reaching new peaks while the JODI data are range bound in the bumpy plateau.

Link -
Where does the Real truth lie?

And, what are the ramifications?
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #142 - Jun 18th, 2011 at 3:49pm
If the Data is in then it Damns the Technocrats and Professional class - they have failed and their class is no longer useful or required by society as a Governing force.  They are the big polluters and they must pay. Cool

The Economists, Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, ect have sourced themselves out of a job. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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I condemn Male Violence Against Women
The Government Supports Gynocide
There Is Something Dreadfully Wrong With Men
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #143 - Jun 19th, 2011 at 10:27pm
The real truth is something that some on these boards, do not want to contemplate or are simply incapable of comprehending!

perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 8:14pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 7:33pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 6:30pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 5:36pm:
A 'depression' is defined as NEGATIVE GROWTH of at least 10% for a period of at least a year.

now let's talk about australia that has had 3 negative QUARTERS in almost 20 years.

you lot who are talking about the depression are referring to your mental state not our economic state. I am quite sure for you the Great Depression is already here. You will be eating Nasturtium sandwiches in the cold with no lighting while the rest of the country has meat and potatoes and holidays. The 'depresson' is a mind-set you created and then decided to live in - by choice.

Such folly is difficult to imagine - and yet you do it!

You are again or should I say still, talking in past tense, because that's where you reside, you can not get out of the past, you are stuck there, just like that other Conservative mob, the Liberals!

at least the past is ACCURATE and not like your vain imaginings of doom and gloom which you have been giving for years and years and yeras and been totally wrong.

Really? Which predictions were they?

What I've said, going back to Yahoo days in late 2006 to 2007, was that a Global Recession was coming and the causes were Demographic (Baby Boomer Bust) & Peak Energy.

That came true in late 2007, thru 2008 in the form of the GFC and the US & many other countries would still be in Recession, if they had not thrown a mountain of Debt at the problem, thus temporarily hiding the "official effects".

However, that temporary effect is now wearing off and as there is no more access to increase existing Debt levels, the full force of the GFC is about to return, as I suggested.

I also said that the Baby Boomer Demographics would push Housing over the edge in the US, in Europe, in OZ and most other countries.
The US started back around 2005, Europe has been on the decline for the last couple of years and OZ is now starting to feel the pinch.

So, I will claim that as another correct prediction and I will go further, by saying that Globally, housing has a lot further to adjust and the decline in existing suburban values, has a lot further to go, over the next 10-20 years!

Other than that, I have said by the end of 2012 the Peak Energy & Demographic situation, combined with Global Debt overload, should finally be apparent, even to the likes of yourself and the long term decline will have set in.

The other major issue I have raised is Climate Change and regrettably I doubt there will be agreement on that, until it is far too late, too take the mitigation measures, which maybe could have been put into place, to save the very worst effects or to be able to postpone them long enough to give future generations a chance.

So, again I ask, which predictions did I get wrong?  

Btw, I did also attempt to clarify the position on Depressions.

perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 7:32pm:

To set the record right, there is no generally agreed definition for a Depression, whereas there is for a Recession!

Perhaps, the main reason for that is there have been lots of Recessions and not too many Depressions.

However, one possible definition does refer to, "two general rules: (1) a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or (2) a recession lasting 2 or more years.

That said, the 10% criteria may not be a good indication, given the GDP decline in the US during the Great Depression, according to one description, was -
   1930 -8.6%
   1931 -6.4%
   1932 -13%
   1933 -1.3%.

Others suggestions include -
1) An economic depression is a severe downturn that lasts several years.
2) Unemployment being 25%.
3) A sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity.
4) A more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen by some economists as part of the modern business cycle.

And, just to make it MORE difficult, most countries now run statistics, which make a fair determination of the current Economic position, "somewhat clouded & difficult" to assess.

By way of example, the USA has declared itself "officially" out of Recession, but if the "stimulus, bailout packages & FED Reserve money printing, err laundering, oh you get what I mean, was detracted, then the US would still be well & truely in Recession and possibly nudging Depression.

What I'm saying is government figures are often Porky Pies!

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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #144 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 4:37pm
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 10:27pm:
The real truth is something that some on these boards, do not want to contemplate or are simply incapable of comprehending!

perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 8:14pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 7:33pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 6:30pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 5:36pm:
A 'depression' is defined as NEGATIVE GROWTH of at least 10% for a period of at least a year.

now let's talk about australia that has had 3 negative QUARTERS in almost 20 years.

you lot who are talking about the depression are referring to your mental state not our economic state. I am quite sure for you the Great Depression is already here. You will be eating Nasturtium sandwiches in the cold with no lighting while the rest of the country has meat and potatoes and holidays. The 'depresson' is a mind-set you created and then decided to live in - by choice.

Such folly is difficult to imagine - and yet you do it!

You are again or should I say still, talking in past tense, because that's where you reside, you can not get out of the past, you are stuck there, just like that other Conservative mob, the Liberals!

at least the past is ACCURATE and not like your vain imaginings of doom and gloom which you have been giving for years and years and yeras and been totally wrong.

Really? Which predictions were they?

What I've said, going back to Yahoo days in late 2006 to 2007, was that a Global Recession was coming and the causes were Demographic (Baby Boomer Bust) & Peak Energy.

That came true in late 2007, thru 2008 in the form of the GFC and the US & many other countries would still be in Recession, if they had not thrown a mountain of Debt at the problem, thus temporarily hiding the "official effects".

However, that temporary effect is now wearing off and as there is no more access to increase existing Debt levels, the full force of the GFC is about to return, as I suggested.

I also said that the Baby Boomer Demographics would push Housing over the edge in the US, in Europe, in OZ and most other countries.
The US started back around 2005, Europe has been on the decline for the last couple of years and OZ is now starting to feel the pinch.

So, I will claim that as another correct prediction and I will go further, by saying that Globally, housing has a lot further to adjust and the decline in existing suburban values, has a lot further to go, over the next 10-20 years!

Other than that, I have said by the end of 2012 the Peak Energy & Demographic situation, combined with Global Debt overload, should finally be apparent, even to the likes of yourself and the long term decline will have set in.

The other major issue I have raised is Climate Change and regrettably I doubt there will be agreement on that, until it is far too late, too take the mitigation measures, which maybe could have been put into place, to save the very worst effects or to be able to postpone them long enough to give future generations a chance.

So, again I ask, which predictions did I get wrong?  

Btw, I did also attempt to clarify the position on Depressions.

perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 7:32pm:

To set the record right, there is no generally agreed definition for a Depression, whereas there is for a Recession!

Perhaps, the main reason for that is there have been lots of Recessions and not too many Depressions.

However, one possible definition does refer to, "two general rules: (1) a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or (2) a recession lasting 2 or more years.

That said, the 10% criteria may not be a good indication, given the GDP decline in the US during the Great Depression, according to one description, was -
   1930 -8.6%
   1931 -6.4%
   1932 -13%
   1933 -1.3%.

Others suggestions include -
1) An economic depression is a severe downturn that lasts several years.
2) Unemployment being 25%.
3) A sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity.
4) A more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen by some economists as part of the modern business cycle.

And, just to make it MORE difficult, most countries now run statistics, which make a fair determination of the current Economic position, "somewhat clouded & difficult" to assess.

By way of example, the USA has declared itself "officially" out of Recession, but if the "stimulus, bailout packages & FED Reserve money printing, err laundering, oh you get what I mean, was detracted, then the US would still be well & truely in Recession and possibly nudging Depression.

What I'm saying is government figures are often Porky Pies!

I will take YOUR silence, as YOUR admission that YOU were wrong and that my predictions have so far been correct, not right (of centre), just correct!!!
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #145 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 4:51pm
Greek Default Spells ‘Havoc’ for Banks a Year After Bailout

June 20 (Bloomberg) -- A year after European officials bailed out Greece, investors say the region’s banks haven’t raised sufficient capital or cut loans enough to withstand the contagion that may follow a default.

While European lenders reduced their risk tied to Greece by 30 percent to $136.3 billion last year by not renewing loans, writing down the value of debt and shifting it off their books, they still have almost $2 trillion linked to Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy, figures from the Bank for International Settlements show, leaving them vulnerable if the crisis spreads.

“The Greek debt situation certainly has the potential to create havoc with the European banking system,” said Neil Phillips, a fund manager at BlueBay Asset Management Plc in London, which oversees about $45 billion. “A Greek default and the ramifications of that would be too ghastly for Europe and the European banking system to contemplate right now.”

Insolvency Fears
Concern that Greece was lurching toward insolvency drove the 48-company Bloomberg Europe Banks and Financial Services Index to a one-year low on June 16 and lifted the cost of insuring against default on the sovereign debt of Greece, Ireland and Portugal to record levels.

Analysts say contagion following a Greek default could play out like this: Refinancing costs for Ireland, Portugal, Spain and possibly Italy and Belgium would soar, thwarting efforts to rein in public deficits and putting states under pressure to restructure their debt as well; banks in countries with weak finances could face a run by depositors, while other lenders would see their capital eroded by credit writedowns; investors would shun equity markets and the euro and seek the safest securities. In a worst-case scenario, panic could freeze credit markets, as happened after the bankruptcy of New York-based Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in September 2008.

Market ‘Massacre’
“If, after a year of discussion without conclusion, we conclude there will be a haircut, the next morning the market will massacre Ireland, Portugal and maybe other countries,” Federico Ghizzoni, 55, chief executive officer of UniCredit SpA, told journalists in Vienna June 16, referring to a Greek default.

The concern is already having an impact on European banks. BNP Paribas SA, France’s biggest bank, and rivals Societe Generale SA and Credit Agricole SA may have their credit ratings cut by Moody’s Investors Service because of their investments in Greece, the ratings company said on June 15. German banks could also be at risk from contagion, Fitch Ratings said last month.

Infection Risk
Merkel said June 18 in Berlin that policy makers must make sure the Greek crisis doesn’t infect the rest of the euro region and spark a new global financial crisis.

“We all lived through Lehman Brothers,” she told a meeting of activists from her ruling Christian Democrat party. “I don’t want another such threat to emanate from Europe. We wouldn’t be able to control an insolvency.”

“The worst consequence of any Greek sovereign default for German and other European banks would be a sharp increase in general capital market and creditor risk aversion at a time when many banks are still in rehabilitation mode,” Michael Dawson- Kropf, a Frankfurt-based Fitch analyst, said in a May 25 report.

European banks are more at risk from a “disorderly” market reaction to Greek debt restructuring than any losses on their holdings of the country’s bonds, James Longsdon, a managing director at Fitch, said in an interview in Seoul today. Greek government debt held by European banks isn’t large enough to trigger an “insolvency event” at the lenders, he said.

Too Big to Shoulder
“The direct hit from Greece is manageable because investors have had time to prepare, but contagion to other countries is the big risk,” Roehmeyer said. “If the crisis spreads to Ireland, Portugal and Spain, it would be too big for the banks to shoulder.”

The impact of credit-default swaps, which led to the near- collapse of American International Group Inc. in 2008, may be limited in a Greek default. Credit-default swaps on Greek sovereign debt cover a net notional $5 billion, according to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., which runs a central registry that captures most trades. That’s only 1 percent of the government’s $482 billion of bonds and loans outstanding, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Link -
So, some 3 & half years into the Great Recession, come Depression and all the Politicians, Economists & TPTB have done, is kick the can a little further down the same road.

And now, can they "successfully" kick it a little further again or NOT?

Anyone got a little nudge, for our old "friend" Wile. E Coyote?

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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #146 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:06pm
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #147 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:22pm
Btw, in anticipation of European problems -
1) WTi crude is Down to $91.26, off another $1.75 today & well down from its position on May 1st of $113.93.
2) DOW Futures are currently down 81.
3) The ALL ORDS finished @ 4,512, which was down 39 today and well down from its recent Peak of 5,065 on 11/04/2011.
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #148 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:19pm
I post this here, because it's relevant.

perceptions_now wrote on Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:14pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 20th, 2011 at 5:40pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 20th, 2011 at 4:08pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 8:14pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 7:33pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 6:30pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 19th, 2011 at 5:36pm:
A 'depression' is defined as NEGATIVE GROWTH of at least 10% for a period of at least a year.  

now let's talk about australia that has had 3 negative QUARTERS in almost 20 years.

you lot who are talking about the depression are referring to your mental state not our economic state. I am quite sure for you the Great Depression is already here. You will be eating Nasturtium sandwiches in the cold with no lighting while the rest of the country has meat and potatoes and holidays. The 'depresson' is a mind-set you created and then decided to live in - by choice.

Such folly is difficult to imagine - and yet you do it!

You are again or should I say still, talking in past tense, because that's where you reside, you can not get out of the past, you are stuck there, just like that other Conservative mob, the Liberals!

at least the past is ACCURATE and not like your vain imaginings of doom and gloom which you have been giving for years and years and yeras and been totally wrong.

Really? Which predictions were they?

What I've said, going back to Yahoo days in late 2006 to 2007, was that a Global Recession was coming and the causes were Demographic (Baby Boomer Bust) & Peak Energy.

That came true in late 2007, thru 2008 in the form of the GFC and the US & many other countries would still be in Recession, if they had not thrown a mountain of Debt at the problem, thus temporarily hiding the "official effects".

However, that temporary effect is now wearing off and as there is no more access to increase existing Debt levels, the full force of the GFC is about to return, as I suggested.

I also said that the Baby Boomer Demographics would push Housing over the edge in the US, in Europe, in OZ and most other countries.
The US started back around 2005, Europe has been on the decline for the last couple of years and OZ is now starting to feel the pinch.

So, I will claim that as another correct prediction and I will go further, by saying that Globally, housing has a lot further to adjust and the decline in existing suburban values, has a lot further to go, over the next 10-20 years!

Other than that, I have said by the end of 2012 the Peak Energy & Demographic situation, combined with Global Debt overload, should finally be apparent, even to the likes of yourself and the long term decline will have set in.

The other major issue I have raised is Climate Change and regrettably I doubt there will be agreement on that, until it is far too late, too take the mitigation measures, which maybe could have been put into place, to save the very worst effects or to be able to postpone them long enough to give future generations a chance.

So, again I ask, which predictions did I get wrong?      

I will take YOUR silence, as YOUR admission that YOU were wrong and that my predictions have so far been correct, not right (of centre), just correct!!!

1) You predicted deep depression for USA. DIDNT HAPPEN

2) you predicted deep recession/depression for Australia. - EVEN FURTHER WRONG

3) you predicted a housing crash - DIDNT HAPPEN

you are so wrong you dont even know it.

1) As I've said, the US & many other countries, have already been in a substantial Recession, since 2007. If you detract the Stimulus & Bailouts, which you should, then many countries have effectively been in negative GDP territory for some 3-4 years.

And, between now & the end of 2012, even you will confirm that the Global Economy is in a sick & sorry state and yes, it is likely to be a Depression level, regrettably!

Regrettably, because it didn't have to be that way.

2) In fact, what I have consistently said, was that Australia was in a much better place Economically, thanks to a few decisions by both Labor & Liberal. But whilst they did make a few good decision, they were far too few.
That said, whilst OZ has done better than probably 90% of other countries, they will still be severely affected, by what comes next.

3) Yes, I did predict a housing crash, starting in the US & Europe and then moving to most other countries, including Australia.

The US has already experienced a 40% + decline in national housing values, their sale times are now much longer and their mortgage market is in chaos.
Europe is following that decline in housing values and Australia & other countries have now started to follow suit.

From where I sit, it did happen, it is happening & it will continue to happen, for the reasons that I have persistently outlined!

This is not usual business cycle slowdown, it is a once in history Economic event, of Tsunami/Earthquake proportions.

So, as I have said once or twice, good luck & watch the Debt!    
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Perth  WA
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Re: What's the Real truth?
Reply #149 - Jun 20th, 2011 at 8:12pm
perceptions_now wrote on Jun 20th, 2011 at 7:48pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:35pm:
so in summary... your predictions were wrong, just as I said. The USA didnt go into depression and we didnt go into recession nor did our house market crash.

I was right, you were wrong.

You definitely have a problem with comprehension, as well as the 3 R's Reading, wRiting & aRithmetic!  

Sorry, I almost forgot, the LW future prediction is that the next 20 years, will be the same as the last 20 years?????????
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