All Ords Chart - Last 5 years^AORD#symbol=^aord;range=5y;compare=;indic...The All Ords Peaked at 6,760 in October 2007!
Since then, it has nudged up to just over 5,000 on 3 ocassions, in April 2010, in February 2011 and in April 2011.
Can it be that all the stockmarket woes are co-incidental with Labor coming to power in November 2007 or is it all their fault?
The truth is, all of the above & more.
Labor has certainly stuffed up, in a few areas, but Labor has actually maintained a reasonable Economic balance, since it came to power, in what can only be described as astonishing times.
Did Labor lie, you betcha!
Did Kevy lie, you betcha!
Did Gillard lie, you betcha!
Did Honest John lie, you betcha!
Does Abbott-a-bad lie, you betcha!
That's what Politicians have been brought up to do and it's about time it stopped!
That said, there is very little chance that the All Ords will ever see its Peak of 6,760 again, at least in my lifetime.
In the interim, both Labor & Liberal will be punsihed at a series of elections, because the Public will want someone to blame and lets face it, the Pollies are a good target and deserve whats coming!
Good luck & watch the Debt!