What is the Motor of the World and why is it stopping? (Cont)
Where are we now and where to next?Whilst the sub-prime debacle in the US has its own distinct origins, including NINJA mortgages (Greed), it has highlighted falling Real Estate values and New Housing starts, which has separate Demographic origins and had been declining for some time.
In economic terms, the primary driver of the real global economy is consumer demand. The largest demand driver is the 45-55 age group, primarily in the USA, due their large earning and spending capacity.
Demographic levels are already being re-shaped, as nearly two Billion Baby Boomers have commenced a 20 year transition from being big spenders, to big Retirement savers, to thrifty Retirees, before leaving us forever, in increasing numbers.
This massive aging of the global population is changing the dynamics of the world economy, with the bulk of Boomer wealth likely to pass on before they do and as the generations following behind the Baby Boomers, are relatively less in numbers.
In particular, Real Estate and New Housing markets, particularly in the US & Europe have already fallen and continue to do so, arising from a lowering in demand, led by thrifty and retiring Boomers.
Link to Aging Population issues -
http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Economys-Greatest-Depression-Downturn-Ever-Is-Now-...As if housing issues were not enough, the aging process will also introduce some $50 Trillion in unfunded Health and Social Security costs, in the USA.
So, in the short to medium term, we will see:
1) Constraints, both in the Supply of & Demand for, Oil.
2) A massive de-leveraging of financial markets, including some $800 Trillion in the Derivatives markets.
3) Government Budget deficits are set to continue to expand, due to the Global Debt crisis.
4) Massive increases Health and Social Security Costs, again expanding deficits.
5) Problems arising from Climate Change and Food production.
You can guess what awaits with Taxes, in the near future, to pay for past indulgences. This will happen, irrespective of what side of politics is in power.
And, with Debt levels already at historical highs, we will see past fixes, either not able to be used or possibly set to cause more harm, than help.
Now, we are just past the Peak of a once in history Population Growth Mega Cycle.
Now, the reality looms of a slowing economic future, as reflected in stock markets and oil prices, next the Economic Growth Fairy dies.
Now, the perfect storm will reappear, this time as a Cat 5 in financial demolition! What Futures await? The very basis of modern life will be shaken, the magnitude of the quake, will be 9.9.
Whether we arrived at this situation, by accident or design, we are never likely to know, although events suggest a mixture of both, seems probable.
So, the design has now been set in motion and we now enter the 2nd quarter, of the highest stakes game, ever played!
Unlike the Great Depression, we are now truly between a rock and a really hard place.
The truth is, there is no magical, Hollywood, easy fix.
The truth is, there is no pot of gold at the end of the Kansas rainbow.
The truth is, we are in DEAP Sh!t –Debt (Global) –
Debt is going into unknown territory, in many countries, heading north towards 100% of GDP & beyond!
Energy Decline (Global) – All the easy to get, cheap Energy has already gone, what’s left is the other side of the Hubert’s Curve.
Aging Population (Global) – The Employment Participation ratio has commenced declining, as Boomers first retire, then die, 2 Billion of them.
Population Decline (Global) – the rate of growth is slowing & the total will actually start to decline, within 20-30 years.
Had corrective decisions been made earlier, then it may have been possible to reduce some of the worst side effects, regrettably, that did not happen.
Regrettably, if we opt for a better now, then future generations will pay for our mistakes and indulgence.
That reasoning is not acceptable and can not be allowed to succeed!As we look to the future, we need to look thru different eyes, thru different thought processes.
The days of Smoke & Mirrors, of Shock & Awe, of the Desire to Acquire & Retain Power, of Self interest, at the expense of societal interest, must end.
Can we make those changes, the answer is YES!
Will the required changes be made? Now there, is a $64 Trillion question!
The answers will come on these boards and others, in other forums, in politics, in business and the answers will need to come quickly.
There are discussions that must take place and Mindsets that must change; the time has come to look beyond borders and elections.
Good luck & watch the Debt!
I can see it now, LW's response is, I'm right (which he definitely is, of centre) & your wrong.