Quote:There have been some pretty general complaints about the standard of moderation of late by quite a number of posters - generally the non-existance of moderation. So since you are a moderator kindly inform us of what the rules are. I agree thjat misquoting someone is bad, but so is spamming by maqqa and imcrookofit and vitrtually everything deathridesahorse writes. but form the mods the response has been as resounding SILENCE. I got banned for even asking the mods to do something by some moderator unknown and apparently unseen and unheardof.
this is a good place and could be a great place but it is under threat of late and needs some actual real moderation. I cant recall seeing much in the way of moderation that isnt anythign more than protecting the moderator. Feel free to prove me wrong. in fact PLEASE prove me wrong.
I have had occasion to privately PM some members, and ask them to behave a bit more reasonably, and for the most part they appreciate the fact that I raise the issue personally with them, but while that course sometimes sees a temporary improvement, often people's natural "style" tends to reassert itself, and they return to their previous form.
The thing is that while their behaviour can be very annoying, to actually stop them would require that they be banned, and unless they are grossly offensive, or blatantly breaking the rules, we try to not ban people for just being annoying baskets, wherever possible.
Now the rules are pretty easy to follow here, and they are enforced with a pretty common sense approach, where minor infractions are not made a big deal out of, but more extreme cases are dealt with.
The most obvious example of this is in regard to personal criticism, because with the types of exchanges we have here, if we got too precious about it, we would have to ban about 90% of the posters, and I would probably have to ban myself first of all of them, lol, but using a little common sense, it is not too hard to differentiate between a bit of cheeky tit for tat banter, and violently aggressive and offensive flaming, which we strongly try and discourage.
We do not ever allow any member to abuse the rights of privacy of other members, and this is one rule where no laxness can be shown, because people have the right to expect their privacy to be respected, and any who do not respect that fact would be dealt with immediately.
We also do not allow people to post, or link to pornographic material, and likewise we also strongly discourage foul language, and there is a swear word filter built into the site, to stop the use of bad language.
Obviously we see some attempts to circumvent that filter, but unless the infraction is severe, or frequently repeated, a warning would be the most likely outcome for using mild bad language, but extreme behaviour could see a ban imposed.
There is also a desire to discourage the use of offensive, racist language, and the use of such language intending to be insulting and derogatory is not allowed, and people are encouraged to use respectful, rather than distasteful terminology when discussing racial issues.
That is pretty much it, with the understood addition of basic internet etiquette, like No Spamming, or linking to commercial sites for profit, also referencing material copied from other sites is encouraged as a courtesy thing, basic common sense stuff really.
At the end of the day I think we all can appreciate that political issues can get quite strong views stirred up, and we must try and maintain as much civility and proper debate and behaviour as we reasonably can.
I hope that helps you longy, but here is the link to the actual forum rules, as the above is my "interpretation", of those rules.