The obvious Strawman statement is evident in the fact that the predictions you make are false, nobody is making such predictions, and even though you may be attempting to parody the case, the real predictions of the scientific community have been consistently conservative, and almost universally outpaced by the real world events being measured.
Take the Arctic Sea Ice predictions, and I quote;
Quote:In early May, the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program found that temperatures in the Arctic in the last six years were the highest since measurements began in 1880. Arctic sea ice is melting significantly faster than projected by the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007 and, along with melting ice sheets and glaciers, points toward a sea level rise of 35-63 inches by 2100.
That was from this article linked below. this characterisation of extremists making false and unfounded predictions goes against the evidence we have at hand, yet the characterisation of the Denialists maintaining that Climate change is, "absolute crap", is entirely accurate.
Quote:Anyone that supports action on CO2 emissions is instantly classed as an Al Gore sycophant and his thoroughly discredited views. Anyone who even questions the declarations of the IPCC is considered a ‘denier of science’ even if their views are credible.
While Al Gore may have been guilty of a degree of sensationalism, in his attempt to have this issue receive the degree of serious examination he felt it needed, to claim he is thoroughly discredited is just untrue, he is merely a politician who used his political skills to have a critical issue highlighted, and is not the architect of the scientific examination, of the IPCC, and is not particularly relevant to the current scientific issues being debated, which are all of a quantitative nature, rather than substantive, as the serious debate has moved beyond that point, and it is only the denialists who are still questioning the substance of the scientific knowledge currently agreed upon, by not only the bulk of the world's governments, but also the bulk of the climate science community.
Quote:Truth lies in the middle of most complex arguments. This one is no different.
This is the Holy Grail for the denialists, an unfair demand that their lack of scientific opinion, their lack of credible argument, and their politically motivated objection to taking any action on Climate Change is intellectually, and morally equivalent of the work and opinions of the world's leading climate scientists, and therefore we need to ignore the accumulated evidence accrued over decades of hard, observational science, and revert to a childish debate based on the denialists demanding the right to not believe the scientific opinion of the most eminently qualified scientists in the climate science field.
This is akin to the creationists demanding to have god created the world in six days, being taught as valid competing theory in earth history or geology classes, and we need to just stop pandering to such groups.
They can either do the scientific work to collect data and write up papers and theories to be open to constructive analysis, or else stop demanding that their unfounded opinions be treated with the same gravity as those people who have done the serious scientific work, and had it examined and rigorously reviewed, and found to be relevant.
Currently they demand the right to dismiss scientific work out of hand, and have their opinions accepted in their place, and to any fair minded person that has to appear as idiocy.
Quote:‘The Science is settled’ is just as stupid and even more dangerous. Science is never settled.
Well that is the truest thing you have said so far, the science is certainly not settled, it is ongoing.
The fact that it is ongoing does not however mean that was has already been done is discredited, in fact the opposite is true, as more and more evidence accumulates the evidence keeps mounting to show the original concerns were entirely valid, and if anything, understated.
Now, I shall provide the link to that article I mentioned earlier, which goes into just what mitigation strategies we should be considering.
It is a pretty technical read, but worth the time for those of you who do not put themselves in the corner with the extreme, "Absolute Crap", camp., you will like this article Longy, because it shitcans the IPCC, Stren, and Garnaut, but it is evidence of the type of debate we should be having, the debate about the HOW, not a silly debate about should we, as all serious minds have already gone past that point.