mozzaok wrote on Jun 7
th, 2011 at 5:30pm:
No, it is just an indication that China does accept the serious issue of Climate Change, and is not just demanding they be allowed to continue on with the denialist style, Business As Usual, approach.
They are a developing economy, and as such acknowledge that their emissions will continue to grow, but they can take the Denialist route, the "Do Nothing" route, that so many here seem to desire that Australia does, or they can go the minimum growth route, attempting to limit their growing emissions rather than just letting them run rampant, and damn the consequences.
The attempts to dumb this issue down to one starting point, one strategy, for every nation, and economy in the world, irrespective of their current standards, or their projected growth, is fine for people who do not really want to see this problem tackled in a fair and realistic fashion, but for the rest of us, knowing that China is setting targets, and is investing in clean technologies, certainly does nothing to validate the position of the Carbon Tax naysayers who proclaim we do nothing because nobody else is.
this is what i dont get from people like you. you demand we take draconian steps but happily - yes HAPPILY - say india and china can increase their emissions massively and more than wipe out any savings the rest of us make.
if yu truly, truly believe that CO2 is an enemy then surely you should be demanding a net reduction - not some pseudo-solution that actually INCREASES emmissions. if you accept that TODAYS level of CO2 is unacceptable how can you so blithely accept a process that guarantees it will be much much higher? This is why we mock your carbon taxes etc. even if it DID work in australia - and there is no evidence to suggest it will - these two countries wil wipe that out and much much more. and you are happy about it???
I can see why you are a lefty. lefties and real-world solutions ahve never really gone out together.