Please delete wrote on Jun 4
th, 2011 at 12:48pm:
Several of Australia's top climate change scientists at the Australian National University have been subjected to a campaign of death threats, forcing the university to tighten security.
Several of the scientists in Canberra have been moved to a more secure location after receiving the threats over their research.
Vice-chancellor Professor Ian Young says the scientists have received large numbers of emails, including death threats and abusive phone calls, threatening to attack the academics in the street if they continue their research.
He says it has been happening for the past six months and the situation has worsened significantly in recent weeks.
"Obviously climate research is an emotive issue at the present time," he said.
"These are issues where we should have a logical public debate and it's completely intolerable that people be subjected to this sort of abuse and to threats like this.
"I think it is totally outrageous and the vast majority of Australians would think it is totally unacceptable for anybody in society to be subjected to this sort of behaviour."
Professor Young says the outrageous behaviour has left the scientists shaken.
"Academics and scientists are actually really not equipped to be treated in this way," he said.
"The whole scientific process is one of open debate and discussion, but the concept that you would be threatened for your scientific views and work is something that is completely foreign to them."
He says the climate change issue is emotive, but all the key players should take a breath and debate the issue calmly.
The Australian Federal Police says it is aware of the issue, but there is no investigation underway.
I hope this isn't a repost.
It would seem the faithful are taking Abbott's statements to oppose the carbon tax to the extreme......Why are those from the right always so adverse to solving their problems with violence and equating every solution to their own personal well being......What will be achieved by silencing the scientific community.....Conservatism opposes a great deal of scientific research based on misguided principles and moral objection due to blind ignorance.....How insecure are the deniers in their beliefs that they are trying to shoot the messenger.....No wonder the world is always forced to defend itself against the extremism of conservatism which is nothing more than fundamentalist bullshit.....Change is eneviatable and so is the conservative opposition to anything new!!!
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945), radio address, Oct. 26, 1939