matty wrote on Jun 12
th, 2011 at 5:06pm:
He stood in front of a banner calling the Libs/Nats, "The Coalition of the Killing, as is evident in the video.
one rule for them and one rule for the Libs its a fact matty....get used to it..
its like the blasting we have takenover the years regarding our boat people solution... oh my god I cant even think of a name we havent been called..
but now the pendulum has swung.far over the line.
the deafening silence is so painful it hurts.....
have you seen any rants from the left????????????????????
have you seen any protests in the streets?????????????????
have you seen any petitions from GETUP?????????????????????????????
have you heard even a whisper from this mob on here injust a little disgust..??????????????????????????????
not a freaking word......
just whingeing about Abbott... what else!
and they justify "everything "this diabolical govt does..
not one complaint.....
even the deaths in roof cavities was okay because they didnt concider the govt involved in that...
cods, did you watch Parliament Question Time the other week? JuLIAR actually had the nerve to accuse John Howard of deceiving the Australian public.
Two sets of rules alright.