Andrew Bolt
Sunday, April 03, 2011 at 06:04am
Greens senator-elect Lee Rhiannon seems to me not only to be an anti-Israeli bigot, to put it politely, but seems also to be grossly irresponsible in whipping up inter-communal hatreds in her own country. Look who she wants to work with in her campaign to boycott Israel:
Ms Rhiannon was quoted on the online news site New Matilda as saying, in the wake of the Coalition’s landslide victory in NSW, that the Greens should have spent more time building support for the global BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement, particularly among academics, Arab communities and social justice groups.
“Months before the election we needed to explain why the Greens backed BDS and we needed to work closer with our allies on BDS - academics, the Arab community and social justice movements in Sydney and Melbourne,” Ms Rhiannon was quoted as saying.
There is something profoundly wrong and dangerous in this - not just for Israel but Australia - and the Greens’ leadership must stamp it out.
Glenn Milne has an example of the vile and dangerous hatred being encouraged by the Greens’ meddling:
On January 18, 2009 3,000 demonstrators marched in Melbourne to condemn the unilateral ceasefire announced by Israel in the Gaza strip. Their complaint was it did not go far enough.
The rally was organised by Australians for Palestine. According to a report in The Age newspaper at the time Sarah Hanson-Young addressed the protesters outside the State Library. She said:
“We’ve heard there is a ceasefire but Israeli military have not retreated from Gaza.”According to The Age:
To rousing cheers, she said:
‘It is time for Prime Minister Rudd to come out and condemn the violence’ and ‘to say no child should be used as collateral in a civilian massacre’.She spoke of a mother of three in Gaza who, told by the Israeli military last week to come out of her home, came out waving a white flag and was shot in the head. She said the children were also killed.
The same crowd that cheered Hanson-Young displayed some sickening placards and signage. Three examples: a placard, carried by a Moslem child , would you believe, which read:
“Jews haven’t learn (sic) they need (a swastika) more than before”. Greens leader Bob Brown said nothing about that sign and did not condemn his fellow Greens senator for addressing a rally which expressed such sentiments.
Apparently he thought the sign below was far worse, because this time he did condemn it and demand Opposition Leader Tony Abbott say sorry for speaking at a rally where it was held up: