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By Andrew Landeryou ⋅ June 18, 2011
Senator-Elect Lee Rhiannon, from the notorious NSW Greens party, has threatened Labor’s Michael Danby over his plans to symbolically put them behind the Liberals on his How-To-Vote card in Melbourne Ports.
The extremist policies of Lee Rhiannon, and the NSW branch of the Greens over which she exercises near-Stalinist levels of control, are believed to have provoked the move from Danby. On Rhiannon’s orders, Greens including the failed candidate Fiona Byrne, championed policies akin to Hitler’s Germany (not something we assert lightly) in the form of boycotts of Jewish commerce and the Jewish state.
Her arrival in Canberra as a Senator on July 1st clearly represents a dark new chapter in modern Australian political history. And it’s not just Michael Danby, who normally wins much inner-city Greenie love on issues like asylum seekers, human rights and Tibet, who is gravely concerned about it.
The Greens party federal leadership, dominated by their more successful Tasmanian branch, is appalled by Rhiannon and wants her gone. Brown acts all zen-like about Rhiannon, mostly, but the loudly expressed reactions of Brown’s large number of personal staff and hipsters reveal the truth: she’s a worry and a big threat to the Greens “brand”. But she’s just been elected and is really the only effective factional thug in the NSW branch, she has recruited a vast network of fanatically anti-Israel, pro-communist, in some cases, elderly ex-Moscow-aligned communists who are the first to vote in internal ballots, mostly conducted by mail in the small party.
dl_danby_smallEvery time Rhiannon appears on TV, Brown and his hipster staff cringe in panic.
Today’s appearance by Rhiannon – who adopted the name in honour of a Welsh witch – on ABC News24 was no exception.
Rhiannon excelled herself by pointing out that Danby was not “managing” his own seat well, because – and she rattled off the stats – Labor received about the same level of primaries as the Liberals, meaning that Danby relies on Greens preferences.
In other words, take us on – even symbolically – and we’ll take you out. We’ll dig up the transcript. Her intentions are clear. Whether she can extend her enormous power into controlling what the Victorian Greens do with their How-To-Vote cards remains to be seen. Greens voters are usually to the Left of Labor and aren’t inclined to favour the Liberals, so even if she can seize control of the Victorian branch, they will struggle to succeed with their fatwah.
While Stalin is dead, he finds new life in the form of the sixty-something Senator-Elect. And she’s got six years to unleash her terror, not just on Danby but also her fellow Greens MPs if they stand her up. Mark our words, their end begins with her.
UPDATE: It’s interesting to see what the public (as reflected in Google searches) think of the troubled and troubling Greens party Senator-Elect. Words associated with Rhiannon include communist, son (convicted drug trafficker), BDS (boycotts of Israel), Israel, greens, blog, twitter, anti-israel, partner and – most tellingly – anti-Semite.