Here is a link to another audio file, which gives further insight into Obama's declared subservience towards ISLAM....
On this page you will find a list of informative audio tutorials, rudely, 'indiscreetly',
exposing ISLAMIC doctrine [using entirely ISLAMIC texts as the source material]. the page that loads, look for item 208,
Obama & Islam
About al Rassooli;
"I am an Iraqi exile (and native Arabic reader and speaker) who has spent about 30 years carefully studying the original texts of Islam (especially the Qur'an - a book that most Muslims own but relatively few are even capable of reading, let alone have bothered to do so). What I found, which I share with you now in the series of talks, I have uploaded to this blog."
I highly recommend all of al Rassooli's audio items, to every non-moslem person who is seeking an insight into ISLAM...
...being explained and explored, from the perspective of a native Arabic speaker.
al Rassooli's audio items and his conclusions about ISLAM, Mohammed and Allah, are all supported [derived] using exclusively ISLAMIC texts as the source of enquiry.
"Idiot's guide to Islam: The purpose of this blog is to inform, explain and enlighten people from all over the world about the origins of the Quran and Muhammadan Islam. We shall explore almost every aspect of Muhammadan Islam from its very beginnings till modern times, relying almost ENTIRELY upon the Arabic and Islamic sources themselves to prove the statements and conclusions here in declared."