Greetings and blessings, beloved ones in the 3rd order of being. We are among the Cetaphalians from Sirius A, a planet far away from your dear Mother Earth. We have been at war for many years with the Felines here. These dark ones spray everywhere and cough up Light balls. You cannot believe anything these Felines say.
You have in your dimension people who claim to channel our thoughts and announcements. Believe me, if we were to announce something, it would already have happened! We rarely send our vibes down to your dear planet. The only time we speak, we use reliable channels, like this, your dear Master Karnal.
If sufficiently evolved, you may come to our planet in your dreams. We welcome those with eyes and ears for the Light. If you are good, you may come to our planet when your work is finished on your planet. People live much longer lives here, and have few health problems with their bodies of Light.
Listen to this dear one, our beloved Master Karnal. He has been placed in this moment of your history for a great purpose. Listen to each other, especially those in darkness, and you will always grow in Light.
When we leave this corporal vessel, its owner will have no recollection of our presence. We send you our blessings and vibes. Feel this:
Do you feel it?
Yes, it is Light.