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Australian Politics
Posts: 16
One of the many things I've learnt in my long life is NEVER to assume anything , particularly in exchanges where there is a difference of opinion . Usually when a verbal protagonist does not prefer to include something in the mix , it means it does not fit their particular stance . That's human nature . Conversely , the human psyche allows us to rabbit on with glee on aspects which we feel will aid our cause . Speaking of that , I think it is accepted that there is no safe level of smoking for Christ's sake !! Anyway , it's a form of education , so maybe refine your presentation , and it may work for you .Once you reach saturation point , your audience turns off & your message is lost . Do you have to include that quote in almost every post ? It's rather sad that you found reference to divisive social conditioning techniques "amusing" . They have been used throughout history , very effectively , with results from bad to catostrophic . That the topic here is tobacco use is inconsequential . The laws already in place prevent smoke interfering with non smokers! How the hell will green packs remove something that is not there ? If you seriously wish to reduce the incidence of smoking put your effort into advocacy for BETTER & MORE EFFECTIVE EDUCATION . Head butting always indicates strong resolve & ALWAYS produces casualties . Let's not forget , either , (close your ears kiddies ) , it's also everyone's right to smoke , within the bounds of the law , if they choose. And those laws have become more restrictive many times . Let's assume the leper packaging push was successful , what would the next one be for ? (and there would be a next one with the " More Might be better " mentality ) . A black exploding paint ball (with random placebo) could be the go . you know , to mark all the sinners so all the "decent" Aussies will know who they are . Chop chop sales should go up .