leon_the_14 wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2011 at 8:24pm:
Quote:Yes. Islam forbids democracy. A good example of this is the historical Islamic empires, which followed Islamic law and forbade democracy. Why do you need examples of everything?
Care to show where in the Koran it does?
There have been plenty of european and other non-islamic empires that didn't have the vote as well.
Voting is kufr -- unbelief
ISLAMIC law should replace 'man-made' law
...whereas, Sharia law is just, and is not 'interpreted' into unjust law by moslems ???
If not so, where is the example, in the world, where Sharia is applied justly ???Google;
islam, no scrutiny, no freedom of speech, "and those who stir up sedition in the City"
Wherever ISLAM perchance, comes into authority in a land, ISLAM believes that nobody within that jurisdiction should ever again, be allowed to scrutinise or criticise ISLAM.
....on pain of death.
"Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City....whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain (without mercy)."
Koran 33.60,61
Why so ???
All good moslems consider ISLAM, to be Allah's [already] perfect religion.Ergo, the moslem 'logic' which is applied;
'Why would moslems be expected to reform ISLAM [or allow critical scrutiny of ISLAM], when moslems know that ISLAM is Allah's [already] perfect religion ???'
From childhood every moslem is taught to agree unquestioningly with ISLAM's laws and authority, as expressed and interpreted by the imam's.
Again, ISLAM is regarded by ALL moslems as Allah's [already] perfect religion.
And, if ISLAM is Allah's
already perfect religion, there can be no need for scrutiny or criticism of ISLAM's 'form'.
What is required from moslems, is that they work, 'struggle' [i.e. Jihad], to impose ISLAM/Sharia, upon all of 'unbelieving' mankind.
"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise):
they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:..."
Koran 9.111
Typically those moslems who do want to reform ISLAM, are always accused of the crime of wanting 'innovation',
...i.e. of wanting to
change ISLAM.
'Innovation', being the 'guilty' 'code word' used within ISLAM, to accuse and smear, those would reform ISLAM.
From time to time it is observed that some moslems do become critical of some aspect of ISLAM or its laws.
But when the views of a 'reformer' or critic, become widely known within a moslem community, typically such people are assassinated ['lawfully' murdered], by another member of the moslem community.This follows the example of such punishments, which were instigated by Mohammed;
On several occasions within ISLAM's 'religious' texts, it recorded how Mohammad 'enlisted' a fellow moslem, to perform an ISLAMIC 'religious' duty....
.....the murder of a critic of ISLAM.
In the following Hadith, is described, how Mohammad himself [the founder and inventor of ISLAM] secures the political assassination of an enemy of Allah,
the powerless God.....
"Allah's Apostle said, "Who is willing to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?"....."
I ask, how can
a man, hurt God ????
Within every Sharia jurisdiction, expressing 'kufur' is a crime, [which unless recanted is] punishable by death.
islam innovation, reform, is illegal
Within the lawful segment of the ummah, very instance of criticism and scrutiny of ISLAM, is looked upon as kufur [an expression of unbelief] - and as an 'insult' to Allah's religion. [whether from moslems, or non-moslems]
[In the following Koran verse, the term, 'Hypocrites', refers to 'backsliding' moslems]...
"Why should ye be divided into two parties about the
Hypocrites? Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way.
They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden).
But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-"
Koran 4.88, 89