have been told to include Aussie values such as a fair go and tolerance when leading Friday prayers and speaking to Muslim community members.
The task was given to them under a $55,000 federal training program that arose out of concern about Muslim integration into mainstream society.
Program facilitator and head of the Australian Multicultural Foundation, Hass Dellal, yesterday said the religious leaders had received training in civics, core values and media awareness.
"There's always been a concern about not hearing enough of the right Muslim voices in the community," he said.
"This was a way to say here is a group of prominent imams with knowledge who can come out and speak on a number of issues in a very coherent and balanced manner."
Dr Dellal said the Immigration Department-funded program urged the imams to find passages in the Koran that matched core Australian values and convey those to their community members.
"We'd be encouraging them to sustain that over a period of time, particularly when they're delivering messages to young people and on leadership," he said.
"Particularly when they're delivering messages to newer communities about the concepts of fair go, integrity, respect and responsibility."