muso wrote on Oct 1
st, 2011 at 8:36pm:
Amadd wrote on Aug 14
th, 2011 at 12:42am:
Meaning that the gods of interpretation (religions) are amazingly able to decifer the true meaning from biblical texts where most mere mortals cannot.
Is it they who are in fact our god?
Think of a Bible in the same way as a crystal ball, or like shapes in the clouds . In a way, that seems to be the way it's used by the faithful. You see what you want to see, and if you "see" it, the message will be reinforced for next time. The next time you will see it clearer.
Reading the bible, can be a meditation.
That is the effect it sometimes has on me, .....even hours or days later!
And its stories do excite my imagination, it is true.
But is that a bad thing ?
Haven't almost all of mankind's very greatest inventive [technological] breakthroughs come through those people with 'excited imaginations' ?
IMO, it would be such a small and dull existence, if none of us were able to escape this world, and travel to those 'places' where our imagination is able to take us.
Why is it 'wrong' to see what others 'cannot' see, and/or what others
refuse to see ?
Luke 17:5
muso wrote on Oct 1
st, 2011 at 8:36pm:
Pareidolia. (if you don't know it, Google it)
I have a device for seeing God. It's made of plate glass, and it's coated with aluminium on the back. To see God, you look into it.
I didn't believe that you were that conceited muso.