I have always regarded 'them' as lower than shark shite, and on last Sunday, I was presented with an opportunity far too good to miss. An Agent was discussing the state of the market with me, and announced with great conviction that interests rates
would rise this Tuesday, today. I urged him to be more cautious but he was adamant (he subscribes to the Financial Review, don't you know....well I do, as he told me so) vowed and declared the certainty of an increase. I again urged him more caution but he insisted he was right. I had enough, and said, "Wanna bet?" (Had in mind a carton of VB against a carton of his favourite.) "Sure," says he, "$1,000.00."
I shook his hand and said, "Done."
Can't wait to see him.
But the moral of the tale is that these arseholes will spruik whatever shite comes to their mind when trying to influence decisions.